Title: Event and Venue Recycling
1Event and Venue Recycling
- Types of event/venue locations (6)
- Common Onsite Opportunities (4)
- 9 Step ToolKit
- Learn about recycling
- Gain support
- Indentify a Recycling Market
- Implementation of collection
- Logistics
- Obtain collection containers
- Implement collection strategy
- Implement education campaign
- Maintain support
- Green Event Planning
- NC Specific Case Studies
- Peer Case Studies
- Tour
3Outdoor Sports Stadiums
- Description
- Fixed-seating outdoor stadiums and arenas
- Overall Recycling Approach
- Participatory
- Recycling Bins
- Pass the Bag
- Merchandise/Incentives
- Non Participatory
- Pre-event or Post-event Pick
- Vendor recycling
4Indoor Sports Arenas
- Description
- Indoor fixed-seat sports stadiums and arenas.
- Overall Recycling Approach
- Participatory
- Recycling Bins
- Pass the Bag
- Merchandise/Incentives
- Non Participatory
- Pre-event or Post-event Pick
- Vendor recycling
5Outdoor Sporting Events
- Description
- An outdoor sporting event with no fixed seating
- Overall Recycling Approach
- Recycling bins most common
- Events are short duration and volunteers dont
mind limited commitment - Usually held in city owned municipal space
6Fixed Venues
- Description
- Non-sporting, specific use venues
- Examples- zoos, aquariums, amusement and water
parks. - Overall Recycling Approach
- Bin based recycling programs
- Permanent infrastructure
7Civic Centers
- Description
- Facilities that combine multiple facilities
- Examples
- Convention centers, public auditoriums
- Overall Recycling Approach
- Due to high turnover of vendors, approached can
vary. - Responsibility of facility management to set up
effective standards for program.
8Special Events - Outdoors
- Description
- Primarily outdoors locations
- Examples
- Fairgrounds, rodeos, concert pavilions
- Overall Recycling Approach
- Bin Based
- Temporary
- Participant responsible for initiating action
9Common On-Site Recycling Opportunities
- Pre-event Recycling
- Vendor and Merchandiser Recycling
- Club, Restaurant, Suite Recycling
- Post-Event Pick Recycling
10Pre-Event Recycling
- Tailgaters
- Combination of recycling bins and picks
- Recycling bins at entrance of stadiums
- Corporate hospitality tents
- Benefits
- Recovers recyclables that would become trash
- Prepares audience for recycling inside
event/venue - Reduces litter on-site
- Challenges
- Logistics of bins filling rapidly on-site
- Discarded waste may have higher propensity for
11Vendor and Merchandiser Recycling
- Selling beverages only in recyclable containers
- Hosting recycling bins for the type of
recyclables sold through vendors - Employees wearing buttons advocating recycling
- Researching green serving-ware options
- Cardboard recycling
- Benefits
- Can approach 100 percent recovery of beverage
containers - Vendors can become involved in recycling
initiatives - Challenges
- Does not necessarily recover containers brought
from outside facility - Bins placed near food vendors risk contamination
12Club, Restaurant and Suite Recycling
- Most venues offer special areas where there is
full food and beverage service available - Provide bins to these customers
- Use same approach as other areas of the venue
- Opportunities to pilot composting
- Benefits
- Education can be provided to another subset of
the attendees - A significant number of recyclable materials are
consumed in these locations - Less contamination
- Challenges
- Training of catering personnel
- Space constraints
- Aesthetics
13Post-Event Recycling
- Stands/Bleachers
- Parking Lot
- Concourse
- Streets/Sidewalks
- Park/Field
- Benefits
- Large amounts of trash and recycling where guest
were - High levels of recovery at minimal cost
- Hand picking ensures minimal contamination
- Challenges
- Guest is not actively involved in recycling
- Encourages laziness and littering
- Staff training and equipment
14Steps to Recycling at Venues and Special Events
- Learn about recycling
- Gain support
- Indentify a Recycling Market
- Implementation of collection
- Logistics
- Obtain collection containers
- Implement collection strategy
- Implement education campaign
- Maintain support
15Overview of NC Laws
- Current Bans
- Plastic bottles (Oct 2009)
- Wood palettes (Oct 2009)
- Oil filters (Oct 2009)
- Discarded computer equipment (2011)
- Oil
- White goods (appliances)
- Anti-freeze
- Aluminum cans
- Yard trash
- Oyster Shells
- Tires
- Lead-Acid Batteries
- ABC Beverage Containers
- Work with vendors and merchandisers
- Consider the products purchased and sold - focus
on recyclables - Reduce waste generation upfront
- Avoid polystyrene
- Purchase recycled content paper and tissue
products - Buy in bulk verses individual serving sizes
17Gain SupportIdentify key stakeholders
- Internal
- Event Organizers
- Management
- Recycling program organizer
- Cleaning contractor or personnel
- Property managers/owner
- External
- Local government recycling coordinator
- Vendors (food, beverage, and products)
- Beverage suppliers
- Food service and catering personnel
- Local market/waste hauler
18Value of working with Vendors
- Consistency with vendors on what products they
are using, paper, Styrofoam, plastic - sometimes vendors change at each event, so this
will be a challenge - may need to create a guidebook for vendors and
perhaps a form for them to sign to agree to the
green measures of the stadium
19Identify a Market for Recyclables
- There must be access to a reliable local market
- Consider the following
- Identify trash hauler if there is already one
established - Cost based on tonnage, of pick-ups, of
bins? - What they collect
- How they want it separated (single stream,
commingled) - Distance from event/venue
- Ease of Access ability to pick-up after
business hours - Capacity to handle additional material
- Percent of contamination allowed
- Ability to provide recovery data
- Consider long-term participation
22Budgeting for recycling
- Estimate trash/recycling volumes
- Anticipate the total volume of recyclable
material. - Obtain container sales and estimated outside
beverages if applicable - Talk to vendors about additional materials they
may bring in - NEW Slide
- Discuss cost of trash and recycling with hauler
- Find cost of collection for trash and recycling
- Recycling creates waste diversion which lowers
the cost of disposal. - Revenues may be received for recyclable material.
- Look for partners and sponsors to help offset
23Estimate volumes/tonnages via sales data
24Logistics for Setting-Up Recycling
- Confirm with event organizers, collection
company, or the local market you are using how
materials need to be sorted - How materials are sorted single or dual stream
- Placing bins with trash cans (how many will you
need?) - Location of bins in relation to where trash is
generated - Hauler picking up throughout event or
volunteer/staff labor - Dumpsters, roll carts, dollys, hampers, change
out plastic bags and transport with gaiters (4
wheelers) - When to move materials
25Container Types and Vendors
- Container collection bins work best when the lid
restricts the deposit to a bottle/can sized
opening - Stationary or mobile
- Mention DPPEA ClearStream containers available,
local government containers - Bin vendor sheet - http//www.recycleguys.org/docu
30Funding Ideas for Bins
- grants
- donations
- local resources
31Implement Collection Strategy
- Training cleaning staff on sorting waste
- Mention volunteers
- How will you move materials through event/venue
- Who is moving the materials?
- Place recycling bins with trash cans
- How far away is final destination for recyclables?
32Implement Education Campaign
- Visibility of recycling at event mark on a map,
mention in a brochure or on tickets that
recycling bins are placed throughout the event,
tall flags to mark recycling stations - Make sure signage has pictures, not just words
33Promotion, Education and Outreach
- Recycle Guys
- Used for elementary aged school children to
promote recycling
- RE3
- Used for 18-28 demographic
34Maintain support
- track and record recovery numbers
- Track performance numbers
- Recovery data
- Internal measurement verses collection company
tracking via receipts and reports - Rewards for volunteers and recyclers
- Acknowledge staff efforts for good recycling
35Beyond RecyclingGreen Event Planning
- Composting, blue-green meetings, organics, local
food vendors, transportation, alternative energy
resources, etc.