Title: International Development Cooperation
1International Development Cooperation
- Development
- Institutions
- Practices
- Development Cooperation of Finland
2International Development Cooperation
July 1 22. 1944
United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
- - 44 countries
- - international money and finance
- peace and prosperity
The International Monetary Fund
The International Bank for Reconstruction and
United Nations
San Francisco Conference April 25 June 2
50 countries
3International Development Cooperation
The International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development 1945
International Finance Corporation 1956
The International Development Association 1960
The International Centre for Settlement
of Investment Disputes
World Bank Group
The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
4International Development Cooperation
United Nations
1945 FAO
1948 WHO
1950 UNHCR
1965 UNDP
1963 WFP
1972 UNEP
1977 IFAD
5International Development Cooperation
Independence of colonies
- 1946 Philippines
- 1947 India and Pakistan
- 1948 Sri Lanka
- 1949 Indonesia
- 1956 Morocco, Tunisia and Sudan
- 1957 Ghana
- 1960 Mauritania, Mali, Niger, Chad, Senegal,
Burkina Faso, Ivory Coast, Togo, Benin,
Nigeria, Cameroon, Central African Republic,
Republic of Congo, Gabon,
Democratic Republic of Congo,
Madagascar, Somalia
1955 Afro-AsianConference in Bandung,
Indonesia non-aligned
countries The Third World
1955 Finland to UN
6International Development Cooperation
UN Decades for Development
1960s (First) Decade for Development
Increase the annual growth of GDP in developing
countries to 5 by 1970
Increase the capital flow from developed
countries to developing countries to 1 of the
combined GDP of the developed countries, as soon
as possible
World Council of Churches has suggested in 1958
that all developed countries would give 1 if
their GDP to development cooperation
optimism, modernization, investment
7International Development Cooperation
UN Decades for Development
1970s Second Decade for Development
0,7 of GDP to development cooperation target
should be reached by the end of the decade
1969 published The Pearson Report Partners in
Development recommended the target to be 0,7 of
GDP for official development assistance
1973 first oil crisis
1974 New International Economic Order
1975 World Conference of the International
Womens Year
1973 Robert McNamara from World Bank appealed to
international community to give priority to
reduction of absolute poverty, Basic Needs
1977 Water Conference
8International Development Cooperation
UN Decades for Development
1980s Third Decade for Development
New International Development Strategy
0,15 of GDP to Least Developed countries
during the first half of the Decade 0,20 during
the second half
Alternative strategies
1980 First Brandt Commission Report North-South
A Programme for Survival
1983 Second Brandt Commission Report Common
Crisis North-South Co-operation for World
women, environment, participation
World Bank focus on Sub-Saharan Africa
IMF SAP Structural Adjustment Programme
9International Development Cooperation
UN Decades for Development
1990s Fourth Decade for Development
1987 Brundtland Commission Our
Common Future sustainable development
1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and
Prorities Eradication of poverty and
hunger Human resource and institutional
development Population Environment
Approaching New Millennium
Cancelling of the debts
2000 Millennium Development Goals
10International Development Cooperation
Millennium Development Goals
Reduce by half the proportion of people living
on less than a dollar a day
- 1. Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger
Ensure that all boys and girls complete a full
course of primary schooling
2. Achieve universal primary education
Eliminate gender disparity in primary and
secondary education preferably by 2005, and at
all levels by 2015
Reduce by half the proportion of people who
suffer from hunger
3. Promote gender equality and empower women
Reduce by two thirds the mortality rate among
children under five
4. Reduce child mortality
Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality
5. Improve maternal health
Halt and begin to reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS
6. Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases
Halt and begin to reverse the incidence of
malaria and other major diseases
Policies, drinking water, slums
7. Ensure environmental sustainability
8. Develop a global partnership for development