Title: What Next Unlocking the mystery to successafter high school
1What Next? Unlocking the mystery to
success after high school!
- Kim Blair, Counseling Specialist
- Karina Martir, TOSA
- Office of 7-12 Instructional Services
2What Happens to CA Students After they Graduate?
- Number Bank
- 6 9
- 18 24
- 54
- 60 73
- 76 78
3What Happens to CA Students After they Graduate?
- Number Bank
- 6 9
- 18 24
- 54
- 60 73
- 76 78
4What Happens to CA Students After they Graduate?
- Number Bank
- 6 9
- 18 24
- 54
- 60 73
- 76 78
5What Happens to CA Students After they Graduate?
- Number Bank
- 6 9
- 18 24
- 54
- 60 73
- 76 78
6What Happens to CA Students After they Graduate?
- Number Bank
- 6 9
- 18 24
- 54
- 60 73
- 76 78
7What Happens to CA Students After they Graduate?
8What Happens to CA Students After they Graduate?
Why is the completion rate so low for CA
Community College Students??
9The Top Four Barriers to Student Success In
Community Colleges
- Enrollment Based Funding Focus on getting
students in the door, not out! (Focus on
recruitment not retention) - State Regulates Expenditures 50 must go to
salaries and benefits of instructors (lacking
advisement counselors, financial aid counselors,
spending on recruitment not retention) - Restrictions on Hiring 75 must be full time
teachers so the CC creates the master schedule
based on what teachers can teach not based on
classes needed by students to graduate or
transfer. - Fees for Students are Too Low Creates below
average revenues and students forgo available
State and Federal Aid. Students can drop classes
without consequences.
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13Sample Transcript 1
- Look at the students 9th, 10th and 11th grade
years. What classes must the student have in
12th grade to graduate AND meet A-G?
14Sample Transcript 1
- Students actual 12th grade year schedule
15Sample Transcript 2
- Look at the students final transcript. Did this
student meet A-G? Why or Why Not?
16Sample Transcript 2
- Look at the students final transcript. Did this
student meet A-G? Why or Why Not? - Yes for the Cal State System
- No for the UC System!!!
17What can I do with this Information?
- Be knowledgeable of the A-G requirements and
reference them in your classroom as part of your
College-Going Culture - Be accessible to your students as an ambassador
to the 4 year system (in addition to their
counselor) - Support and take an interest in your students
schedules during registration time