Title: Where is your bread buttered
1Vision To provide a supportive and fun - filled
wider church environment, where youth are able to
experience and share Gods love, and to lead them
into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ,
and into a mature faith, based on a foundation of
biblical principles and family values.
2Where is your bread buttered?
- Whenever I went begging to my mom she would often
say You know where your bread if buttered and
jammed dont you?
3Our readings have everything to do with our
personal relationship with the Living God!
4Jonah 31-5
- The reluctant evangelist
- Despised the Ninevites.
- Couldnt believe that God would really save them!
Those beasts from the other side of the road! - Baulked at Gods call on his life even ran away
- Ultimately proclaimed the message of salvation
through repentance and..
5Horror of Horrors
- The Ninivites repented!!!
- AND Gulp!!
- God graciously forgave them..
- When God saw what they did and how they turned
from their evil ways, he had compassion and did
not bring upon them the destruction he had
6Psalm 62 ..MY TEXT FOR TODAY!
7A wise spiritual director once said, We are like
a jar of river water all shaken up. What you need
is to sit still long enough so that the sediment
can settle and the water can become clear.
8So, Paul says in 1 Cor 729-31
- 2 points I want you to hold
- verse 29 The time is short!
- verse 31 do not be engrossed in the transient
things of this world. (my words)
9Jesus said Mark 114-20
- The Time has Come
- (verse 15)
- So
- Come, Follow me!!
- (verse 18)
10Or to use the well known text
- Matt 1128-29
- "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.
11This in stark contrast to.
- Deal as sparingly as possible with the things the
world thrusts on you. This world as you see it is
on its way out. - 1 Cor. 731 (Message)
12So to summarize thus far
- There is rest available
- Psalm 625 - We find it in one who really knows us, loves us
and has compassion on us and who can restore us
again to the salvation that is ours
Jonah 310 Psalm 6211-12 - We will not find anything like it in the world
1 Corinthians 731 - We cant mess around the time before us might
not be as extensive as we think
Mark 115
13Psalm 62
- 1. My soul finds rest in God alone my salvation
comes from him. - 2. He alone is my rock and my salvation he is my
fortress, I will never be shaken.
14Rock of Salvation
15Rock of Refuge
16Rock of Provision
17Rock of Hope