Title: Created by Nicole P' and Lauren M'
1Who Wants to be a Rich Plutoaire?
Created by Nicole P. and Lauren M.
2How many Plutos equal one Earth?
A. 304 B. 454 C. 2 D. 639
31,000 and a trip to Mercury
4What is Plutos average temperature?
A. 60F B. 32F C. -609F D. -393F
52,000 and a trip to Venus
6What is Plutos Nickname?
A. The Red Planet B. The Frosty Snow
Planet C. The Ice Planet D. The Chilly
Willy Planet
75,000 and a trip to Mars
8How many moons does Pluto have?
A. 10 B. 0 C. 1 D. 6
910,000 and a trip to Jupiter
10How far is Pluto from the Sun?
A. 10 million miles B. 4.6 billion miles C. 7.2
billion miles D. 12.3 billion miles
1150,000 and a trip to Saturn
12What is Plutos surface like?
A. cold and rocky B. water and hills C. flat
and hot D. hot and sandy
13200,000 and a trip to Uranus
14If you weigh 100 pounds on Earth how much would
you weigh on Pluto?
A. 20 pounds B. 1000 pounds C. 8 pounds D. 401
15500,000 and a trip to Neptune
16How many times has Pluto been visited by any
A. 10 B. 2 C. 0 D. 6
171 million dollars and a trip to Pluto