Title: KIDS Phase II
1Oregon Department of Education Pre-Kindergarten
through Grade 16 Integrated Data System (KIDS)
KIDS Phase II Executive Summary
Oregons Commitment
Data Driven Decisions
KIDS III - A Statewide Plan
KIDS Website/FAQ
3Introduction - The KIDS Team
4Introduction The KIDS Team
A Collaborative Team Effort . . .
5Oregons Commitment - The Need for Information -
Legislature Support
6Oregons Commitment The Need for Information
Support parental involvement in childrens
Improved data access and capacity
Cost efficiency gains
Streamlined data collection
Legislative need for information
Eliminate time-consuming manual student
transcript exchange
Demand for Student Community Service
Standardized data elements codes
No Child Left Behind Federal Accountability
Statewide Accountability Efficiency
7Oregons CommitmentLegislature Support
- Electronic exchange of students records among
schools - Accurate, timely, and consistent data reports
- Integrated data warehouse enterprise data
dictionary - Portal, dashboard, and internet access to
students data
8Data Driven Decisions - The Challenges - Our
Approach - Project Results
9Data Driven Decisions The Challenge Electronic
Students Transcript Exchange
Request for transcript transfer
Transcript transferred to Receiver
Initiate Manual transcript transfer
Current manual Student Transcripts Transfer
Manual student transcript transfer takes up to 6
10Data Driven Decisions The Challenge No Child
Left Behind (NCLB)
- NCLB Federal Accountability legislation requires
- Increased accountability
- Fundamental changes in data collection and
reporting - Student and staff level data collections
- Access to diverse program data (e.g., student
scores, drop-out and attendance rates, highly
qualified teachers)
11Data Driven Decisions The Challenge Integrating
Disparate Data Systems
- Numerous and varied systems serving School
Districts and Education Service Districts in the
state are - Stand-alone systems (not connected)
- Reside on different technical platforms
- Costly, difficult, and inconsistent reporting
- Inconsistent data definitions
- Inconsistent business processes
12Data Driven Decisions Our Approach Enterprise
Architecture Overview
13Data Driven Decisions Our Approach - An Inclusive
- A facilitated process involving
- Pilot District/ESD Work Groups
- Stakeholder Focus Groups
- A broad range of stakeholders
- Policy-makers
- School Districts
- ESDs
- Public
14Data Driven Decisions Our Approach Phased
15Data Driven Decisions Project Results
Accomplishment Summary
- KIDS Phase II has achieved impressive results
- 4 District Pilots
- Student Transcript Exchange System (OSTX)
- Data Dictionary
- State Data Warehouse
- 45 Web Reports
- Dashboard w/ KPIs
- Lessons Learned
16Data Driven Decisions Project Results OSTX
Reduce student transcript transfer from 6 weeks
to 2 days
17Data Driven Decisions Project Results KIDS
Reporting Dashboard
18Data Driven Decisions Project Results Sample
Portal Reports
19Data Driven Decisions Project Results Sample
Portal Reports
20Data Driven Decisions Project Results Sample
Portal Reports
21KIDS III - A Statewide Plan - An Overview of
Implementation Plan - Process Steps
22A Statewide Plan Implementation Overview
Process Steps
Warehouse Development Integration
Requirements Policy Development
Hardware Software Procurement
Project Planning
Implement Go Live
- Enabling strategies for successful implementation
- Assigning clear responsibilities
- Assuring sufficient resources
- Expecting obstacles
- Establishing task teams
- Effective communication plan...
23KIDS Website/FAQ
24Questions Answers To visit our web site...
s/ Or contact the Oregon Department of Education
25Thank You !