Title: Career Clusters: Focusing Education on the Future
1Career ClustersFocusing Education on the Future
- U.S. Department of Education
- National School-to-Work Office
2Career Cluster Definition
- A Career Cluster is a grouping of occupations and
broad industries based on commonalities. - The 16 Career Clusters provide an organizing tool
for schools, small learning communities,
academies and magnet schools.
316 Career Clusters
- Agriculture Natural Resources
- Architecture Construction
- Arts, Audio/Video Technology Communications
- Business Administration
- Education Training
- Finance
- Government Public Administration
- Health Science
- Hospitality Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law Public Safety
- Manufacturing
- Retail/Wholesale Sales Service
- Scientific Research Engineering
- Transportation, Distribution, Logistics
4Cluster Partnerships Are Key
- State Education Agencies
- Post-secondary Education (vocational school,
community college, university) - Employers/Industry Groups (local, national)
- Other relevant stakeholders (labor, professional
5Career Cluster Development
- Form Cluster Consortium with Partners
- Conduct Research to Identify
- Cluster Occupations
- Existing Standards
- Define the Scope of the Cluster
- Align Occupations to Identify Cluster Pathways
6Career Cluster Development
- Select Cluster Pilot Test Sites
- Establish Cluster Foundation and Pathway
Standards - Develop Cluster Assessments
- Pilot Test Assessment and Certification Process
- Document Pathway Knowledge and Skills With
7Cluster Foundation StandardsTopics
- Academic Foundation
- Communications
- Employability Skills
- Ethics
- Information Technology Applications
- Legal Responsibilities
- Safety Practices
- Systems
- Teamwork
- Technical Skills
8Career Cluster Framework
- Cluster Foundation
- Represents the skills and knowledge, both
academic and technical, that all students within
the cluster should achieve regardless of their
pathway. - Pathways
- Represents the skill and knowledge, both academic
and technical, necessary to pursue a full range
of career opportunities within a pathway -
ranging from entry level to management, including
technical and professional career specialties. - Career Specialties
- Represents the full range of career opportunities
within each pathway.
9Career Specialties
Cluster Foundation
10Arts, Audio/Video Technology and Communications
Career Cluster
11Instructional/Assessment Scenarios Include
- AAVTC Content Standard(s) Addressed
- Required Academic Skills (Taxonomy Based)
- Workplace Skills
- The Contextual Problem to be Solved
- Conditions for Performance
- Performance/Assessment Criteria
12Instructional/Assessment Scenarios Include
- Student Instructions
- Teacher Instructions
- Resources Used to Develop the Scenario
- Business and Industry Input for Reality Check
- Quality Criteria for Scenario Developers/Reviewers
2000 Census BLS/OES Classification OMB/SOC
Classification ETA/ONET Classification Classifi
cation of Instructional Programs (CIP) NSSB
Industry Standards U.S. Department of Ed. Career
14Current Career Cluster Projects
- Arts, Audio Video Technology, and Communications
(AAVTC) - Health Science
- Information Technology (IT)
- Manufacturing
- Transportation, Distribution and Logistics (TDL)
15The AAVTC Pilot Sites
- Miami Senior High School
- Miami, FL
- Glenwood High School
- Chatham, Il
- Covington High School
- Covington, LA
- Communication Hi School
- Wall, NJ
- Western Suffolk BOCES
- Dix Hills, NY
- Will Rogers High School
- Tulsa, OK
- Middle Bucks Institute of Technology
- Jamison, PA
- Hannaford Career Center
- Middlebury, VT
- Peninsula/Gig Harbor High
- Gig Harbor, WA
- 1 877 433 7827
17Cluster Project Web Sites
- www.artavcomm.org
- Health Science
- www.nchste.org
- Information Technology
- www.edc.org/EWIT/bltext.htm
- Manufacturing
- www.mfglinks.org
- Transportation, Distributionand Logistics
- education.dot.gov/translinkage
18Contact Information U.S. Department of Education
- Scott Hess
- Education Program Specialist
- U.S. Department of Education
- Office of Vocational and Adult Education
- 4090 MES400 Maryland Avenue, SWWashington, DC
20202Scott_Hess_at_ed.gov - www.ed.gov/offices/OVAE/