Title: The Digital Divide: Background Information
1The Digital Divide Background Information
- Rochelle, Carl, Kerri, and Stacey
- A significant difference in the access to and
equity of technology experience based on
categories such as income, race, gender,
location, or education.
3More than 80 of people in the world have never
ever heard a dial tone, let alone surfed the
web.-Family Care Foundation
4How do you think income is related to the digital
- 86.3 of households earning 75,000 per year
have internet access, vs. 12.7 of households
earning less than 15,000.
6 7(No Transcript)
8What are the implications?
9How do you think ethnicity is related to the
digital divide?
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- Internet access levels in Households
- - White 46.1
- - Asian American/Pacific Islander 56.8
- - Black 23.5
- - Hispanic 23.6
12What are the implications?
13How do you think education is related to the
digital divide?
- 65 of college grads have home internet access,
vs. 11.7 of households headed by people with
less than a high school education. - Of those who
use the internet outside of the home, 18.9 use
it in k-12 schools, and 8.3 in other school
15What are the implications?