Title: Exact tests from estimation followed by maximisation
1Exact tests from estimation followed by
- Chris J. Lloyd MBS
- Max V Moldovan
2- For discrete models (such as 2x2 table)
- Well known approximate tests (eg. Chi-square,
McNemar, CLT-LR inferiority) can have poor
frequentist properties when viewed exactly. - Maximisation of the P-value is the only
theoretically sound way to produce an exact test
with guaranteed properties. - Exact tests can have poor efficiency and poor
logical properties if the basic test statistic is
3- For discrete models (such as 2x2 table)
- Estimating the nuisance parameter in an exact
tail probability gives a more pivotal P-value. - Maximising after estimation gives an exact, more
powerful and more pivotal test. - Can be computationally demanding but monte carlo
methods should be available.
4Emerson Moses, Biometrics, 1985
- Instability of P-values Example
5Emerson Moses, Biometrics, 1985
- Instability of P-values Example
Go though all 48x28413632 possible contingency
tables and accumulate probability of all those
with T2.0846 Pr(T2.0846) depends on p
6Emerson Moses, Biometrics, 1985
- Instability of P-values Example
Plot of Pr(T2.0846p) versus p (x114,x247)
7For testing H0??0, nuisance parameter ? using
(approx) generating P-value P(Y) P?(y)
Pr(P(Y)P(y) ?0,?) versus ? is called
significance profile. The maximised P-value
(Bickel and Doksum) is P(y)sup?P?(y.
8P is the unique and smallest exact P-value that
orders samples in the same order as P. Full
maximisation is required. If we dont like the
resulting test then change the ordering i.e.
change test statistic T or approximate P-value P!
9Emerson Moses, Biometrics, 1985
- Instability of P-values Example
Plot of Pr(T2.0846p) versus p (x114,x247)
10Start with approximate P whose profile
is Pr(P(Y)P(y)?0,?) Substitute to obtain
estimated P-value
Not exact. Can be made so by maximisation of the
profile of the new statistic.
Beran, JASA 1988 Storer Kim, JASA, 1990 Kang
Chen, SIM, 2000 Skipka, Munk Freitag, CSDA, 2004
11Emerson Moses, Biometrics, 1985
Profile(darker) of estimated P-value is flatter
so test is more pivotal. Maximum value very close
to estimated P-value of 0.0368 so close to exact.
12Interest ?p01-p10 Nuisance ?p01p10
13 TX10X01 is Binomial (n,?) X01Tt is
Binomial (t,?)
14 Common Test statistics Conditional Binomial
sign P-value McNemar (1947) (X01-X10)/vT
(CLT) LR statistic (CLT)
15Jones and Kenward, 1987 (Analgesic dosage cross
over trial)
Improvement 61 at low dose, 69 at high dose T24
discordant individuals (28), x0116 in favour
of high dose (n86 not used) McNemar(16-8)/v241.
633 so P0.0512
16Jones and Kenward, 1987 (Analgesic dosage cross
over trial)
Profile of estimated P-value
17Numerical assessment of power (McNemar) Parameter
space 0??1. Powers evaluated at 10,000
equally spaced points. For 100 of points power
of EM at least at good as M and B.
18Depends on cardinality of sample space N
(eg3665) Estimated O(logN) times small
constant Partial maximisation O(logN) times
larger constant that increases with more nuisance
parameters Maximisation Slightly more than
partial. Estimate then maximise O(NlogN) but
more reliable Monte-Carlo methods needed for
large N
19Approx tests have poorer properties than you
think! E-Step leads to less sensitive
profile. EM give more pivotal and powerful
tests. M step is often unnecessary in practice
Further work Computation Alternatives to E
Second order asymptotic e.g. r R functions
available from authors
20 Common Test statistics Conditional Binomial
sign P-value McNemar (1947) (X01-X10)/vT
(CLT) LR statistic (CLT) Approximate tests
all free of n!? Maximised McNemar (Suissa and
Shuster,1994) Partial McNemar (Berger and Sidik,
21Dependence on sample size n? (x0111, t15)