Title: What is Assembly Language?
1What is Assembly Language?
- Introduction to the GNU/Linux assembler and
linker - for Intel Pentium processors
2High-Level Language
- Most programming nowdays is done using so-called
high-level languages (such as - FORTRAN, BASIC, COBOL, PASCAL, C, C, JAVA,
SCHEME, Lisp, ADA, etc.) - These languages deliberately hide from a
programmer many details concerning HOW his
problem actually will be solved by the underlying
computing machinery
3The BASIC language
- Some languages allow programmers to forget about
the computer completely! - The language can express a computing problem with
a few words of English, plus formulas familiar
from high-school algebra - EXAMPLE PROBLEM Compute 4 plus 5
4The example in BASIC
- LET X 4
- LET Y 5
- PRINT X, , Y, , Z
Output 4 5 9
5The C language
- Other high-level languages do require a small
amount of awareness by the program-author of how
a computation is going to be processed - For example, that
- - the main program will get linked with a
library of other special-purpose subroutines - - instructions and data will get placed into
separate sections of the machines memory - - variables and constants get treated
differently - - data items have specific space requirements
6Same example rewritten in C
- include ltstdio.hgt // needed for printf()
- int x 4, y 5 // initialized variables
- int z // unitialized variable
- int main()
- z x y
- printf( d d d \n, x, y, z )
7ends versus means
- Key point high-level languages let programmers
focus attention on the problem to be solved, and
not spend effort thinking about details of how
a particular piece of electrical machiney is
going to carry out the pieces of a desired
computation - Key benefit their problem gets solved sooner
(because their program can be written faster) - Programmers dont have to know very much about
how a digital computer actually works
8computer scientist vs. programmer
- But computer scientists DO want to know how
computers actually work - -- so we can fix computers if they break
- -- so we can use the optimum algorithm
- -- so we can predict computer behavior
- -- so we can devise faster computers
- -- so we can build cheaper computers
- -- so we can pick one suited to a problem
9A machines own language
- For understanding how computers work, we need
familiarity with the computers own language
(called machine language) - Its LOW-LEVEL language (very detailed)
- It is specific to a machines architecture
- It is a language spoken using voltages
- Humans represent it with zeros and ones
10Example of machine-language
- Heres what a program-fragment looks like
- 10100001 10111100 10010011 00000100
- 00001000 00000011 00000101 11000000
- 10010011 00000100 00001000 10100011
- 11000000 10010100 00000100 00001000
- It means z x y
- Though possible, it is extremely difficult,
tedious (and error-prone) for humans to read and
write raw machine-language - When unavoidable, a special notation can help
(called hexadecimal representation) - A1 BC 93 04 08
- 03 05 C0 93 04 08
- A3 C0 94 04 08
- But still this looks rather meaningless!
12Hence assembly language
- There are two key ideas
- -- mnemonic opcodes we employ abbreviations of
English language words to denote operations - -- symbolic addresses we invent meaningful
names for memory storage locations we need - These make machine-language understandable to
humans if they know their machines design - Lets see our example-program, rewritten using
actual assembly language for Intels Pentium
13Simplified Block Diagram
Central Processing Unit
Main Memory
system bus
I/O device
I/O device
I/O device
I/O device
14Pentiums visible registers
- Four general-purpose registers
- eax, ebx, ecx, edx
- Four memory-addressing registers
- esp, ebp, esi, edi
- Six memory-segment registers
- cs, ds, es, fs, gs, ss
- An instruction-pointer and a flags register
- eip, eflags
15The Fetch-Execute Cycle
main memory
central processor
Temporary Storage (STACK)
Program Variables (DATA)
Program Instructions (TEXT)
the system bus
16Define symbolic constants
- .equ device_id, 1
- .equ sys_write, 4
- .equ sys_exit, 0
17our programs data section
- .section .data
- x .int 4
- y .int 5
- z .int 0
- fmt .asciz d d d \n
- buf .space 80
- len .int 0
18our programs text section
- .section .text
- _start
- comment assign z x y
- movl x, eax
- addl y, eax
- movl eax, z
19text section (continued)
- comment prepare programs output
- pushl z arg 5
- pushl y arg 4
- pushl x arg 3
- pushl fmt arg 2
- pushl buf arg 1
- call sprintf function-call
- addl 20, esp discard args
- movl eax, len save return-value
20text section (continued)
- comment request kernel assistance
- movl sys_write, eax
- movl device_id, ebx
- movl buf, ecx
- movl len, edx
- int 0x80
21text section (concluded)
- comment request kernel assistance
- movl sys_exit, eax
- movl 0, ebx
- int 0x80
- comment make label visible to linker
- .global _start
- .end
22program translation steps
program source module
program object module
the executable program
object module library
object module library
other object modules
23The GNU Assembler and Linker
- With Linux you get free software tools for
compiling your own computer programs - An assembler (named as) it translates
- assembly language (called the source code)
into machine language (called the object code) - as demo.s -o demo.o
- A linker (named ld) it combines object files
with function libraries (if you know which ones)
24What must programmer know?
- Needed to use CPU register-names (eax)
- Needed to know space requirements (int)
- Needed to know how stack works (pushl)
- Needed to make symbol global (for linker)
- Needed to understand how to quit (ret)
- And of course how to use system tools
- (e.g., text-editor, assembler, and linker)
- High-level programming (offers easy and speedy
real-world problem-solving) - Low-level programming (offers knowledge and power
in utilizing machine capabilities) - High-level language hides lots of details
- Low-level language reveals the workings
- High-level programs readily portable
- Low-level programs tied to specific CPU
26In-class exercise 1
- Download the source-file for demo1, and compile
it using the GNU C compiler gcc - gcc demo1.c -o demo1
- Website http//cs.usfca.edu/cruse/cs210/
- Execute this compiled applocation using
- ./demo1
27In-class exercise 2
- Download the two source-files needed for our
demo2 application (i.e., demo2.s and
sprintf.s), and assemble them using - as demo2.s -o demo2.o
- as sprintf.s -o sprintf.o
- Link them using
- ld demo2.o sprintf.o -o demo2
- And execute this application using ./demo2
28In-class exercise 3
- Use your favorite text-editor (e.g., vi) to
modify the demo2.s source-file, by using
different initialization-values for x and y - Reassemble your modified demo2.s file, and
re-link it with the sprintf.o object-file - Run the modified demo2 application, and see if
it prints out a result that is correct