Title: Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Energy Efficiency
1Lessons Learned and Best Practices for Energy
- Julia Weller
- jweller_at_pierceatwood.com
- 12 July 2008
- Batumi, Georgia
- Reasons to Introduce Energy Efficiency Measures
- Best Practices in EE Laws Around the World
- Initial Steps
- Quantative Targets
- EE Standards for New Buildings
- Labeling for electric Appliances
- Financial Incentives
- EE audits
- Energy services companies
- Other regulations
- How to Deal with the Rebound Effect
- Barriers to Implementation of EE in Transition
Economies - Conclusion Lessons Learned for Successful EE Law
31. Reasons for EE Measures
- Energy efficiency is the step-child of energy
sector reformsmoney is devoted to liberalisation
and infrastructure investment but little
attention is paid to EE - Negawatts can save money and reduce the need to
import electricity or build new capacity without
reducing living standardsEE is the fifth fuel - EE can save jobs at high intensity factories by
reducing operating costs
4Reasons for EE Measures
- EE can also create jobs in energy services
companies - Cost of energy as of households much higher in
CEE and Caucasus than in Western Europe (10-15
vs. 3-5) because of lower income so EE has
greatest impact on poorest households - EE can help limit use of fossil-fueled plants and
reduce global warming - Help to target best projects for EE investment
5Reasons for EE Measures
- Provides access to capital from sources such as
the World Bank/UNDEPs Global Environment
Facility, EBRDs Energy Efficiency Unit, and the
IFCs Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund - Fulfills obligations of Government under Energy
Charter Protocol (PEEREA) - Citizens of Georgia will know Government is
serious about EE and its international
commitments if it takes lead in applying EE
standards to government buildings
62. Best Practices in EE Laws Around the World
- World Energy Council did review of EE measures in
76 countries representative of all world regions,
including emerging markets - Represented 83 of worlds energy consumption
- Published in January 2008 after three year study
- Results available on website www.worldenergy.org
- Conclusions on successes and failures useful for
7(1) Initial Steps
- First step of EE policy is to establish adequate
energy pricing (i.e. long-term marginal cost)
tariffs that cover costs important to give
consumers correct price signals - Second step is establishing a government body
devoted to EE--two-thirds of countries surveyed
had EE agency dedicated to implementing EE policy
and over 90 had Ministry department dedicated to
8(2) Quantative Targets
- Almost half of countries surveyed have
established quantitative targets with yearly
monitoring requirements - Types of target used varies
- Most popular is rate of energy savings or
efficiency improvement - Achieve specified energy target expressed (in Gwh
or Mtoe) second most popular - Achieve specified rate of decrease in energy
intensity( per year or over set period)chosen
by Bulgaria, Czech Republic and Russia) - Rate of reduction in energy consumption
9Quantative Targets and Methods
10(3) EE Standards for New Buildings
- All EU countries have mandatory efficiency
standards for new buildings and service sector
buildings to comply with Directive - Half of other OECD countries and some non-OECD
countries have mandatory EE standards for
buildings, other half of OECD countries have
voluntary standards - Total of 50 of countries surveyed had either
mandatory or voluntary standards
11EE Standards for New Buildings
- In Africa and Asia, standards apply only to
non-residential buildings because commercial
buildings account for largest share of energy
consumption - Most standards performance based sometimes
combined with specific standards for individual
components (e.g. thermal windows) - In EU, cumulative energy savings is 60 when
compared to dwellings built before oil embargo
additional cost a few
12EE Standards for New Buildings
13Successful EE Measures for EE Standards for New
- Push-Pull Packages
- Push consumers away from energy intensive
practices and pull them toward energy efficient
ones - Alternatives Package
- Offer choice between incentives and penalties
- Conditional Packages
- Voluntary measures first
- If they dont succeed in meeting target,
mandatory measures
14Push-Pull Package in Finland
- Finland has adopted a package of push-pull
measures for commercial buildings based on the
following components - a subsidy scheme for energy audits since 1994,
with subsidies up to 50 - subsidies for investments (between 10 and 25)
and - voluntary agreements to save heat and
15Alternatives Package in Denmark
- Denmarks Green Tax Package for industry
- One alternative is set of fiscal measures
(energy, CO2 and SO 2 taxes) - Other alternative is tax reduction and voluntary
agreement to submit to Danish Energy Authority an
implementation plan comprising an audit, EE
action plan and precise EE targets if fail to
meet targets, have to repay tax reduction - In 2001, 300 enterprises (60 of total industry
energy consumption) signed agreements - Customers can choose
16Conditional Package
- Step-wise EE measures for existing buildings
- Step One Energy labels for building sales
- Step Two Tax linked to average yearly
consumption - Step Three Mandatory thermal retrofitting
17(4) Labeling for Electric Appliances
- EU has mandatory EE labeling for all major
household electric appliances - In OECD Asia and America, 70 of non-EU countries
require labeling for refrigerators - In Africa, Middle East and non-OECD Asia,
labeling not wide-spread because second-hand
appliances account for most appliances sold in
emerging markets and labeling limited to new
18Labeling for Electric Appliances
- Studies showed that labeling did not increase
costs as manufacturers benefited from increased
sales - Labeling resulted in rapid increase in market
share of most efficient appliances - To be successful, standards need constant
updating - In emerging markets, labels used modeled on OECD
labels that have been shown to be successful
19Examples of Energy Efficiency Labels (Thailand,
Brazil and Iran)
20(5) Financial Incentives
- Economic Incentives
- Investment subsidies to reduce investment costs
for consumers - Used energy funds with financing mechanisms
depending on banking system rather than budget - Drawbacks
- Free-riders most likely to take advantage
- Low-income consumers who were targets did not
take advantage of subsidies because unaware of
them - Bureaucracy, delays and transaction costs
- Lessons learned
- More targeted subsidies (low-income beneficiaries
and specified list of equipment with long payback
but high efficiency gains)
21Financial Incentives
- Soft loans
- Subsidized interest rates for EE measures
- Easily implemented by banking institutions
- Less popular than subsidies
22Energy Efficiency Funds
- Bulgaria, Romania and Macedonia all have funds
for energy efficiency loans and guarantees - All launched with GEF grants (10 MM Bulgaria and
Romania, 5.5 MM Macedonia) - Co-financed in Bulgaria by governments of
Bulgaria and Austria and private companies, by
commercial banks in Romania and development bank
in Macedonia - Private fund managers with performance incentives
- Bulgaria has approved projects for over EUR7
million, Romania has leveraged over 30 million
Macedonia fund launched Sept. 2007 after two
years preparation - Funds provide guarantees as well as loans
- Minimal bureaucracy in decision making
23Fiscal Incentives
- Reduce taxes and eliminate import duties to
consumers who invest in EE equipment - Tax reductions and accelerated depreciation
considered better than subsidies because less
costly - Incentives work well if tax collection rate is
high but work poorly in countries in transition - Applied most frequently to compact fluorescent
lamps outside OECD
24(6) Energy Audits
- Mandatory audits most frequent in building sector
- Most effective if coupled with capacity building
- Need training programs in high school and
university to have cadre of certified auditors - Government agency needs to be staffed to respond
to data collected in audit - Voluntary audits exist in every sector
- Mandatory audits in industrial sector most
prevalent in emerging markets - Data to date shows energy savings of 5-10 in
companies when followed with implementing measures
25Energy Audits
- Mandatory audit approaches vary from soft (e.g.
Australia which focuses on changing business
culture) to hard (e.g. Taiwan, India and
Bulgaria, which established industrial processes
standards) - Can be walk-through or detailed
- Threshold for required participation
varies--ranges from 260 toe (3000 Mwh) in
Bulgaria to 30,000 toe in India - Typical period for new audit is 3-5 years but
also shorter (2 years in Romania and one time in
Czech Republic) - Sanctions for compliance, usually fines, foreseen
in most cases but cooperation preferred to
coercion -
26(7) Energy Services Companies
- Energy services companies offer guaranteed energy
savings from EE improvements - Payment comes from cost savings, without risk to
customers, or financed by third party loan
secured by cost savings another model is shared
savings - Performance-based contracts help overcome
financial barriers - Services provided include development and design
of EE projects installation and maintenance of
EE equipment involved and measurement,
monitoring and verification of the project's
energy savings - ESCos started in US, spread to EU and now in
industrial sector of developing and transition
27(8) Other EE Regulations
- Energy consumption reporting for large energy
consumers - Imposed in 30 of countries
- Mandatory energy managers for companies above a
certain size - Required in about 20 of countries
- Mandatory energy savings plans for certain
sectors - 20 OECD countries, 10 non-OECD countries
- Maintenance of heating boilers
- Mostly EU
283. How to Deal with Rebound Effect
- Rebound effect means that as EE measures kick
in, people use their savings to turn up
thermostat - Counteract rebound effect by packaging
- together complementary measures
- Example combination of insulation standards and
an energy tax for space heating or
cooling--insulation standards result in new
buildings which consume less - energy per m² for the same indoor temperature
the energy tax prevents people from is
294. Barriers to EE Implementation in Transition
- Studies of EE implementation in emerging and
developed market economies show that barriers are
greatest in transitional economies because of
enormous investment needs, corruption and
disorganization in government - Financial and economic barriershigh in
transition economies - Commercial lenders unwilling to provide loans
without obvious revenue stream for repayment - Micro-loans not available to home owners for EE
30Barriers to EE Implementation in Transition
- Social and institutional barrierslow acceptance
by public and resistance to behavioural change - Requires education campaign about long-term cost
savings and environmental benefits of EE - Requires training of public officials
- Need Information Centers located in buildings
where citizens have to go (e.g. Tax Authority) - Barriers to performance contracting for ESCos in
public sectorbudgets and credit lines made for
capital costs, not reduction of operating
expenses - Requires change in public procurement systems and
operating improvement incentives for officials - Energy Fund for financing ESCos critical because
of banks unfamiliarity with energy savings
31Barriers to EE Implementation by Municipalities
- Local authorities play important role in
implementing EE - MUNEE study on implementation of EE measures in
Bulgarian municipalities is one example - www.munee.org/files/Shortened_Final_Barriers.doc
- Limited authority on allocation of municipal
budgets - Local self-governments had no independent
financing source, relied on state subsidies - Subsidies reduced if municipality reduced
expenses through EEdisincentive to investments - Until law changed in 2001, municipalities could
only spend budgets as directed by central
government or faced severe penalties - Limits on borrowing and pay back period
324. Conclusion Best Practices for Successful EE
- Survey performed by the Alliance to Save Energy
of 22 countries in two regionsS.E. Europe and
the CISshowed that no EE improvements would have
been possible without a framework law - Type of law doesnt matter
- Can be stand-alone law or combined with RE or
part of Energy Law that includes electricity,
oil, natural gas, heat and RE
33Conclusion Best Practices for Successful EE Law
- Need to formalize EE as a separate sphere of
regulation - Conceptualize state policy principles for EE
- Prioritize the sectors with the highest energy
savings potential (electric generation,
industrial production, housing) - Define development of short and long-term EE
programs as a national priority - Assign responsibility for promotion of EE to
officials at national, regional and local levels
34Conclusion Best Practices for Successful EE Law
- Champions within the Government
- Successful EE programs and results have been the
result of individual champions at the highest
level of Government - Ministries have small staffs and short memories
- Without an understanding of the benefits to the
economy of EE, the law will not be implemented or
enforced - Reason for independent agency or department
within a Ministry is to try to insulate programs
from changes in Government
35Thank You!
- Julia Weller
- jweller_at_pierceatwood.com
- Batumi, Georgia