Welcome to the Manchester BioModelling Network Lecture Series - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to the Manchester BioModelling Network Lecture Series


To review how system identification and experimental design techniques provide ... systems resides not only in the sheer number of components, but also in the ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to the Manchester BioModelling Network Lecture Series

Welcome to the Manchester Bio-Modelling Network
Lecture Series
  • System Identification and Experimental Design
  • How to best use your data
  • Dr Martin Brown
  • Slides information http//www.mcisb.org/bmnet/
    or v.simeonidis_at_manchester.co.uk

Aims Objectives
  • Aims
  • To review how system identification and
    experimental design techniques provide tools for
    systems biology researchers
  • Objectives
  • Define system identification experimental
  • Introduce relevant statistics, optimization and
    control theory
  • Demonstrate, using Matlab, how they solve systems
    biology problems
  • Motivate current research topics

Talk Outline
  • Exemplar compartmental modelling problem
  • Model representation, identifiability,
    experimental design
  • System biology modelling
  • Modelling framework
  • Cellular modelling problem
  • System Identification
  • Model representation
  • Parameter estimation
  • Parameter uncertainty
  • Model selection
  • Experimental design
  • Common problems
  • Optimization criteria
  • Examples

0. Design Model Cycle
System Identification statistics, optimization,
dynamics, linear algebra
Experimental Design optimization,
statistics, linear algebra
  • Experimental design provides good quality data to
    the analysts
  • Analysts inform the experimental designers about
    unknown/partially known hypotheses
  • Experimental factors (disturbances) E
  • Model structure M
  • Parameters q
  • The design lt-gt model process may be cyclic
    (sequential), or the design may be robust (valid
    over a range of hypotheses)
  • Want to avoid Garbage In Garbage Out

1. Example Pharamcokinetics Modelling
  • A drug x is injected into the blood with profile
  • The drug moves from the central compartment C to
    the peripheral compartment P with profiles xC(t)
    and xP(t).
  • Task identify the parameters in the reactions
    and use this knowledge to infer the hidden state

1. ODE Representation
  • Linear ODE model (linear first order reactions)
  • We can observe one noisy, transformed drug
  • The additive measurement noise (errors) is
    assumed to be i.i.d. N(0,s2)
  • Inputs u(t)
  • States x xC(t), xP(t)
  • Parameters q KEL, KCP, KPC, 1/V, KEL, KCP,
  • Observation y(t)

1. State Space Modelling
  • In this problem, we have a linear state space
  • Simulation Given u(t), x0 A,B,C, calculate
    x(t) y(t) integrate up the ODEs
  • Parameter estimation Given u(t), x0 and y(t),
  • A ( B, C) matrices noise model.

1. Observability Identifiability
  • Observability Given the system A,B,C and a
    sequence of input/output measurements
    u(t),y(t), can the hidden states x(t) be
  • Identifiability Given a sequence of input/output
    measurements u(t),y(t) can the parameters
    A,B,C be uniquely identified
  • For this example, dG/dq is full rank.
  • While these questions are yes/no, in practice
    sparse, noisy data means that the answer is
    graded gt experimental design

1 Page Matlab (Symbolic)
  • Symbolic state space representation
  • syms Kpc Kcp Kel V
  • A -Kel-Kcp, Kpc Kcp, -Kpc
  • B 1 0
  • C 1/V 0
  • Observability
  • E C CA
  • rank(E)
  • Identifiability
  • dG jacobian(G, Kpc Kcp Kel V)
  • rank(dG)

1. Experimental Design Problem
  • The input profile u(t) consists of a 1 minute
    loading infusion of 75mg/min followed by a
    continuous maintenance infusion of 1.45 mg/min up
    to 720min
  • The experimental design problem consists of
    selecting which discrete time measurements to use
    1ti 720
  • Lets assume that only 8 points can be used
  • Conventional design
  • t (5, 10, 30, 60, 120, 180, 360, 720)
  • D-optimal design
  • t (1, 1, 10, 10, 74, 74, 720, 720)

1. Uncertainty in the Parameter Estimates
  • For each design, 400 experiments where performed
    and the dotted lines denote the least squares
    parameter estimate histograms
  • KEL0.0242

Dashed line for the (fitted) marginal density of
the conventional design Solid lie for the
(fitted) marginal density of the optimal design
The optimal design significantly reduces the
uncertainty in the identified system Similar
results for the other 3 parameters
1. Summary
  • Today, were concentrating on systems of
    reactions that can be described by ODEs.
  • Tools and techniques for the system
    identification, analysis and validation of linear
    and non-linear systems have been well developed.
  • Computational tools Matlab, Mathematica, should
    be your first port of call for developing novel
  • Important to map your problem domain model
    representation onto an appropriate framework and
    exploit the appropriate set of tools.
  • Challenges in problem scale, data availability,

2. System Biology
  • What is systems biology?
  • Ask Doug Kell ?
  • Quantitative study of biological systems (virus
    cell, ) aided by recent technological advances
  • Biology is an experimentally driven science
    simply because evolutionary processes are not
    sufficiently well understood (first principles
  • Reductionist approach is not appropriate as
    complex adaptive systems are inherently

2.1 Cellular Dynamic Models
  • Complexity of cellular systems resides not only
    in the sheer number of components, but also in
    the operations on multiple levels and timescales.
  • Metabolic pathways are sequences of chemical
    reactions, each catalyzed by an enzymes, where
    certain product molecules are formed from other
    small substrates. Metabolites are usually small
    molecules while enzymes are proteins.
  • Signal transduction pathways are networks of
    molecular interactions that provide communication
    between the cell membrane and intracellular
    end-points, leading to some change in the cell.
    Signals are transducted by modification of one
    proteins activity or location by another
  • Gene regulation pathways determine whether or not
    a particular gene is expressed at any particular
    time. Transcription factors, proteins that
    promote or repress transcription, either directly
    or indirectly bind regulatory DNA elements

2.2 ODE Modelling Assumptions
  • It should be noted that using ODEs to model
    biochemical reactions assumes that
  • The system is well-stirred in a homogeneous
  • Spatial effects (such as diffusion) are
  • Has a large number of molecules for each species
  • If 1 /or 2 are not valid, partial differential
    equations should be used which model/represent
    spatial effects
  • If 3 is not valid, a discrete, stochastic model
    will be more appropriate which represents
    individual molecular interactions, rather than
    average concentrations.
  • In this talk, were primarily concerned with ODEs

Example 1 Michaelis Menten Pathway
ks are reaction parameters, x are metabolite
concentrations Well-stirred, significant
concentration assumptions
Kinetic Reaction Mechanisms
Substrate (S)
Enzyme (E)


Pathway Dynamic Modelling via ODEs

Product (P)
1 Page Magic Matlab
  • Simulation
  • t, x ode45(_at_mmode, 0 10, 1 0.2 0 0)
  • plot(t,x)
  • ODE representation
  • function dx mmode(t, x)
  • k1 2
  • k2 1
  • k3 0.1
  • dx zeros(4,1)
  • dx(1) -k1x(1)x(2) k2x(3)
  • dx(2) -k1x(1)x(2) k2x(3) k3x(3)
  • dx(3) k1x(1)x(2) - k2x(3) - k3x(3)
  • dx(4) k3x(3)

Example 2 IkB - NF-kB Signaling Pathway
NF-?B (nuclear factor-kappa B) is a protein
complex which is a transcription factor. NF-?B is
found in all cell types and is involved in
cellular responses to stimuli such as stress,
cytokines, free radicals, ultraviolet
irradiation, and bacterial or viral antigens.
NF-?B plays a key role in regulating the immune
response to infection
IkB-NF-kB signal pathway module
Graphical Connection Map for IkB-NF-kB Model
Example 2 IkB - NF-kB Signaling Pathway
NF-kB reaction mechanisms
Dynamic ODEs model
2. Summary
  • Several common pathway models can be represented
    as bilinear state space models
  • Bilinear models involve both a linear component
    and a cross product term as well and can be
    written as
  • Matlab, .Copasi, . Many software tools can be
    used to simulate the systems, but for system
    identification, local sensitivity information can
    be useful.

3. What is System Identification?
  • System identification is a general term to
    describe mathematical tools and algorithms that
    build dynamical models from measured data.
  • System identification is generally done in the
    time domain, but analysis can be done frequency

3. The System Identification Process
Prior knowledge
  • In building a model, the designer has control
    over three parts of the process
  • Generating the data set D
  • Selecting a (set of) model structure
  • Selecting the criteria (least squares for
    instance), used to specify the optimal parameter
    estimates validate the model
  • Section 3 is really about steps 23, section 4 is
    about step 1.

Experiment Design
Choose Model Set
Choose Criterion of Fit
Calculate Model
Validate Model
3. Elements of System Identification
  • Understanding system identification involves a
    mix of techniques
  • 1. Statistical view of induction and inference
    because all work is relative to the finite,
    sampled, noisy data set
  • 2. Optimization
  • continuous parameter estimation and
  • discrete model selection
  • 3. Dynamics (control/state space) representation
    of the ODE/difference equation
  • As well as a good knowledge of the application
    domain in order to validate the model.

3.1 Statistical Modelling
  • An old statistical proverb is worth remembering
    whenever an engineer attempts to develop a
    grey/black model
  • All models are wrong (bad), its just that
  • some are more useful than others
  • Typically, models are developed for two main
  • Hypothesis testing how do different model
    structures compare, when their assumptions are
  • Predictive accuracy How can a model be
    constructed to offer adequate predictive
    performance in a simulation
  • Parametric and non-parametric modelling are both
    widely used, but well concentrate on parametric

3.1 Statistical Assumptions
  • The aim of statistical induction is to try and
    deduce a general rule (model) from a finite data
  • The exemplar data is stochastic as it involves
    random measurement error/disturbances.
  • Repeating the experiment will generate a
    different exemplar data set.
  • Induction is stochastic and we can only infer a
    probability distribution on the parameters q
  • Any model inference is therefore also uncertain

3.1 Statistical Induction
  • Lets make 10 repeated (noisy) measurements about
    a parameter
  • Inductive estimates
  • Even in this simple case, its important to
    quantify the uncertainty. Experiments can then
    be designed to minimize its effect (maximize
    signal to noise ratio)
  • In addition, we can quantify the amount of
    prediction uncertainty

3.1 Gaussian Measurement Errors?
  • A frequent assumption is that the noise is iid
    (independent identically distributed), additive
    and Gaussian
  • iid Noise structure may be incorrectly
    attributed to other effects. The noise should be
    identically distributed to allow us to easily
    aggregate errors
  • Additive noise is added onto the true signal
  • Gaussian Gaussian distributions are completely
    characterised by their mean and variance,
  • A linear transformation of a Gaussian is another
    Gaussian (with known means variances)

3.2 Dynamic Model Framework
  • What signals impact on our model?

System q x(t)
  • The following signals define the model
  • u(t) are external input signals that can be
    controlled (factors )
  • w(t) are measurable disturbances
  • v(t) are unmeasurable disturbances
  • y(t) is the output signal
  • x(t) are the dynamic, unobservable states of the
  • In addition, the (time invariant) model has a set
    of unknown parameters q

3.2 ODE/State Space Models
  • In this talk were mainly concerned with ordinary
    differential equation (ODE) systems
  • This is a generalized representation
  • f() determines the dynamics of the ODE
  • g() determines the structure of the observer
  • Re-visiting linear state space models

3.2 States Mass Conservation
  • A key part in understanding state space/ODE
    models is the idea of a state.
  • It is a minimal signal set, which at any time,
    contains enough information to predict future
    behaviour, coupled with knowledge of external
  • In pathway modelling problems, the states
    generally correspond to molecular concentrations
  • NB we often have mass conserving constraints such
    as .
  • These can be easily represented in the ODE so the
    state transition matrix satisfies
  • This defn works in reverse on the left singular
    values of A

3.2 Linear State Space Responses
  • Linear state space models and their dynamics are
    very well understood
  • Model form
  • General solution
  • Both the autonomous forced dynamical behaviour
    is determined by the exponential matrix eAt
  • l real positive unstable
  • l real negative stable
  • l imaginary - sinusoidal

Parameters A, B C
Autonomous response
Forced/convolved response
3.2 Non-linear State Space Models
  • In reality, any non-linear function could be used
    for the state transition observer functions,
    f() g()
  • Often the observer function is a simple binary
    matrix which represents which states can be
  • Remember, missing states may still be observed
  • There has been a lot of work by researchers
    developing and analysing new non-linear state
    transition functions
  • Bilinear non-linear state space models are a
    simple/popular tool for cellular models

3.3 Parameter Estimation
  • A key part of system identification is to assume
    that the model structure is given (and correct!)
  • The goal is to estimate parameters whose values
    cannot be directly estimated or derived from
    first principles models
  • As one of the system biology goals is to better
    understand first principle models and reaction
    rates are difficult to estimate, parameter
    estimation is a frequent problem in systems

3.3 Model Parameters
  • Lets consider the case where we have an
    autonomous, bilinear state space model
  • This is a linear in the parameter model, but
    non-linear in the state.
  • NB Often the A1 and A2 are quite sparse
  • Consider the extended state
  • Then the linear dependency of the model
    parameters on the extended state is easy to see

3.3 Optimality Criterion
  • For simplicity, lets assume that all the states
    can be directly measured
  • For parameter estimation, we have the
    input-output measured, sampled data u(k), x(k)k
  • Then the basic parameter estimation problem can
    be posed as
  • This is least squares parameter estimation
  • There are many variations on this basic
    optimality criterion a key thing is to
    recognise what assumptions they impose on problem

3.3 Optimization for Dynamic Systems
  • The optimality criterion contains the (discrete
    time) state estimates which must be obtained by
    integrating the current model estimate.
  • Optimization iterates parameter estimates
  • We have the following scenario

Final estimates
Sample data
Parameter iterations
u(k), x(k)
Even when dx/dt depends linearly on q, the
dynamic model means that the optimality criterion
is not quadratic (exponential)
Solve model
1 Page Matlab
  • theta, fval, exitflag fminunc(_at_mmobj, 3 0.5
  • function f mmobj(theta)
  • dt 00.0510
  • theta1 2 1 0.1
  • t1, x1 ode45(_at_(t,x)mmode(t,x,theta1), dt, 1
    0.2 0 0)
  • t2, x2 ode45(_at_(t,x)mmode(t,x,theta), dt, 1
    0.2 0 0)
  • f sum(sum((x1-x2).2))
  • function dx mmode(t, x, theta)
  • dx zeros(4,1)
  • dx(1) -theta(1)x(1)x(2) theta(2)x(3)
  • dx(2) -theta(1)x(1)x(2) theta(2)x(3)
  • dx(3) theta(1)x(1)x(2) - theta(2)x(3) -
  • dx(4) theta(3)x(3)

3.3 Least Squares Assumptions
  • Why is the least squares criterion so widely
  • For statistical models, it corresponds to
    minimizing the variance of the measured signal
    with independent and identically distributed
  • The optimal model is the mean
  • One common variation in system biology is to
    assume that the noise variance differs for each

3.3 Gradient Estimates
  • Without wanting to go over all the 1st/2nd order
    optimization theory, lets consider the very
    simple gradient descent parameter estimation
  • We can view this as
  • sliding down a bowl to the
  • bottom. The choice of h
  • determines stability/rate
  • of convergence.
  • We can show

3.3 Local Sensitivity
  • Using the least squares cost function, the
    gradient is evaluated as
  • The objective gradient depends on the model
  • Using the model sensitivity in optimization
    algorithms (PPT), were implicitly performing
    some form of gradient descent
  • Using the normalized sensitivity
  • Implicitly nomalizes the cost function

3.3 Local Sensitivity for a Linear Model
  • In gradient-based optimization, obtaining the
    sensitivity derivatives is v. important.
  • It can be calculated from an ODE, just like the
    state space equations
  • Solving for the sensitivity states is a joint
    ODE problem (extended ode function in Matlab)

1 Page Matlab
  • Pseudo/untested code
  • Simulation
  • t, xS ode45(_at_mmode, 0 10, 1 0.2 0 0
  • plot(t,xS)
  • ODE representation
  • function dx mmode(t, x)
  • k1 2
  • k2 1
  • k3 0.1
  • dx zeros(16,1)
  • States
  • dx(1) -k1x(1)x(2) k2x(3)
  • dx(2) -k1x(1)x(2) k2x(3) k3x(3)
  • dx(3) k1x(1)x(2) - k2x(3) - k3x(3)
  • dx(4) k3x(3)
  • Sensitivities

3.3 Parameter Variance/Co-variance
  • A key measure of identifiability and a key link
    with experimental design is the estimated
    parameter variance/covariance matrix
  • It forms part of 2nd order optimization
  • It measures the amount of uncertainty
    correlation in the parameter estimates
  • For simple, static, linear systems it measures
    all the uncertainty. More generally, its a
    local approximation

Example S Parameter Validation
  • Consider the two parameter model with uncertainty
  • We can marginalise the distribution to perform
    single hypothesis testing on each parameter.
  • We can compare whether a new estimate is
    statistically significant from a previous
  • In many systems biology system identification
    problems there are significant problems with

3.4 Pathway Selection
  • Practical implications for the modelling tasks
    are the emphasis on network structures over exact
    values of the kinetic parameters
  • A key assumption in parameter estimation is that
    we know the model structure
  • Non-linear f() g()
  • Linear order sparse structure of A, B and C
  • This means the estimation residual corresponds to
    the stochastic noise term
  • In practice, we rarely know the parametric model
    structure exactly.
  • Model selection is a discrete, non-convex search
    through the space of all possible models in order
    to find one that is suitably predictive and
    suitably simple.

3.4 Selection Identifiability
  • In practice, even though a reaction may exist,
    the corresponding parameter value may be very
    difficult to estimate.
  • Problem of identifiability
  • The problem is badly conditioned

3.4 Null Hypothesis Test
  • Locally, the estimated parameter uncertainty is
    Gaussian when the measurement errors are Gaussian
  • To determine whether each feature/parameter is
    significant, we can apply the null hypothesis
  • This essentially determines whether there is
    enough information in the training data set to
    say that the particular parameter is
    significantly non-zero, i.e. does the parameter
    distribution contain the value 0, for a 67, 95
    or a 99.7 certainty
  • Zero parameter ? no reaction
  • Simple way to compare two models, differing by
    one extra parameter

67 certainty
95 certainty
99.7 certainty
3.4 Convex Re-formulations
  • Remember, there is no correct parameter
    estimates/discrete model structure!
  • Parametric model selection is a discrete
    combinatorial, and when the parameter estimation
    problem is badly conditioned, there are often
    numerous local minima
  • Were looking at regularization approaches for
    parameter estimation approximate sparse model

3.4 Example RKIP regulated ERK signaling pathway
  • 11 states
  • 11 parameters
  • 0.5s worth of identification data

Calculated Parameter Locus
Estimated parameter locus (l 0-gt8)
  • Many parameters are largely conditionally
    independent however a couple of parameters
    exhibit Simpsons paradox (change sign when a new
    parameter is introduced/removed)

3. Summary
  • Weve really just scratched the surface of
    parametric modelling techniques.
  • Dont reinvent the wheel, learn how to use
    existing libraries
  • Important issues not really discussed
  • Model validation (this is more than just looking
    at mse)
  • Non-convex optimization (v. important for
    medium-large parameter estimation problems)
  • Non-linear extensions to well-founded linear
    state space models
  • Hidden state estimation/filtering
  • Current work is looking at
  • Regularization for parameter estimation sparse
    model selection
  • Non-parametric (kernel/gaussian processes)

4. Experimental Design
  • The basic assumption here is that it is expensive
    to perform an experiment, hence the aim of
    experimental design is
  • maximise the identification information while
    minimizing the number of experiments
  • This is relative to the question being asked
    about the model
  • How predictive is the model
  • How well identified are the parameters
  • How does M1 compare with M2
  • If the modelling purpose is not well understood,
    the experimental design problem is ill-posed.
  • Like parameter estimation, experimental design is
    an optimization problem

4. Why do it?
  • Consider a single factor, linear, static model,
    where the measurements contain some additive,
    zero mean, iid Gaussian noise
  • The inputs are constrained by
  • Where should we place 2 experiments to best
    identify q?

4. Experimental Design Parameters
  • Given a (linear) model
  • there are many experimental parameters that can
    be optimized
  • The initial state values x0
  • Which states to observe C
  • The input/excitation signal u(k)
  • The sampling time/rate tkkT
  • These are a mix of continuous, discrete and time
    varying variables which are problem dependent.

4. Experimental Design Optimality
  • The basic measure of optimality is the Fisher
    information matrix
  • forms a lower bound for the parameter
    variance/covariance matrix
  • This produces a vector optimization problem and
    common matrix (alphabet) scalarization measures
  • A-optimality - tr(Sq) (eigenvalue sum)
  • D-optimality - det(Sq) (eigenvalue product)
  • E-optimality - maxj l(Sq) (largest eigenvalue)
  • all give (different) estimates of the amount of
    parametric uncertainty resulting from the
    experimental data.

4. Dynamic Experimental Design
  • The basic problem with applying experimental
    design to dynamic models is that the sensitivity
    derivative which depends on the current parameter
  • Sequential experimental design
  • Perform a new experimental design Dk after each
    parameter estimate
  • Robust experimental design
  • Calculate an experimental design which is valid
    for a range of parameter values

exp design
4. Example Observer Selection
  • For the NF-kB model/experimental set-up, there
    exists a constraint that only 4 states (out of
    20) can be directly measured
  • This is a discrete optimization problem and is
    often relaxed as
  • Note that this assumes all observations can be
    made in order to select which are the most
    informative! An iterative, sampled approach may
    be more realistic if there are measurement

4. Example Robust Experimental Design
  • Produce a design which minimizes the uncertainty
    in a space around the nominal model estimate.
  • Because of the uncertainty in the parameter
    estimates, we have an associated bounded
    uncertainty in the sensitivity estimates
  • Like the regularization approach to sparse model
    selection, this uses a convex re-formulation to
    the problem and we can exploit a lot of
    semi-definite programming theory.

4 Example Robust Experimental Design
  • Increasing the uncertainty (p large) means that
    all observations are equally valid, but when the
    uncertainty is small, 4 observations larger than
    the others.

4. Conclusions
  • Experimental design is a bran flakes-type
    technology, not necessarily very exciting, but
    very useful.
  • Variety of ways of posing questions
  • Better to do some analysis, even approximate,
    than none at all
  • System identification and experimental design are
    mature techniques and have a lot to offer systems
    biology researchers.
  • However, they do not pretend to be a complete
    theory and problems in systems biology offer
    challenges in terms of scalability, robustness
  • Thanks to Fei He, George Papadopoulos, Liang Sun,
    Hong Yue, Doug Kell, Steve Wilkinson
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