Title: Bionomic dynamics
1Bionomic dynamics
- Basic concern is with unregulated dynamics of
fishing effort (fish-fisher interaction as
predator-prey system) - Four key dynamic relationships to consider
- Stock response to harvest rate
- Catchability variation with stock size/distn.
- Short-term effort response to expected cpue
- Long-term effort response (fleet size dynamics)
2Stock response to harvest
- Often sufficient to model with simple surplus
production model of the form Bt1Btg(Bt)-Ct - Surplus production function g(B) is typically
domeshaped with variable initial slope (r ) and
carrying capacity (K) - Should consider slow dynamics of change in r
and K with habitat/environment - Key prediction problem is Ct
3Catchability variation
- Can predict Ct as either CtqtEtBt (short
prediction time steps) Ct(1-e-qtEt)Bt (longer
time steps) - Key problem is predicting qt (changes with
technology and stock size) remember qta/A,
aarea swept/effort, Astock area - Non-random search and range contraction dynamics
cause A to change a lot with B -
4Short term effort response
- Whether or not individuals fish depends on
expected price x cpue (relative to cost) - Variation among individuals results in a
cumulative increase in proportion of vessels
fishing as stock size increases - Usually model the cumulative proportion of
vessels fishing as a function of expected cpue by
using a logit choice model
5Impact of short-term effort responses on
catch-effort relationships
6Logit (logistic) choice models(switching models)
7Can also think about the short-term effort
response as a sum of individual efforts, each
turning on at a different overall average cpue
Average cpue
8Long term fleet size response
- Model this as a population dynamics with
recruitment (investment) and mortality
(depreciation) Ntnumber of vessels - Nt1(1-d)Ntk(profit)tINEWt
- Depreciation rates d are typically around
0.05/yr - (profit)tprice x catch (cost/effort) x effort
- Proportion of profit reinvested (k) is likely to
be around 0.5 - New investment INEW from outside the fishery
can be highly unpredictable
9Predicted dynamics of linked stock-fleet models
- Key determinant of predicted pattern is how q
varies with stock size (and rarely, increases in
price as stock declines) - Constant q and price lead to simple dynamics that
approach stable equilibrium point - Hyperstable q (increasing at low stock size) can
cause unstable dynamics with effort cycles,
multiple equilibria in stock abundance
10Bionomic equilibrium Gulf of Mexico shrimp
In shrimp fisheries, it is common for seasonal
effort to start out high, then drop off to near
zero as abundance declines to an unprofitable
level each year. The Remaining spawning stock
produces next years catch
11Bionomic equilibrium tuna longline fisheries