Title: CIM Tutorial
1CIM Tutorial
- Karl Quinn
- NDS 106, 7th December 2004.
2CIM Tutorial Overview
- CIM (Common Information Model)
- CIM Specification
- CIM Schema
- Managed Object Format (MOF) UML
- WBEM (Web Based Enterprise Mgt)
- Overview, Explanation, Benefits
- CIM Tools
- CIM Mine
- Comparison CIM v SNMP
- CIM is an implementation neutral schema for
describing overall management information - CIM facilitates the common understanding of
management data across different management
systems - CIM facilitates the integration of management
information from different sources - CIM is a data model not an implementation
- CIM provides models for both instrumentation and
- CIM consists of three components
- (i) CIM Specification
- (ii) CIM Schema
- (iii) CIM Extension Schema
- CIM represents its information in Managed Object
Format (MOF), which is analogous to MIB for SNMP.
5CIM Specification
- CIM Specification defines the details for
integration with other management models. - it is the language and methodology for
describing management data.
6CIM Specification
- CIM Specification uses an object-oriented
approach to describe each entity within a
schemas area of concern. - Ability to aggregate both attributes and
behaviours within an entity as well as presenting
the relationships and associations of that entity
7CIM Specification
- The CIM Metaschema is responsible for a
collection of classes, which are instances of
objects of the same type. - These objects contain attributes and method.
- Also references, which describe the role of an
object within an Association. Associations
provide containers for these references. NB
Association are objects! - References Associations ability to model
relationships between a number of objects.
8CIM - Metaschema
9CIM Metaschema
- Triggers generate Indications when
property/object changes state - Qualifiers control sub-typing.
- Property Data Types include signed and unsigned
integers, floats, and strings. - Altering schema is via a set of 11 operations.
- CIM defines the MOF language based on the
Interface Definition Language to represent
management information. - The MOF syntax is a way to describe object
definitions in textual form and it establishes
the syntax for writing definitions. -
- Main components of a MOF specification are
classes, associations, properties, references,
methods and instance declarations and their
associated qualifiers.
- UML (Unified Mark-Up Language) can be used in
place of MOF as a represent language. - UML doesnt have all the functionality of MOF.
- UML doesnt present a CIM standard.
12CIM Schema
- CIM Schema
- Provides the actual model descriptions for
systems, applications, local area networks, and
devices. - It is a set of classes and associations that
provide a framework within which it is possible
to organize the information about the managed
environment - CIM Schema consists of the following models
- (i) The Core Model
- (ii) The Common Model
13CIM Schema Core Model
- Core Model - Provides the underlying, general
assumptions of the managed environment. This
model comprises a small set of classes and
associations that provide a basic vocabulary for
analyzing and describing managed systems.
14CIM Schema Core Model
15CIM Schema Common Model
- Common Model
- Captures notions that are common to particular
management areas, but which are independent of a
particular technology or implementation. - Provides detailed enough classes, properties,
associations and methods to be used as a basis
for program design development of management
applications. - Common Models
- Applications, Database, Devices, Network,
Physical, Policy, etc.
16CIM Schema Common Model
- Policy Model
- Built in order to describe systems behaviour and
to keep two main qualities - (i) is that this model is abstracted enough not
to deal with implementation details and - (ii) is that it is easily scalable.
- The model is object-oriented and enables
constructing policy rules of the form if
conditions then actions.
17CIM Extension Schema
- Extension schema
- Represents technology and platform-specific
extensions to the Common Model. - Specific to environments such as operating
systems. Vendors extend the model for their
products by creating subclasses of objects. - Applications can then transverse object instances
in the standard model to manage different
products in a heterogeneous environment.
18WBEM - Overview
- Web-Based Enterprise Management is a set of
management and Internet standard technologies
developed (by DMTF) to unify the management of
enterprise computing environments. - CIM operations over HTTP allows implementations
of CIM to interoperate in an open and
standardized manner.
19WBEM - Explanation
Data Description CIM
HTTP Access
lt/xmlCIMgtTransport Encoding
- Enables CIM declarations (Classes, Instances, and
Qualifiers) and CIM messages to be described in
an XML - CIM classes and instances are valid XML documents
- Advantages
- Only one DTD need be defined
- Avoids limitations of DTDs (ordering,scoping,no
inheritance) - Straightforward
ltCLASS NameDiskgt ltPROPERTY NameFreespacegt 20
0 lt/PROPERTYgt lt/CLASSgt
21WBEM - Infrastructure
Provider- Implements classes from the CIM
schema. CIM Client/Server- Client issues
Operation Message Requests to server, which
responds with Operation Message Response. CIM
Object Manager- Co-ordinates communications
between various components. Protocol Adapter-
Converts CIM-XML messages to native
format. Indication Handler- Notification
mechanism for CIM data.
22WBEM - Benefits
- Reduced Total Cost of Ownership
- - less man-hours as a result of interoperability
- Improved Time to Market
- - standards based models
- Reduced Development Cost
- - reuse
23CIM Tools
- SNIAs (Storage Network Industry Association)
CIM Miner. - It mines a specified common interface model
object manager namespace for instances and
associations. - It then stores the discovered information in an
XML format file, which can be transformed into MOF
24CIM v SNMP - General
- SNMP popular because of its simplicity.
- Yet, this simplicity prohibited the definition of
more complex data and relationships. - CIM uses a rich syntax for representing
management information and relationships between
managed objects.
25CIM v SNMP - Models
- CIM schema object-oriented approach for
describing the schema that management
applications can use to communicate with each
other. - SNMP MIB is a hierarchical tree view of all
managed objects.
26CIM v SNMP - Model Extension
- The OO CIM requires an understanding of the
different parts of the CIM model as well as the
relationships, attributes, methods for each class
in the different CIM models. - SNMP allows extensions to be added as a private
subtree, enabling vendors to create objects to
manage specific entities.
27CIM v SNMP Info Rep
- CIM can be represented in XML format for use in
different applications. XSL styles sheets can
turn the XML based management information into
MOF syntax. - SNMP MIBs must conform to SMI (Structure of
Management Information), which management agent