Title: Incountry experiences in promoting gender mainstreaming in municipalities: ESTONIA
1In-country experiences in promoting gender
mainstreaming in municipalitiesESTONIA
2Municipalities in Estonia
- Public administration on two levels
- state and local
- Municipalities are autonomous
- Altogether 227 local governments
- 33 towns and 194 rural municipalities
- Umbrella organisations
- Association of Estonia Cities (www.ell.ee)
- Association of Municipalities of Estonia
3Municipalities in Estonia
- Tallinn
- 401 374 inhabitants
- Märjamaa
- 871.62 sq.km
- Tartu
- 2 628 inhabitants per sq.km
- Piirissaare
- 94 inhabitants
- Tootsi
- 1.76 sq.km
- Illuka
- 1.8 inhabitants per sq.km
4Gender mainstreaming obligations
- Gender Equality Act 9
- State and local government agencies as persons
promoting gender equality - (1) State and local government agencies are
required to promote gender equality
systematically and purposefully. Their duty is to
change the conditions and circumstances which
hinder achievement of gender equality. - (2) Upon planning, implementation and assessment
of national, regional and institutional
strategies, policies and action plans, the
agencies specified in subsection (1) of this
section shall take into account the different
needs and social status of men and women and
consider how the measures applied and to be
applied will affect the situation of men and
women in society. - (3)
- (4) The membership of committees, councils and
other collegial bodies formed by state and local
government agencies shall, if possible, include
both sexes.
5Gender mainstreaming obligations
- Gender Equality Act 11
- Employers as persons promoting gender equality
- (1) Upon promotion of equal treatment for men and
women, an employer shall - 1) act such that persons of both sexes are
employed to fill vacant positions - 2) ensure that the number of men and women hired
to different positions is as equal as possible
and ensure equal treatment for them upon
promotion - 3) create working conditions which are suitable
for both women and men and support the
combination of work and family life, taking into
account the needs of employees - 4) ensure that employees are protected from
sexual harassment in the working environment - 5) inform employees of the rights ensured by
this Act - 6) regularly provide relevant information to
employees and/or their representatives concerning
equal treatment for men and women in the
organisation and measures taken in order to
promote equality.
6Political representation
7Political representation
8Political representation
9Political representation
10Time use singles
11Time use couples without children
12Time use couples with children aged 0-6 years
13Time use couples with children aged 7-17 years
- Narva is an industrial border town with mainly
Russian-speaking population (95) from Northeast.
- Kuressaare is a tourist town on the western
island of Saaremaa. - 15 000 inhabitants
18Training seminars
- Total 41 participants
- 24 from Kuressaare municipality, 16 from Narva
municipality - 25 women and 16 men
- Most of the municipal staff participated at least
in three seminars out of four
19Training seminars
- The mayor and two vice mayors of Kuressaare
- Member of the city government citizen commission
of Kuressaare - Fields of specialisation of other participants
from Kuressaare municipality education, social
affairs, child protection, city planning,
construction, environment, communication,
personnel, legal issues, etc - The city secretary of Narva
- Fields of specialisation of other participants
from Narva municipality financial matters,
development and architecture, etc
20Kuressaare day center for the elderlyELDERLY
21Day center for the elderlyACTIVITIES
- Hobby activities gymnastics, walking, art
circle, florist circle, braid work, massage
classes, etc - Day center services catering, newspapers
- Intellectual activities lectures on health and
history, quizzes, language and computer classes - Entertainment Midsummer night and Christmas
parties, leisure and singing evenings
22Day center for the elderlyCLIENTS
- In total numbers there are more women than men
participating at the day center activities - 677 W, 342 M
- Proportionally to the age group the participation
of men and women is quite balanced - 36 W, 32 M
23Day center for the elderlyTIME
- Day center services 20x a month
- Hobby activities 6x a month
- Intellectual activities 0,8x a month
- Entertainment 0,2x a month
- Mainly activities that dont require organising
- Activities that are of interest to the men are
offered significantly less
24Day center for the elderlyMONEY (thousand crowns)
25Day center for the elderlyRESOURCE ALLOCATION
- 55 more resources for activities that are of
more interest to the women - Activities of more interest to the women (eg day
center services and hobby activities) financed
from the regular budget of the day center - Activities of more interest to the men (eg
intellectual activities) funded mainly on project
basis - Project applicants 3 M, 8 W
- Resources granted M 10 741 EEK
- W 63 580 EEK
- In comparison to the resources applied for
- M 43, W
26Day center for the elderlyDECISION MAKERS AND
- At the day center one female decision maker and
one female organiser - In the association of pensioners three female and
one male decision maker plus one female
27Day center for the elderlyDISCUSSION AND
- Chess, draughts and bridge game nights at the day
center - Handicraft activities that more interest to the
men, involve also youngsters - Cafe to the day center as an evening
entertainment guests lectures (on history,
culture, etc), dancing, small drink - Lack of organisers and promoters for these
activities - So far these proposals have received negative
28Hobby activities for the youth in Kuressaare
29Hobby activities for the youth in Kuressaare
30Hobby activities for the youth in Kuressaare
31Hobby activities for the youth in Kuressaare
32Hobby activities for the youth in Kuressaare
33Hobby activities for the youth in Kuressaare
- Less activities that are of interest for the boys
(eg technics, car racing and reparation) - Lack of leaders
- Activities that are more interest to the boys
require more resources - The study is good basis for policy decisions and
resource allocation
34Satisfaction of municipal staff in Kuressaare
35Satisfaction of municipal staff in Kuressaare
36Satisfaction of municipal staff in Kuressaare
37Satisfaction of municipal staff in Kuressaare
38Satisfaction of municipal staff in Kuressaare
39Satisfaction of municipal staff in Kuressaare
40Financial support and training to start their own
enterprises in Narva
- The group looked at how many men and women
applied for financial support and how many of
them received it. Additionally they looked at the
gender composition of the deciding commission.
The group was encouraged to study further also
the potential applicants. Additionally they were
advised how gender balance can be taken into
better account in the nomination process for the
deciding commission.
41Retraining options for the unemployed in Narva
- As Narva is facing major layoffs (appr 400
people) at a manufacturing company in town, the
retraining issue is highly relevant. Most of the
people facing layoffs are women, thus the
analysis was important to see whether the
retraining support takes into account the needs,
interests and capabilities of women in
particular. As this study focuses on a large
retraining project that is still under
preparations, the group concentrated on analyzing
on how many men and women should be offered
retraining on the basis of the data of the
unemployed persons in Narva. They were advised
also to calculate whether the costs of retraining
in different fields are different and whether the
different fields are more women or men dominated.
42(No Transcript)