Title: The Effects of Boundary Rules on Collective Action
1The Effects of Boundary Rules on Collective Action
- T.K. Ahn
- R. Mark Isaac
- Timothy C. Salmon
- Florida Sate University
- Ostrom, 2005
- Entry and Exit Rules
- determining their own membership is the first
step toward developing greater trust and
3Research Question
- How do different entry/exit rules affect
- Group Size
- Cooperation/Contribution
- Efficiency
- Congestion
- Group Stability
4Experimental Design
- 12 subjects in each session
- Playing a repeated public good provision game (up
to 25 rounds) - Fully endogenous group formation
- Group size and group composition
- Under three different entry/exit rules
- Free Entry Free Exit (FEE) 4 sessions
- Restricted Entry and Free Exit (RE) 4 sessions
- Free Entry and Restricted Exit (RX) 4 sessions
5Experimental Environment 1A Congestible Public
- Buchanan (1965)
- Club good
- Some degree of publicness / partial rivalry of
6- Subjects divide 15 tokens between public and
private account. - Payoff when contributing Xi tokens to public
account is
7Experimental Environment 2Voluntary Provision
- The collective action problem is not completely
solved when groups are formed - c.f. Buchanans consumption ownership-membershi
p arrangement - c.f. Tiebouts voting with the feet
8- Economists since Buchanan
- Calculate optimal group size given the degree of
publicness - Calculate optimal level of public good given
group size - Devise incentive compatible mechanism for
preference revelation - But, when a collective good is provided by the
efforts of group members after the group is
9Experimental Environment 3Endogenous Group
- In period 1, each (of 12 subjects) belong to a
group of size 1. - In all subsequent periods
- They are asked if they wanted to switch groups
- They were able to view a screen showing the
average contribution and group size of each group
10Experimental Environment 4Boundary Rules
- FEE (free entry, free exit) -4 sessions
- RE (restricted entry, free exit) 4 sessions
- Entry into a group requires approval of a
majority of the members - RX (free entry, restricted exit) 4 sessions
- Exit from a group requires approval of a majority
of the members
11Benchmarks and Conjectures
- Individual and Group Optimal Contribution
12Benchmark 1Game Theoretic Equilibrium
- One Period Game Nash equilibrium
- Partition (3,3,3,3) or (4,4,4)
- Contribution 3 each
- Finitely Repeated Game Subgame perfect
equilibrium - Any outcome paths consisting of one period game
equilibrium in each period - Some other subgame perfect equilibria with
contribution greater than 3
13Benchmarks 2 Group and Social Optimum
- Group optimum
- 9 members, 11 tokens each
- Social optimum
- A (3,9) partition
- But very risky
- And the difference is small between (3,9), (4,8)
- Contribution REgtFEE, RX
- Group size ???
- Efficiency REgt FEE, RX
- Congestion RE lt FEE, RX
- Stability RE gt FEE, RX
15Result 1 Group Size
- Measured at the individual level
- FEE 4.70
- RE 4.49
- RX 4.77
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18Result 2 Contribution ( of group optimal given
actual group sizes)
- FEE 4.32 (64)
- RE 4.92 (74)
- RX 4.34 (63)
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20Result 3 Earnings (Efficiency)
- FEE 52.91 ECUs
- RE 65.11 ECUs
- RX 55.60 ECUs
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22Result 4 Congestion
- Congestion
- m - n, where
- m optimal group size given contribution
- n actual group size
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25Result 5 Group Stability
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27Additional Results 1
- Determinants of Contribution and Voting
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34Which Institution Favors Contributors?
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- Many real world collective action involve
congestible public goods - Enforceable contract is not always feasible
- Individuals still face collective action problem
after groups are formed - Optimal group size is a function of
cooperativeness of the members - Entry and Exit rules matter
- When entry is restricted
- Applicants tend to raise their contributions
- Voters use the boundary rule to carefully select
new members - Average earning is higher (c.f., Ahn, Isaac,
Salmon, 2005) - Less congestion
38Discussion Evolution of institutions and types
- Restricted entry benefits all on average (when
public good is congested) - Restricted entry favors contributors over free
riders contributors (cooperators) can evolve
under this rule
- But even under restricted entry
- The outcome is fare less efficient than social
optimal (on average) - TO what extent contractual provision is feasible
and necessary?