Title: US Department of Labor
1US Department of Labor Office of Federal
Contract Compliance Programs
Pacific Region
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA)
Compliance Assistance Presentation
- Introduction to OFCCP
- OFCCP Laws Regulations
- ARRAs Impact on OFCCP
- ARRA Compliance Evaluations
- Questions?
Hilda Solis Secretary of Labor
3Introduction to OFCCP
4Alice Young Deputy Regional Director
William Smitherman Regional Director
Pacific Region Alaska, Arizona, California,
Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and
5Mission and Vision
Ensure that employers doing business with the
Federal Government comply with laws and
regulations requiring non-discrimination and
equal employment opportunity. OFCCP works to
ensure that employment opportunities generated by
Federal dollars are available on an equitable and
fair basis.
6How Does OFCCP Accomplish its Mission and Vision?
- Complaint Investigations
- Compliance Assistance
- Compliance Evaluations
7What is ARRAs impact on OFCCP?
- Signed into law on February 17, 2009
- Authorizes up to 787 billion in Federal
- spending through September 30, 2010
- Potential Federal spending includes funding
- for construction projects and the procurement
- of supplies and services
- Jumpstart our economy
- Create/save jobs
- Modernize infrastructure
- Enhance energy independence
- Expand educational opportunities
- Preserve/improve affordable health care
- Provide tax relief
- Protect those in greatest need
10Scheduling and Conducting ARRA Compliance
11OFCCPS Role in Monitoring ARRA Projects
- Federal contractors receiving ARRA funds must
comply with OFCCP regulations. - OFCCP has received 7.2 million (nationwide) in
ARRA funds to monitor ARRA contractor compliance. -
12Basic ARRA Scheduling Principles
- A Supply and Service compliance evaluation
includes a full desk audit and onsite review of
every ARRA funded contractor scheduled for
13ARRA Supply and Service Scheduling Exceptions
- Contractors reviewed within 6 months are excepted
from being scheduled for an ARRA compliance
evaluation. - A pre-award clearance is not required for
contractor establishments reviewed by OFCCP
within the past 24 months. - Contractors that have undergone an ARRA
evaluation are not subject to another ARRA
evaluation. - Contractors may be scheduled for a standard OFCCP
compliance evaluation 24 months from the closure
of the ARRA compliance evaluation.
14ARRA Construction Scheduling Exceptions
- Contractors who have undergone an ARRA evaluation
within a geographical area are not subject to
another ARRA evaluation in the same geographical
area. - Contractors who have undergone an OFCCP
evaluation within the same geographical area
within the past 6 months
15Types of ARRACompliance Evaluations
- Pre-award
- New ARRA Contractors
- Established Federal Contractors
- Supply Service
- Construction
16Basic Selection Criteria
- Contractor may be selected for review if
- Working on the current phase of the project on
the date of OFCCPs scheduled onsite - Has a minimum of 10 trade employees and laborers
assigned to the project - Has a contract of 10,000 or more
- Has not previously undergone an ARRA construction
evaluation within the same geographical area - Has not undergone an OFCCP evaluation within the
same geographical area within the past 6 months
17OFCCP Websitehttp//www.dol.gov/esa
- ARRA Information
- Links to other pertinent websites
- Manuals
- Brochures
- Review procedures
- Fact Sheets
- and much, much more
ARRA FAQ www.dol.gov/esa/ofccp/arra_data/ARRA_FAQ
18OFCCP Compliance Assistance
- Offering personal assistance in person or via
phone based on your areas of concern - Conducting seminars tailored to your needs
- Disseminating publications, pamphlets and
guides - OFCCP Helpline (866) 487-2356