Title: e-government from a user perspective
1e-government from a user perspective
- Thomas Johansson
- The Municipality of Karlskrona
- Sweden
2Four levels of e-government
- Presence on the Internet, static information
- Interaction, i.e. On-line forms. No electronic
signing - Transactions on the Internet, i.e. electronic
signing of an on-line form - Fully integrated services, single sign on
3There are two focuses
- Internal focus
- Competence of the employees
- Readiness to develop the services
- Its a possibility not a threat
- External focus
- First impression items
- Scenario based services
- Its quicker, easier and better
4Were do the Swedish people access the Internet?
- 70 is using the Internet, approximately 1/3
uses the Internet every day - 60 is using the Internet from their homes
Sex and age
16-24 y o
25-44 y o
45-64 y o
65-74 y o
5What are people in Sweden using the Internet for?
Sex and age
- Most people using the Internet are looking for
information, almost 70 - Second most common use of the Internet is
communication - Over 40 uses the Internet in their contact with
the authorities
16-24 y o
25-44 y o
45-64 y o
65-74 y o
6A new reality
In 1994, when I became the Mayor of Karlskrona,
I was the expert when I met the citizens. Today,
they use the Internet to gather information and
they always know much more than me. Mr Mats
Johansson Mayor of Karlskrona
7Thomas Johansson The Municipality of
Karlskrona SE 371 83 Karlskrona Sweden phone 46
455 30 47 61 e-mail thomas.johansson_at_karlskrona.s