Title: Study Findings Part 1
1Study Findings Part 1
- Carolyn Salmon
- carolyn.salmon_at_era.co.uk
2Content of Presentation
- Why is DO-178B so important
- US Civil aerospace approach to certification
- Current UK Military approach to re-certification
- Perceived problems of DO-178B
3Why is Do-178B so important and the context in
which software developed to DO-178B is certified
4Why is DO-178B important?
- Global Aviation Traffic Management (GATM) require
all commercial aircraft to comply with FAA
regulations - All aircraft to fly in civil airspace will need
to comply with FAR 25.1309 - AC 25-115B specifies use of DO-178B
- De-facto document for obtaining approval of
5Implication for UK MoD
- Re-use of civil applications
- Will have software developed to DO-178B
- But how do MoD re-certify new application in a
cost effective manner?
6US Civil approach to certification of systems
containing software
- Software not certified stand alone
- DO-178B does not address safety management
- Carried out at system level
7US Civil approach to certification of systems
containing software
- To achieve certification system must comply with
requirements of FAA regulations - FAR 25.1309
- Safe design of the system
- Demonstration of safety
- Need to do a system hazard analysis
- Identify how software behaviour could lead to the
hazards - Not covered by DO-178B
8Safety Assessment Process ARP 4761
Function, Failure Safety Information
Intended Aircraft Function
System Design
System Development Process ED-79/ARP 4754
Functional system
Allocated Functions Requirements
Hardware Development Life Cycle DO-254/ED-80
ED-94B FAQ 3.24
Software Development Life Cycle ED-12B/DO-178B
9UK MOD Approach to Certification
- In the past, minimal acceptance of existing
process - Make no assumption on sufficient of supplied
equipment - Have to undertaken additional analysis
- e.g. Undertake post development (retrospective)
Static Code Analysis (SCA) - Expensive
- Time consuming
- Questionable benefit
10What is Static Code Analysis?
- Technique for analysing code statically
- No need to simulate environment
- Requirement of Def-Stan 00-55 (withdrawn)
- Manual or automated
- Range of techniques
- Data, Control and Information Flow analysis
- Formal proofs
11SCA Example
- Used in earnest on Hercules C-130J programme
12SCA Example
- Number of avionics LRUs analysed
- Found 11,590 anomalies
- 6 of these could threaten safety
- But.
- Only one small, non-random sample
- Estimates of cost per aircraft type 13 million
- Concern retrospective SCA not cost effective
- Particularly for current off-the-shelf
13Are there benefits to SCA?
- 60 of errors found during walkthroughs/
familiarisation - Effective
- Does not require use of tools
- Can be done at any time
- SCA undertaken during development
- Very effective if at code level
- Number of tools now available
- At complication e.g. PCLint
- Flow, control and data analysis e.g. LDRA
Testbed - Formal Proof Polyspace, MALPAS, Spark Ada
14Should we do SCA?
- SCA not just technique to be carried out
retrospectively - Carry out at right time and huge benefits
- Suggest any competent organisation now doing as
default - Reduces benefit of retrospective SCA further
15Perceived Problems with DO-178B
16DO-178B Perceptions/Misconceptions
- Much criticism of DO-178B
- Are these appropriate?
- Perception that DO-178B is not sufficient and
suitable - For UK military applications has lead to a need
to undertake additional activities to gain
17Published Research Findings
- From published research
- Comparison with other standards
- Some key issues
- Lack of Safety Management
- Lack of formality in definition of software
requirements - Number of differences between 00-55 and DO-178B
18Lack of Safety Management
- Never intended to be covered by DO-178B
- Software is certified as part of system not stand
alone - Some elements of DO-178B do generate evidence
- Safety Accomplishment Summary
- Derived requirements
19Specification of Requirements
- Def Stan 00-55 required more rigour
- DO-178B includes
- Review
- Analysis
- But, emphasis in guidance on testing
- Difference is safety culture between US and UK?
20Differences between DO-178B and Def-Stan 00-55 - 1
- YSE Paper 1999
- Clause by clause comparison
- Def Stan 00-55 includes
- Lots of additional documentation
- Extra requirements for choice of language
- More rigour in defining safety requirements
- Verification of the assignment of the software
21Differences between DO-178B and Def-Stan 00-55 - 2
- DO-178B includes
- Consideration of system architecture
- Ensuring higher level requirements not
compromised by derived requirements - Consideration of target computer
- More rigorous configuration control requirements
22US Market View 1998
- Streamlining Software Aspects of Certification
- 292 questionnaires
- Based on experience with DO-178B
- Key issues
- Service Bulletin/Airworthiness Directives issued
- Lack of formality in safety requirements
- Need to relate software development and safety
activities - Funding withdrawn
24Conclusions from investigations
- Following DO-178B capable of producing both good
and bad software - Weaknesses being addressed
- DO-178C
- Relationship between safety and software
development - Need to re-certify in context of new application