Title: Warrants and FTAs
1Warrants and FTAs
2Topics of Discussion
What-a-ya mean Im under arrest?
- FTAs
- Probable Cause
- Service of Process
- Warrant of Arrest
- Capias
- Summons
- Capias Pro Fine
- Warrant Fees
3Violation of Promise to Appear
Section 543.009, T.C.
- Person willfully violates written promise to
appear on citation
4Failure to Appear
Section 38.10, P.C.
- Defendant lawfully released from custody with or
without bail and intentionally and knowingly
fails to appear in accordance with the terms of
the release.
Peace Officers Authority to issue
- Section 543.003, T.C.
- For offenses under Subtitle C, T.C.
- Article 14.06(b), C.C.P.
- For Class C misdemeanors except Public
6How VPTA and FTA Charged
- Sworn Complaint
- Sworn Complaint
7When may file VPTA/ FTA
- FTA filed
- Defendant has been in custody
- Defendant fails to appear
- VPTA filed
- Subtitle C, T.C. offenses
- Defendant signed promise to appear
- Defendant failed to appear as promised
8Violation of Promise to Appear
Does not apply to following traffic offenses
- Registration
- Failure to Maintain Financial Responsibility
- Drivers License
- Commercial Drivers License
- Prosecutor makes decision to file
- Sworn complaint initiates charge
- Culpable mental state
- Intentionally
- Knowingly
- Maximum possible fine
- 500
- Court costs
- 44 (base costs)
- Prosecutor makes decision to file
- Sworn complaint initiates charge
- Culpable mental state
- Willfully
- Maximum possible fine
- 200
- Court costs
- 77 (base costs)
10Probable Cause
Required by
- U.S. Constitution, Amendment IV
- Texas Constitution, Article I, Section 9
- Article 1.06, C.C.P.
11Probable Cause
- The amount of evidence necessary to cause a
person to believe someone has committed a crime.
12Probable Cause Affidavits
- Affidavit sworn written statement
- Complaints not sufficient to act as
- State v. Martin 833 S.W.2d 129 (Tex .Crim. App.
13Probable Cause
- Who determines
- Judge
- Magistrate
- Sharp v. State (Tex.Crim.App., 1984)
- (clerks cannot determine probable cause)
14Probable Cause
- Documents requiring
- Arrest Warrant
- Capias
- Summons
- Warrant for Seizure of Animals
- Search Warrants
15Probable Cause Affidavit
- Search Warrant (Art. 18.01(b), C.C.P.)
- After search warrant executed,
- Clerk required to make copy of affidavit
available for public inspection
16Service of Process
- Process - written orders of court
- Authority to service municipal court process
- City police and marshals (Art. 45.202, C.C.P.)
- Under the same rules as sheriffs and constables
17Service of Process
- Jurisdiction of city officers
- Anywhere in county or counties where city
situated - (Art. 45.202 C.C.P.)
18Warrants of Arrest
- Written orderissued by a judge
- Written order issued by a magistrate
Warrant of Arrest Greetings to any peace officer
You are hereby commanded to arrest
- Article 2.09, C.C.P.
- Municipal Judges and Mayors
- Authority over cases jurisdiction to try (Article
45.014, C.C.P.) - Jurisdiction (Article 4.14, C.C.P.)
- Accept Complaints for Fine-only offenses that may
also include other sanctions other than
- Authority - County Wide
- Accept Complaints Issue Warrants
- Class A and B misdemeanors
- Felonies
- Issue Search Warrants
22Warrant of Arrest
- Sworn Complaint based on probable cause, or
- Probable cause affidavit
23Warrants of Arrest
- Requirements of warrant issued by judge Article
45.014, C.C.P. - Requirements of warrant issued by magistrate
Article 15.02, C.C.P.
24Warrant Issued by Mayor
- May be executed in county where city situated
- If executed out of county, needs
- Endorsement by judge of court of record, or
- Endorsement of magistrate in county where executed
- By court of record judge
- Let this warrant be executed in any county of
the State of Texas. - By magistrate
- Let this warrant be executed in the County of
__________ - Dated and signed
26Execution of Warrant
- Extends to every part of state
- Any peace office may execute
- May be telegraphed
- Executed by delivering to proper officer for
27Officer Executing Warrant
- Take before a magistrate
- Without unnecessary delay
- But no later than 48 hours after the arrest
(Arts. 15.16 and 15.17, C.C.P.) - Out-of-County Arrest
- Officer must take defendant before magistrate in
county of arrest (Arts. 15.16 and 15.17, C.C.P.)
28Out-Of-County Warrant
- Fine-only offense
- The magistrate has the authority to take a plea,
set and collect a fine, and grant jail credit - Paperwork and money must be sent within 11
business days to court with jurisdiction
29Clerks Role
- Review form of warrant
- Compare with statutory requirements
- Bring discrepancy to judges attention
- Check information entered on form
- Typing errors
- spelling errors
- Information accurate
30Clerks Role
- Coordinate with police department
- Original, copy, electronically connected
- Ensure warrant not lost
- Ensure prompt recall when served
- Coordinate documentation of peace officers
service or process - Needed to determine warrant fee assessment
31Clerks Role
- After service of the warrant
- Affidavit and warrant public
- Public may view
- Public may purchase copy
Chapter 23, C.C.P.
- Only judge has authority to issue
- Required to be issued when a bond forfeiture
declared (Article 23.05, C.C.P.)
- Art. 23.01 says judge or clerk may issue capias
- Sharp v. State (Tex.Crim.App., 1984)
- Orders peace officer to bring defendant before
the court - Does not lose its force if not executed by time
fixed in capias (Article 23.07, C.C.P.)
- May be executed by any officer
- Return must state disposition made by officer
- If not executed, return must state
- Document reason for non-service
- Any information on defendants whereabouts must
be provided
36Clerks Role
- Coordinate handling with police department
- Notifies judge and prosecutor, if not served
- When served or processed by peace officer
- Coordinate documentation so judge may assess
warrant fee
37Summons For Defendant
- Requires defendant to appear
- Issued by Magistrate Article 15.03(b), C.C.P.
- Issued by judge Article 23. 04, C.C.P.
- Request from a prosecutor required
38Summons For Defendant
- Required to have the following wording in English
and Spanish - It is an offense for a person to
intentionally influence or coerce a witness to
testify falsely or to elude legal process. It is
also a felony offense to harm or threaten to harm
a witness or prospective witness in retaliation
for or on account of the service of the person as
a witness or to prevent or delay a persons
service as a witness to a crime.
39Service of Summons For Defendant
- Peace officer serves
SERVE - A fee must be assessed when served or processed
40Summons For Defendant
Served by a peace officer
- Delivering copy to defendant
- Leaving it at his or her home with someone of
suitable age and discretion - Mailing it to last known address
41Summons For Defendant
- Articles 15.03(b) and 23.03(b), C.C.P.
- If defendant fails to appear, a warrant of arrest
or capias shall be issued
42Summons for Corporation or Association
- Service on Corp. or Assoc.
- Must require
- Corporation or association to appear at or before
10 am of the Monday next after expiration of 20
days after service - Service on Sec. Of State (S.O.S.)
- Must require
- Corporation or association to appear at or before
10 am of the Monday next after expiration of 30
days after service
43Summons for Corporation or Association
- Service on Corp. or Assoc.
- Personally deliver to registered agent
- President or vice president
- Service on Sec. of State (S.O.S.)
- Personally deliver to S.O.S. or Assist. S.O.S. or
clerk in charge of Corporation Dept. at S.O.S.
44Summons for Corporation or Association
- Enforcement
- Defendant fails to appear
- issue capias
- Corporation or Association Counsel for fails to
appear - Court enters plea of not guilty, proceeds to
trial, enters judgment, pronounces sentence
45Capias Pro Fine
Article 45.045, C.C.P.
- Issued when defendant fails to satisfy judgment
- Shall state the amount of the judgment and
46Capias Pro Fine
- A judgment must have been entered and signed by
judge - Judge needs documentation that defendant failed
to satisfy judgment
47Capias Pro Fine
- Before commitment to jail for default in payment
of a fine, judge determines - If defendant intentionally failed to make a good
faith effort to discharge the judgment - Defendant is not indigent
- Article 45.046, C.C.P.
48Arrest Fee
- 5.00
- Collected upon conviction for
- Peace officer issuing a citation
- Peace officer making warrantless arrest
- City keeps if local officer issued citation or
made warrantless arrest - If peace officer with statewide authority issues
citation or makes arrest, 1.00 goes to state
49Warrant or Capias Fee
Article 102.011(a)(2), C.C.P.
- Amount - 50
- For services of a peace officer
- Conviction required
50Warrant or Capias Fee
Article 102.011(a)(2), C.C.P.
- Collected for processing or executing by a peace
officer - warrant of arrest
- capias
- capias pro fine
51Warrant Fee
- Article 102.011(a)(2), C.C.P.
- Arresting law enforcement agency other than one
where warrant issued - May request 50
- Must make request within 15 days of arrest
- Paid upon conviction
52Warrant Fee
- Article 102.011(a)(2), C.C.P.
- If a peace officer with statewide authority
makes the arrest, court remits 10 of the 50 to
the State Comptroller.
53Fee for Summons
- Summons for defendant or parents or guardian of
juvenile - Fee of 35
- Service of Summons (served by peace officer)
- Defendant must be convicted
- (Art. 102.011(4), C.C.P.)
54Special Expense Fee
Article 45.203, C.C.P.
- Ordinance required
- Amount - not to exceed 25
- Warrant must be executed
55Special Expense Fee
Article 45.203, C.C.P.
- Collected on
- Failure to Appear
- Violate Promise to Appear