Title: Classical and Quantum Spins in Curved Spacetimes
1 Classical and Quantum Spins in Curved
- Alexander J. Silenko
- Belarusian State University
- Myron Mathisson his life, work, and influence on
current research - Warsaw 2007
2- General properties of spin interactions with
gravitational fields - Classical equations of spin motion in curved
spacetimes - Comparison between classical and quantum
gravitational spin effects - Equivalence Principle and spin
3- General properties of spin interactions with
gravitational fields - Anomalous gravitomagnetic moment is equal to zero
- Gravitoelectric dipole moment is equal to zero
- Spin dynamics is caused only by spacetime metric!
4- Kobzarev Okun relations
- I.Yu. Kobzarev, L.B. Okun, Gravitational
Interaction of Fermions. - Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 43, 1904 (1962) Sov.
Phys. JETP 16, 1343 (1963). - These relations define form factors at zero
momentum transfer - gravitational and
inertial masses are equal -
anomalous gravitomagnetic moment - is equal to zero
- gravitoelectric dipole moment is equal to zero
- Classical and quantum theories are in the best
5- The absence of the anomalous gravitomagnetic
moment is experimentally checked in - B. J. Venema, P. K. Majumder, S. K. Lamoreaux, B.
R. Heckel, and E. N. Fortson, Phys. Rev. Lett.
68, 135 (1992). - see the discussion in A.J. Silenko and O.V.
Teryaev, Phys. Rev. D 76, 061101(R) (2007). - The generalization to arbitrary-spin particles
- O.V. Teryaev, arXivhep-ph/9904376
- The absence of the gravitoelectric dipole moment
results in the absence of spin-gravity coupling - see the discussion in B. Mashhoon, Lect. Notes
Phys. 702, 112 (2006).
6- The Equivalence Principle manifests in the
general equations of motion of classical
particles - and their spins
- A.A. Pomeransky and I.B. Khriplovich, Zh. Eksp.
Teor. Fiz. 113, 1537 (1998) J. Exp. Theor. Phys.
86, 839 (1998).
7- Classical equations of spin motion in curved
spacetimes - Two possible methods of obtaining classical
equations of spin motion - i) search for appropriate covariant equations
- Thomas-Bargmann-Mishel-Telegdi equation linear
in spin, electromagnetic field - Good-Nyborg equation quadratic in spin,
electromagnetic field - Mathisson-Papapetrou equations all orders in
spin, gravitational field - ii) derivation of equations with the use of some
physical principles - Pomeransky-Khriplovich equations linear and
quadratic in spin, electromagnetic and
gravitational fields
8- Good-Nyborg equation is wrong!
- The derivation based on the initial
Proca-Corben-Schwinger equations for spin-1
particles confirms the Pomeransky-Khriplovich
equations - A.J. Silenko, Zs. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 123, 883
(2003) J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 96, 775 (2003).
9Mathisson-Papapetrou equations
Myron Mathisson
10- Connection between four-momentum and
four-velocity - Additional force is of second order in the spin
- C. Chicone, B. Mashhoon, and B. Punsly, Phys.
Lett. A 343, 1 (2005)
11Pole-dipole approximation
The spin dynamics given by the
Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach is the same!
12The momentum dynamics given by the
Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach results from the
spin dynamics
- S is 3-component spin
- t is world time
- H is Hamiltonian defining the momentum and spin
dynamics - The momentum dynamics can be deduced!
13Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach
- Tetrad equations of momentum and spin motion
- are Ricci rotation coefficients
- Similar to equations of momentum and spin motion
of - Dirac particle (g2) in electromagnetic field
is electromagnetic field tensor
14Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach
Tetrad variables are blue, t x0
15Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach
- Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach needs to be
grounded - The 3-component spin vector is defined in a
particle rest frame. What particle rest frame
should be used?
When the metric is nonstatic, covariant and
tetrad velocities are equal to zero (u0 and u0)
in different frames!
16Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach
- Local flat Lorentz frame is a natural choice of
particle rest frame. - Only the definition of the 3-component spin
vector in a flat tetrad frame is consistent with
the quantum theory. - Definition of 3-component spin vector in the
classical and quantum theories agrees with the
Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach
are the Dirac matrices but
are not.
17Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach
Pomeransky-Khriplovich gravitomagnetic field is
nonzero even for a static metric!
18Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach
In the reference A.A. Pomeransky and I.B.
Khriplovich, Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. 113, 1537
(1998) J. Exp. Theor. Phys. 86, 839 (1998) the
following weak-field approximation was used
This approximation is right for static metric but
incorrect for nonstatic metric! Pomeransky-Khrip
lovich equations agree with quantum theory
resulting from the Dirac equation
19Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach
- can be verified for a rotating frame
20Pomeransky-Khriplovich approachresults in the
Gorbatsevich-Mashhoon equation
- Gorbatsevich, Exp. Tech. Phys. 27, 529 (1979)
- Mashhoon, Phys. Rev. Lett. 61, 2639 (1988).
A. J. Silenko (unpublished).
21Pomeransky-Khriplovich approach
- Another exact solution was obtained for a
Schwarzschild metric - A. A. Pomeransky, R. A. Senkov, and
I. B. Khriplovich, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 43, 1129 (2000)
Phys. Usp. 43, 1055 (2000).
However, Pomeransky-Khriplovich and
Mathisson-Papapetrou equations of particle
motion does not agree with each other!
22Comparison of classical and quantum gravitational
spin effects
- Classical and quantum effects should be
similar due to the correspondence
Niels Bohr
23Comparison of classical and quantum gravitational
spin effects
- A.J. Silenko and O.V. Teryaev, Phys. Rev. D 71,
064016 (2005). - Silenko and Teryaev establish full agreement
between quantum theory based on the Dirac
equation and the classical theory - The exact transformation of the Dirac equation
for the metric - to the Hamilton form was carried out by Obukhov
24Comparison of classical and quantum gravitational
spin effects
- Yu. N. Obukhov, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 192 (2001)
- Fortsch. Phys. 50, 711 (2002).
This Hamiltonian covers the cases of a weak
Schwarzschild field and a uniformly accelerated
25Comparison of classical and quantum gravitational
spin effects
- Silenko and Teryaev used the Foldy-Wouthuysen
transformation for relativistic particles in
external fields and derived the relativistic
Foldy-Wouthuysen Hamiltonian
26Comparison of classical and quantum gravitational
spin effects
- Quantum mechanical equations of momentum and spin
27Comparison of classical and quantum gravitational
spin effects
- Semiclassical equations of momentum and spin
Pomeransky-Khriplovich equations give the same
28Comparison of classical and quantum gravitational
spin effects
- These formulae agree with the results obtained
for some particular cases with classical and
quantum approaches - A. P. Lightman, W. H. Press, R. H. Price, and S.
A. Teukolsky, Problem book in relativity and
gravitation (Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton,
1975). - F. W. Hehl and W. T. Ni, Phys. Rev. D 42, 2045
(1990). - These formulae perfectly describe a deflection of
massive and massless particles by the
Schwarzschild field.
29Comparison of classical and quantum gravitational
spin effects
- Spinning particle in a rotating frame
- The exact Dirac Hamiltonian was obtained by Hehl
and Ni - F. W. Hehl and W. T. Ni, Phys. Rev. D 42, 2045
30Comparison of classical and quantum gravitational
spin effects
- The result of the exact Foldy-Wouthuysen
transformation is given by - A.J. Silenko and O.V. Teryaev, Phys. Rev. D 76,
061101(R) (2007). - The equation of spin motion coincides with the
Gorbatsevich-Mashhoon equation
31Comparison of classical and quantum gravitational
spin effects
- The particle motion is characterized by the
operators of velocity and acceleration - For the particle in the rotating frame
w is the sum of the Coriolis and centrifugal
32Comparison of classical and quantum gravitational
spin effects
- The classical and quantum approaches are in the
best agreement
33Equivalence Principle and spin
- Gravity is geometrodynamics!
- The Einstein Equivalence Principle predicts the
equivalence of gravitational and inertial effects
and states that the result of a local
non-gravitational experiment in an inertial frame
of reference is independent of the velocity or
location of the experiment
Albert Einstein
34Equivalence Principle and spin
- The absence of the anomalous gravitomagnetic and
gravitoelectric dipole moments is a manifestation
of the Equivalence Principle - Another manifestation of the Equivalence
Principle was shown in Ref. - A.J. Silenko and O.V. Teryaev, Phys. Rev. D 71,
064016 (2005). - Motion of momentum and spin differs in a static
gravitational field and a uniformly accelerated
frame but the helicity evolution coincides!
35Equivalence Principle and spin
f depends only on but f is a function of
both and
36Equivalence Principle and spin
- Dynamics of unit momentum vector np/p
Difference of angular velocities of rotation of
spin and momentum depends only on
37Equivalence Principle and spin
- Pomeransky-Khriplovich equations assert the exact
validity of this statement in strong static
gravitational and inertial fields - The unit vectors of momentum and velocity rotate
with the same mean frequency in strong static
gravitational and inertial fields but
instantaneous angular velocities of their
rotation can differ - A.J. Silenko and O.V. Teryaev (unpublished)
38Equivalence Principle and spin
- Gravitomagnetic field
- Equivalence Principle predicts the following
properties - Gravitomagnetic field making the velocity rotate
twice faster than the spin changes the helicity - Newertheless, the helicity of a scattered massive
particle is not influenced by the rotation of an
astrophysical object - O.V. Teryaev, arXivhep-ph/9904376
39Equivalence Principle and spin
- Gravitomagnetic field
- Analysis of Pomeransky-Khriplovich equations
gives the same results - Gravitomagnetic field making the velocity rotate
twice faster than the spin changes the helicity - Newertheless, the tetrad momentum and the spin
rotate with the same angular velocity - Directions of the tetrad momentum and the
velocity coincide at infinity - As a result, the helicity of a scattered massive
particle is not influenced by the rotation of an
astrophysical object - A.J. Silenko and O.V. Teryaev (unpublished)
40Equivalence Principle and spin
- Gravitomagnetic field
- Alternative conclusions about the helicity
evolution made in several other works - Y.Q. Cai, G. Papini, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, 1259
(1991) - D. Singh, N. Mobed, G. Papini, J. Phys. A 3, 8329
(2004) - D. Singh, N. Mobed, G. Papini, Phys. Lett. A 351,
373 (2006) - are not correct!
- Spin dynamics is defined by the Equivalence
Principle - Mathisson-Papapetrou and Pomeransky-Khriplovich
equations predict the same spin dynamics - Anomalous gravitomagnetic and gravitoelectric
dipole moments of classical and quantum particles
are equal to zero - Pomeransky-Khriplovich equations define
gravitoelectric and gravitomagnetic fields
dependent on the particle four-momentum - Behavior of classical and quantum spins in curved
spacetimes is the same and any quantum effects
cannot appear
- The helicity evolution in gravitational fields
and corresponding accelerated frames coincides,
being the manifestation of the Equivalence
Principle - Massless particles passing throughout
gravitational fields of astrophysical objects
does not change the helicity - The evolution of helicity of massive particles
passing throughout gravitational fields of
astrophysical objects is not affected by their
rotation - The classical and quantum approaches are in the
best agreement