Title: Operational Efficiency MS
1Operational Efficiency_at_ MS
- Tibor Kolejak
- Regional IT Site Manger
- Microsoft Czech Republic
Company Logo Here
- 150,000 PCs
- gt7,000 servers
- 20 (?) Microsoft Exchange Messaging Servers
Canyon Park, Redmond
Les Ulis
Chofu Otemachi
Silicon Valley
Los Colinas
- 400 supported Microsoft sites worldwide
- gt400 apps
- 26M voice calls per month
- 50K employees
- 5K contractors
- 17K vendors
Sao Paulo
- 4.5M e-mail messages per day internally
- Large, highly dynamic environment
- Security
- 2,500 attacks, probes, and scans daily
- Over 125,000 virus-infected messages quarantined
monthly - Unique IT environments for product development,
testing, support, and research require special
security - Technology-literate staff
- 95 with local administrator right to their
4Operational efficiency
- To get more with less
- To increase service levels with less money
Adequate synergy of various factors required!
Management tools
Network solutions
- Model Enterprise
- Windows Server 2003 Deployment
- Microsoft Operations Manager
- SMS 2003 Deployment
6Model Enterprise
DSL/Local ISP/ Leased Line to local ISP
ATT/GX/Equant Leased Line
ATT/GX Leased Line
ICO 1 - ICO 2 - Standard Building
7Windows Server 2003 Deployment
- Major milestone for MS
- A lot of new innovative features
- Internal deployment coming from the need to
improve security, availability and reliability
8Major Phases of Deployment
- Future Technology
- Integration Planning
- Test and Pilot
- Enterprise Deployment
- Sustain and Manage
4Sustain Manage
1Integration Planning
2Test Pilot
9Business Benefits
- Reliability
- Scalability
- Security
- Lower Support Costs
10Microsoft Operation Manager
Situation Monitoring the enterprise with many
different tools makes the task expensive and
inefficient Solution Consolidate and adopt
Microsoft Operations Manager as key enterprise
11Groups _at_ MS IT using MOM
- Business Unit IT
- Messaging and Collaboration Services
- Enterprise Infrastructure Services
- Corporate Security
12Business Benefits
- Lower TCO
- Proactive versus reactive/ Server availability
increase - Scaleable
- Flexible and interoperable
13Patch Management
- Situation
- Security vulnerabilities can lead to loss of
revenue and intellectual property - Solution
- SMS 2003 is key tool in Microsoft IT patch
management process
14Patch Management Framework
1. Assess Environment to be Patched Periodic
Tasks A. Create/maintain baseline of systems B.
Access patch management architecture (is it
fit for purpose) C. Review Infrastructure/
configuration Ongoing Tasks A. Discover Assets B.
Inventory Clients
2. Identify New Patches Tasks A. Identify new
patches B. Determine patch relevance
(includes threat assessment) C. Verify patch
authenticity integrity (no virus installs
on isolated system)
1. Assess
2. Identify
3. Evaluate Plan Patch Deployment Tasks A.
Complete patch acceptance testing B. Obtain
approval to deploy patch C. Perform risk
assessment D. Plan patch release process
4. Deploy the Patch Tasks A. Distribute and
install patch B. Report on progress C. Handle
exceptions D. Review deployment
3. Evaluate Plan
4. Deploy
15Business Benefits
- Automated security update and application
deployment - Enforcement within prescribed timeframes
- Minimized unplanned downtime
- Central reporting and administration
- Clear communication path
- More accurate and efficient patch management
- More updates, fewer administrators, less time
- Reduction in manual effort to deploy updates
- Automated tools, fewer scripts
16Server Patch Management Architecture
1 Central Site ServerWindows Server 2003SQL
Server 2000 SP3a
10 Primary Site ServersWindows Server 2003
6,000 Windows Server 2003Based Servers Running
SMS 2003Advanced Client with Advanced Security
17Server Patch Management Process Team Roles
- Releases security bulletins
- Corporate Security
- Assigns deployment priority
- Data Center Operations
- Manages data centers
- Hosts SMS infrastructures
- Patches servers
18Server Patch Management Phases
- Two schedules, one deployment/enforcement process
- Phase 1 Monitoring for security bulletins and
updates from Microsoft - Process of deploying update to servers begins
after update is released
19Server Patch Management Process Phases
- Phase 2 Determining the risk level
- MSRC - Critical, Important, or Moderate
- CSCT - Deployment scheduled - based on adjusted
MSRC rating - DCOPS - Security Update Inventory Tool helps
determine which servers are vulnerable - MBSA scans for missing/installed updates
20Server Patch Management Process Phases
- Phase 3 Testing
- Deploying synthetic patch to test deployment
success - Monitor success, investigate and fix failures
21Server Patch Management Process Phases
- Phases 47 Deploying the patch
12 A.M.4 A.M.
4 A.M.8 A.M.
8 A.M.1 P.M.
1 P.M.4 P.M.
8 P.M.12 A.M.
4 P.M.8 P.M.
12 A.M.4 A.M.
4 A.M.8 A.M.
8 A.M.1 P.M.
1 P.M.4 P.M.
4 P.M.8 P.M.
8 P.M.12 A.M.
Standard Deployment
12 A.M.4 A.M.
4 A.M.8 A.M.
8 A.M.1 P.M.
1 P.M.4 P.M.
4 P.M.8 P.M.
8 P.M.12 A.M.
12 A.M.4 A.M.
4 A.M.8 A.M.
8 A.M.1 P.M.
1 P.M.4 P.M.
4 P.M.8 P.M.
8 P.M.12 A.M.
Hour 1
12 A.M.4 A.M.
4 A.M.8 A.M.
8 A.M.1 P.M.
1 P.M.4 P.M.
4 P.M.8 P.M.
8 P.M.12 A.M.
Hour 2
12 A.M.4 A.M.
4 A.M.8 A.M.
8 A.M.1 P.M.
1 P.M.4 P.M.
4 P.M.8 P.M.
8 P.M.12 A.M.
Hour 3
Emergency Deployment
12 A.M.4 A.M.
4 A.M.8 A.M.
8 A.M.1 P.M.
1 P.M.4 P.M.
4 P.M.8 P.M.
8 P.M.12 A.M.
Hour 4
12 A.M.4 A.M.
4 A.M.8 A.M.
8 A.M.1 P.M.
1 P.M.4 P.M.
4 P.M.8 P.M.
8 P.M.12 A.M.
22Server Patch Management Process Phases
- Phase 8 Reporting
- Determine success of deployment and degree of
voluntary patching - Advertisement Status Viewer
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