Welcome to (Insert Course info) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Welcome to (Insert Course info)


Audio and video-enabled allowing for easy access to the text audio and companion ... flashcards, vocabulary quizzes, grammar reviews and quizzes, cultural readings, ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: cengagel4


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Welcome to (Insert Course info)

Welcome to (Insert Course info)
Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
Horizons, Fourth Edition and iLrn Heinle
Learning Center are your required course
materials chosen by (Insert prof)
Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
  1. You can get a better grade by using these course
  2. You will be assigned reading and homework from
    these materials.
  3. You will be tested on content from these
  4. Study tools designed to help you study smarter
    (not harder) are in iLrn Heinle Learning Center.

The Technology iLrn Heinle Learning Center
Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
  • What You Get
  • Audio and video enhanced eBook
  • Partnered voice activities
  • Diagnostic study tools that help you prepare for
  • Online workbook with immediate feedback
  • Online lab manual with audio program with
    immediate feedback
  • Online textbook activities with immediate
  • Companion video and video activities
  • Go to http//ilrn.heinle.com and click on the
    Login button

Getting Started on iLrn Heinle Learning Center
Go to http//ilrn.heinle.com and click on the
Login button
Getting Started on iLrn Heinle Learning Center
Enter your book key printed on your access card
that came with your book. Click Go. You will
use this key only once, to add the book to your
personal account. After the book is in your
account, you simply login to access the book and
you no longer need this key. If you already have
an account, click Login and enter your current
username password.
Creating a New Account
To create a new account, click Create a new
account a) Enter your desired username and
password. b) Enter your name, valid email
address, location, and time zone. c) Click Submit.
Logging in to iLrn Heinle Learning Center
Your book requires an instructors course code.
You must get the course code from your
instructor. If you already have it, enter it
when prompted. Otherwise, you can enter it the
next time you login.
To log in after you have registered a) Go to
http//iLrn.heinle.com and enter your username
and password. b) Follow the instructions at the
Student Workstation for viewing assignments and
Technical Support for iLrn Heinle Learning
For technical assistance If you have any
problems with setting up your account or need
technical assistance, ask QUIA for help Phone
1-877-282-4400 Ext 2 Email bookhelp_at_quia.com W
eb http//books.quia.com/support FAQs
http//books.quia.com/help/books/faq.html Be
sure you have your book name (ISBN if possible),
student book key and your contact information
(email, phone, school)
Welcome to iLrn Heinle Learning Center
With iLrn, you have a variety of tools to help
you succeed in this course. On the left hand
side, youll find all of the chapter materials.
On the right, youll find the tabs to navigate
between the tools in each section. Well start
by looking at the online Workbook/Lab Manual.
Online Workbook/Lab Manual
An online version of the Workbook/Lab Manual with
audio allows you to get immediate feedback on
your workanytime, anywhereand features a wide
variety of high-interest exercises, games, and
self-scoring tools that allows you to track your
own progress.
Online Textbook Assisgnments
  • iLrn Heinle Learning Center provides you with a
    way to complete all of the exercises from the
    textbook completely online.

Voice Board
Activities in the text that are partnered
activities are voice-enabled. Select Find a
partner in the Partner Record and Chat box to
find classmates currently online to complete an
activity with them.
  • Audio and video-enabled allowing for easy access
    to the text audio and companion videos from the
    text pages.
  • Page for page reproduction of the printed book,
    making it easy to use as a reference when
    studying outside of class.
  • Page view can be magnified and the content
    searched via the index, table of contents or
    search functions.

Video Library
You can access the video segments in the Video
Library. Here youll see the video, hear the
dialogue, and see a running transcript. Video
segments are accompanied by pre and post-viewing
In the Enrichment section, youll have access to
additional interactive tools and activities such
as flashcards, vocabulary quizzes, grammar
reviews and quizzes, cultural readings, and audio
Utilizing the Diagnostics section will help you
be more prepared for class will help you
perform better in class. A Pre-Test will
assess what you know and what you still need to
master. Your results are automatically graded and
Personalized Study Plans
After you complete the pre-test, a Personalized
Study Plan is generated with study aids to focus
on the areas in which you need help. Follow up
with the Post-Test a revised Study Plan to
better prepare you for your tests.
Personal Tutor
iLrn Heinle Learning Center comes with access to
a personal tutor to help with topics that you
have trouble with while you are studying. Click
on the Personal Tutor link at the top of your
page to schedule a session.
Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
  • Bookstore
  • Textbook/bundle title info
  • Bookstores price
  • If a bundle, show savings compared to the
    stand-alone items
  • Insert any other available ancillaries
  • (Include the following if employing an
    iChapters.com strategy)
  • 2. iChapters.com
  • eBook 50off the price of the textbook
  • eChapters Buy individual chapters as you need
  • Include print text/bundle info and price here if
    it is not available in the bookstore
  • Enter URL for microsite or stores link to

Use Your Required Materials and Own Your Grade
  • Purchase textbooks in the format and at the price
    that is right for you.
  • Print Options
  • NEW print textbooks at up to 15 off, Free
  • Digital Options
  • Electronic texts up to 50 off
  • Individual chapters for as little as 1.99
  • Study Tools
  • Study Guides, Online Homework Assistance, Audio
    Content, and more

Visit www.iChapters.com to buy the way you want
and SAVE!
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