Title: Maintenance Quality Assurance
1Maintenance Quality Assurance
Program Definition and Evolution
- Teresa Adams
- MRUTC Director
- Will Sierzchula
- Project Assistant
- University of Wisconsin-Madison
2Presentation Outline
Definitions Program Evolution Terminology Measures
Sampling Strategies Field Manuals and Rating
Sheets User Surveys Communicating
Results Observations and Comments
3Maintenance Quality Assurance (NCHRP 422)
- Quality assurance (QA) in highway maintenance is
the process of verifying that the maintenance
provided meets requirements based on available
resources and customer expectations. - The primary goal of a maintenance quality
assurance (MQA) program is to improve quality
while maximizing the effectiveness of resources.
4Do we really mean maintenance performance
- Performance - The degree to which infrastructure
provides the services that a community expects of
it. Performance is a function of effectiveness,
reliability, and cost. - Quality - (1) The degree of excellence of a
product or service (2) The degree to which a
product or service satisfies the needs of a
specific customer or (3) The degree to which a
product or service conforms with a given
5Generalized infrastructure performance assessment
- Identify problem, demand, or need.
- Identify decision level, stakeholders, and type
of decision. - Identify the boundaries and character, objectives
and vision, and constraints and regulations. - Select performance measures.
- Measure performance.
- Make decision and take action.
- Obtain feedback.
Measuring and Improving Infrastructure
Performance, National Research Council, 1995.
6Motivations for measuring maintenance performance
- Set goals and standards
- Detect and correct problems
- Manage and improve processes
- Document accomplishments
- Motivation leads to defining the goal
- Ability to justify budgets
- Ability to show accountability
- Ability to set priorities and allocate funds
- Ability to communicate program needs,
expectations, and outcomes
7Relating Measures to Goals
8Measures of effectiveness, reliability, and cost
- Effectiveness Measures
- Technical output, quantity delivered
- Quality of Service to users
- Regulatory Concern
- Community Concern
- Reliability Measures
- Deterministic
- Statistical, Probabilistic
- Composite
- Cost Measures
- Investment, Replacement
- Recurrent or OM cost
- Timing and Source
9MQA Document Library
10No Consistent Terminology
Most states build upon the terms defined in NCHRP
Report 422
11Level of Service (LOS)
- A specific threshold value that triggers the
requirement of a maintenance activity - A written description that states the maintenance
effort authorized for a specific activity - A defined frequency of a maintenance effort or a
predetermined number of inspections in a
specified time - A policy of replacement of the missing, repair of
the damaged, or elimination of the undesirable
126 Common Maintenance Categories
13Decreased Number of Features being Measured
States are refining their performance measures.
14Increased Variety of Features being Measured
15Sampling Strategies for Field Rating
16Rating Sheets
- Field Manuals translate to a one-page rating sheet
17Visual Field Manuals
- Simpler compared to 2004
- Includes description of measure
- Image heavy with textual description
18Customer Surveys
How satisfied are you with snow and ice removal?
Indicate your level of satisfaction with pavement
How would you rate the level of service for paved
highway surfaces?
19Communicating Results
- Audiences
- Public
- Administrators
- Politicians
- justify budgets
- show accountability
- to set priorities and allocate funds
- communicate program needs, expectations, and
20Communicating Maintenance Condition
21Linking Maintenance Condition to Funding Needs
22Linking Condition to Targets and Budget Allocation
23Program Evolution
- 6 common categories have emerged
- The number of features has decreased
- User surveys are more common
- Field manuals and rating sheets are becoming
simpler - Program goals are not well defined
- Weak or missing connection between goals and
24Common Measures?
- Common measures ? common standards
- States have different MQA goals
- Lack of overarching federal program
- Is federal funding a way to align state goals?
- How does MQA programs meet requirements for
systematic process for federal funding eligibility
25Bottom Line Current Status
- Evidence that MQA is being used to
- Identify and prioritize maintenance needs
- Link highway conditions to budget requests and
allocations - Set organizational performance goals
- Communicate with administrators and politicians
26MQA Listserv
- For additional discussion and information about
MQA issues, please register for the MQA Listserv
at - http//www.mrutc.org/outreach/mqa/mailing.html