Title: Gender mainstreaming at local level
1Gender mainstreaming at local level
- The importance of incorporating the principle of
equal rights and opportunities in local policy
2Expected improvements for gender issues from
democratic decentralization processes
- Improved delivery of public services due to
greater accountability to local constituencies - Improved representation for women and
marginalised groups in decision-making due to
lower local barriers to politics - Â More accountability to gender interests due to
greater accessibility of local government
3Lessons from decentralization processes to
enhance equal rights and opportunities
- Delivery of Public Services
- Improved services depend on the conditions in
which it is implemented - Availability of adequate resources
- Animated press addressing corruption and
mismanagement - Well routed party system putting pressure on
ruling party - culture of accountability
4Lessons from decentralization processes to
enhance equal rights and opportunities
- Worldwide no consistently higher numbers of women
in local- than in national government except with
affirmative action - Decentralizing government has not by itself
ensured that women and men are represented on an
equal basis
5Lessons from decentralization processes to
enhance equal rights and opportunities
- Accountability to Gender Interests
- Local governments creating opportunities for
participation of marginalized groups varies
greatly - Women not necessarily represent gender interests
- Unless there is a civil society articulating the
interests of marginal groups, decentralization is
unlikely by itself to deliver equitable outcomes
6Effective Strategies to Enhance Equal Rights and
Opportunities at Local level
- Affirmative action (local council)
- Increase responsiveness of local administrations
to the concerns of women marginalized groups - Gender sensitive local budget analysis
- Participatory budgeting / Ring fenced funding
7Effective Strategies to Enhance Equal Rights and
Opportunities at Local level
- Internal democratization of political parties
- Representative trade unions
- Autonomous womens / civil society groups
- To debate priorities
- Promote participation in decision making
- Articulate interests
- Legitimise policy demands
8Support to Women Men Equal Opportunities
Commissions at Local Level
- Capacity Training Needs Assessment for
Development of Training Curriculum
- Assessment at 3 interrelated levels enabling
environment, organizational individual level - Collection of organizational, occupational and
individual competencies critical to EO
Commissions and Coordinators - Analysis to define training programmes building
on existing capacities and addressing areas to be
10Target Audiences
- Training Needs assessment
- Directed at key actors at political, government
and civil society levels to support equal rights
and opportunities at local level
- Directed at EO Commissions and Coordinators for
efficient gender mainstreaming in key areas of
municipality work
11Assessment Process
- Mapping and review of key national/local
policies, strategies documents - Development of methodology tools
- Selection engagement of target audiences
- Data collection, compilation analysis
- Prioritization recommendations of areas to be
addressed for capacity development
12Assessment Tools
- Self Assessment Questionnaires
- Face-to-face Interviews Focus Groups
- Selected members Equal Opportunities Commissions
- Coordinators on Equal Opportunities
- Selected key actors at political, government and
civil society levels - Selected members of Equal Opportunities
Commission - Coordinators on Equal Opportunities
13Preliminary Conclusions and Recommendations
- Not all Commissions Coordinators are in place
and mandate competencies not always clearly
defined - EO often viewed as a womens issue with limited
interest in local administration low
participation of men in EOCs - Great diversity among municipalities in terms of
key areas, gender awareness, EO experience,
participatory budgeting citizen participation
14Preliminary Conclusions and Recommendations
- Gender equality equal opportunities policy
insufficient embedded in local administration
structures procedures - Need to build maintain institutional memory and
enhance sustainability of EO Commissions work
and efforts - Overall need to further clarify gender equality
equal opportunity principles among councilors and
municipal administration
15Preliminary Conclusions and Recommendations
- Need to improve disaggregated data collection and
analysis - Role of NGOs critical to gain insights in key
issues to be addressed and enhance citizen
participation - Some good practice in EOCs work emerged needs
to be shared among municipalities