Title: The Relational Languages Calculus and SQL
1The Relational LanguagesCalculus and SQL
Adapated from Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant
Navathe Fundamentals of Database C J Date
Introduction to Databases Wotsely Drake
Practial PostgreSQL
2Database for the examples
- All examples discussed here refer to the
following database
3Database Definitioncreation in PostgreSQL _at_TCU
- Here is a copy of the output after the commands
were executed, note that the command CREATE
DATABASE was executed in a previous session
4Data ManipulationRow Insertion in PostgreSQL _at_TCU
- Here is part of the output after the commands
were executed
sanchez insert into sp (SN, PN, QTY ) values
(1, 1, 300) INSERT 17738 1 sanchez insert into
sp values (1, 2, 200) INSERT 17739 1 sanchez
insert into sp values (1, 3, 400) INSERT 17740
1 sanchez insert into sp values (1, 4, 200)
sanchez insert into suppliers values (1,
'Smith', 20,'London') INSERT 17750 1 sanchez
insert into suppliers values (2, 'Jones',
10,'Paris') INSERT 17751 1 sanchez insert into
suppliers values (3, 'Blake', 30,'Paris') INSERT
17752 1 sanchez insert into suppliers values
(4, 'Clark', 20,'London') INSERT 17753
1 sanchez insert into suppliers values (5,
'Adams', 30,'Athens') INSERT 17754 1
sanchez insert into parts values (4, 'Screw',
'red',14,'London') INSERT 17758 1 sanchez
insert into parts values (5, 'Cam',
'blue',12,'Paris') INSERT 17759 1 sanchez
insert into parts values (5, 'Cog',
'red',19,'London') ERROR duplicate key
violates unique constraint "parts_pn_key" sanchez
insert into parts values (6, 'Cog',
'red',19,'London') INSERT 17761 1
5Relational Calculus
- A relational calculus expression creates a new
relation, which is specified in terms of
variables that range over rows of the stored
database relations (in tuple calculus) or over
columns of the stored relations (in domain
calculus). - In a calculus expression, there is no order of
operations to specify how to retrieve the query
resulta calculus expression specifies only what
information the result should contain. This is
the main distinguishing feature between
relational algebra and relational calculus. - Relational calculus is considered to be a
nonprocedural language. This differs from
relational algebra, where we must write a
sequence of operations to specify a retrieval
request hence relational algebra can be
considered as a procedural way of stating a query.
6Tuple Relational Calculus
- The tuple relational calculus is based on
specifying a number of tuple variables. Each
tuple variable usually ranges over a particular
database relation, meaning that the variable may
take as its value any individual tuple from that
relation. - A simple tuple relational calculus query is of
the form - t COND(t) or t where
COND(t) - where t is a tuple variable and COND (t) is a
conditional expression involving t. The result of
such a query is the set of all tuples t that
satisfy COND (t). - .
7The Existential and Universal Quantifiers
- Two special symbols called quantifiers can appear
in formulas these are the universal quantifier
(?) aka forall, and the existential quantifier
(?) aka exists - Informally, a tuple variable t is bound if it is
quantified, meaning that it appears in an (? t)
or (? t) clause otherwise, it is free. - If F is a formula, then so is (? t)(F), where t
is a tuple variable. The formula (? Â t)(F) is
true if the formula F evaluates to true for some
(at least one) tuple assigned to free occurrences
of t in F otherwise (? t)(F) is false. -
- If F is a formula, then so is (? t)(F), where t
is a tuple variable. The formula (? Â t)(F) is
true if the formula F evaluates to true for every
tuple (in the universe) assigned to free
occurrences of t in F otherwise (? t)(F) is
false. - It is called the universal or for all
quantifier because every tuple in the universe
of tuples must make F true to make the
quantified formula true.
8Example Query Using Existential Quantifier
- Retrieve the number, name, city of all suppliers
- Query
- Range sx over suppliers
- sx.sn, sx.status, sx.city sx.city
London - sx.sn, sx.status, sx.city where
suppliers.city London - suppliers.sn, suppliers.status,
suppliers.city - where suppliers.city
London - The only free tuple variables in a relational
calculus expression should be those that appear
to the left of the bar ( ). In above query, sx
is the only free variable it is then bound
successively to each tuple. If a tuple satisfies
the conditions specified in the query, the
attributes sn, status, city are retrieved for
each such tuple.
9Example Query Using Universal Quantifier
- Get supplier names for suppliers who supply all
parts - Range sx over suppliers, spx over sp, px over
parts - sx.sname where forall px (exists spx
- ( sx.sn spx.sn spx.pn px.pn ) )
- Exclude from the universal quantification all
tuples that we are not interested in by making
the condition true for all such tuples. The first
tuples to exclude (by making them evaluate
automatically to true) are those that are not in
the relation R of interest. - In query above, using the expression
not(PROJECT(x)) inside the universally quantified
formula evaluates to true all tuples x that are
not in the PROJECT relation. - Remember that using De Morgans law
- forall x where p not exists x where not p,
- therefore we can express this query as
- Range sx over suppliers, spx over sp, px over
parts - sx.sname where notexists px (
notexists spx - ( sx.sn spx.sn spx.pn px.pn ) )
10Languages Based on Tuple Relational Calculus
- The language SQL is based on tuple calculus. It
uses the basic - SELECT ltlist of attributesgt
- FROM ltlist of relationsgt
- WHERE ltconditionsgt
- block structure to express the queries in tuple
calculus where the SELECT clause mentions the
attributes being projected, the FROM clause
mentions the relations needed in the query, and
the WHERE clause mentions the selection as well
as the join conditions. - SQL syntax is expanded further to accommodate
other operations. - Another language which is based on tuple calculus
is QUEL which actually uses the range variables
as in tuple calculus. - Its syntax includes
- RANGE OF ltvariable namegt IS ltrelation namegt
- Then it uses
- RETRIEVE ltlist of attributes from range
variablesgt - WHERE ltconditionsgt
- This language was proposed in the relational DBMS
11Basic Operations on tables
sanchez select pn,sn from sp sanchez- pn
sn -------- 1 1 2 1 3 1 4
1 5 1 6 1 1 2 2 2 2 3
2 4 4 4 5 4 (12 rows)
Relation Calculus
SQL Select from where
12Basic Operations on tables
sanchez select pn,sn from sp sanchez- pn
sn -------- 1 1 2 1 3 1 4
1 5 1 6 1 1 2 2 2 2 3
2 4 4 4 5 4 (12 rows)
SQL Select from where
13Basic Operations on tables
sanchez select distinct(sn) from sp sn ----
1 2 3 4 (4 rows)
14Basic Operations on tables
15Basic Operations on tables
16Basic Operations on tables
17Basic Operations on tables
sanchez select pname, weight 2 as twoTimes
from parts where color'red' pname twotimes
----------------- Nut 24 Screw
28 Cog 38 (3 rows)
18Basic Operations on tables
SQL Select from where
sanchez select sname, qty from suppliers, sp
where suppliers.snsp.sn sname qty
------------ Smith 300 Smith 200 Smith
400 Smith 200 Smith 100 Smith 100 Jones
300 Jones 400 Blake 200 Clark 200
Clark 300 Clark 400 (12 rows)
Relation Calculus
suppliers.sname,sp.qty where exists sp(
19Basic Operations on tables
SQL Select from where
sanchez select suppliers.sname, parts.pname
from suppliers, parts, sp where
suppliers.snsp.sn and parts.pnsp.pn sname
pname -------------- Smith Nut Smith
Bolt Smith Screw Smith Screw Smith Cam
Smith Cog Jones Nut Jones Bolt Blake
Bolt Clark Bolt Clark Screw Clark
Cam (12 rows)
Relation Calculus
parts.pname, suppliers.sname where exists sp (
sp.snsuppliers.sn) and
parts ( sp.pnparts.pn)
20Basic Operations on tables
SQL Select from where
sanchez select suppliers.sn, suppliers.sname,
suppliers.status, suppliers.city, sp.pn, sp.qty
from suppliers, sp where suppliers.snsp.sn sn
sname status city pn qty
------------------------------------ 1
Smith 20 London 1 300 1 Smith
20 London 2 200 1 Smith 20
London 3 400 1 Smith 20 London
4 200 1 Smith 20 London 5
100 1 Smith 20 London 6 100 2
Jones 10 Paris 1 300 2 Jones
10 Paris 2 400 3 Blake 30
Paris 2 200 4 Clark 20 London
2 200 4 Clark 20 London 4
300 4 Clark 20 London 5 400 (12
Relation Calculus
suppliers.status, suppliers.city,sp.pn,
sp.qty Where exists sp ( sp.snsuppliers.sn)
21Basic Operations on tables
SQL Select from where
sanchez select suppliers.sname, parts.pname
from suppliers, parts, sp where
suppliers.snsp.sn and parts.pnsp.pn sname
pname -------------- Smith Nut Smith
Bolt Smith Screw Smith Screw Smith Cam
Smith Cog Jones Nut Jones Bolt Blake
Bolt Clark Bolt Clark Screw Clark
Cam (12 rows)
Relation Calculus
parts.pname, supplier.sname Where exists sp (
sp.snsupplier.sn) and
parts ( sp.pnparts.pn)
22Basic Operations on tables
SQL Select from where
Using Aggregate Attributes count,
sanchez select avg(weight) as AverageWeight
from parts averageweight
--------------------- 15.1666666666666667 (1
Relation Calculus
23Operations on tables
Provide the number of different parts provided
by each supplier (not the quantity)
Using Aggregate Attributes count,
Using Aggregate Attributes
sanchez select sn, sname, count(pn) from
suppliers, sp where suppliers.snsp.sn Group by
sn,sname ERROR column reference "sn" is
ambiguous sanchez select suppliers.sn,sname,coun
t(pn) from suppliers, sp where
suppliers.snsp.sn ERROR column "suppliers.sn"
must appear in the GROUP BY clause or be used
in an aggregate function sanchez select
suppliers.sn, sname, count(pn) from suppliers,
sp where suppliers.snsp.sn Group by
suppliers.sn,sname sn sname count
------------------ 4 Clark 3 2
Jones 2 3 Blake 1 1 Smith
6 (4 rows)
Relation Calculus
suppliers.sn,suppliers.sname, count(sp.pn)
where exists sp ( sp.snsupplier.sn) group by
suppliers.sn, suppliers.sname
24Operations on tables
Get supplier names for suppliers who supply part 1
sanchez select distinct suppliers.sname from
suppliers where suppliers.sn in (select sp.sn
from sp where sp.pn 1) sname
------- Jones Smith (2 rows)
Relation Calculus
Range sx over supplier, spx over sp sx.sname,
where spx.sn sp.sn
25Operations on tables
Get supplier names for suppliers who supply at
least one red part
sanchez select distinct suppliers.sname from
suppliers where suppliers.sn in (select sp.sn
from sp where sp.pn in (select parts.pn from
parts where parts.color'red')) sname
------- Clark Jones Smith (3 rows)
Relation Calculus
Range sx over suppliers, spx over sp, px over
parts sx.sname where exists spx (spx.snsx.sn
exists px (px.pn spx.pn px.color
red ))
26Operations on tables
Get supplier names for suppliers who supply all
a b c
x y
sanchez select distinct suppliers.sname from
suppliers where not exists (select from parts
where not exists ( select from sp where
sp.sn suppliers.sn and sp.pn
parts.pn)) sname ------- Smith (1 row)
Relation Calculus
Range sx over suppliers, spx over sp, px over
parts sx.sname where notexists px (
notexists spx ( sx.sn spx.sn spx.pn
px.pn ) )
27Operations on tables
Get supplier names for suppliers who do not
supply part 2
sanchez select distinct suppliers.sname from
suppliers where not exists (select from sp
where sp.sn suppliers.sn and sp.pn2 ) sname
------- Adams (1 row)
Relation Calculus
Range sx over suppliers, spx over sp, px over
parts sx.sname where notexists spx (
notexists spx ( sx.sn spx.sn spx.pn
2 ) )
28Operations on tables
Get supplier details for suppliers with number gt
1 and that are located in London
sanchez select sn,sname,city from suppliers
where sn gt 1 intersect select sn,sname,city from
suppliers where city 'London' sn sname
city ------------------- 4 Clark
London (1 row) sanchez select sn,sname,city
from suppliers where sn gt 1 and city 'London'
sn sname city ------------------- 4
Clark London // here the idea is that it could
be two different tables
Relation Calculus
Range sx,sy over suppliers sx.sn,
sx.sname,sx.city where exists sx (exists sy
( sx.sn gt 1 sy.city London
sx.snsy.sn ) )
29Basic Operations on tables
a a b b c c
x y x y x y
a b c
x y
Here the idea is that we can generate the
cartesian product (tuples) of the relation
for all values in the domains
30Basic Operations on tables
We can think of UNION as an INSERT operation
sanchez insert into suppliers values (1,
'Smith', 20,'London') INSERT 17750 1 sanchez
insert into suppliers values (2, 'Jones',
10,'Paris') INSERT 17751 1 sanchez insert into
suppliers values (3, 'Blake', 30,'Paris') INSERT
17752 1 sanchez insert into suppliers values
(4, 'Clark', 20,'London') INSERT 17753
1 sanchez insert into suppliers values (5,
'Adams', 30,'Athens') INSERT 17754 1