Title: Exhibition Halls
1The Home Page
The Site Sponsor
Links to live event pages
Exhibition Halls
Our news feeds
2The Hall Sponsor
Halls are divided into zones
3The Computer Zone within the professional
services hall
The Hall Sponsor gets the top listing for their
two selected zones
The list of gold sponsors comes next
Then Silver Sponsors
4The Zone Sponsor
The Zone Sponsor is always the top gold sponsor
for their zone
Gold Sponsors come next, then silver
5Then Entry Level exhibitors
6Entry Level stands look like this
Exhibitor highlights
Stand summary and contact details
7This is how a Silver sponsors stand looks
And they can have a Virtual Stand Rep like me
I can invite visitors to the stand to ask me
Silver sponsors can add detailed descriptions
8A Gold Sponsors Stand looks like this
They can add Exhibitor Case Studies
And show Videos
9A Live Event promotional page
You can sponsor a live event here
10The see all events page
The event Sponsor
11Visit www.hargould.co.uk and surf the site for
yourself. Call our sales manager Geoff Andrews
on 01425 477565