Title: NUSTAR-5 Design and construction of a superfluid-helium stopping cell
1NUSTAR-5 Design and construction of a
superfluid-helium stopping cell
Involved institutes JYFL, Jyväskylä GSI
KVI (not as contractor)
- Design of a cell, operated with superfluid
helium, for the stopping of energetic radioactive
ion beams. Tests and performance study with a
prototype using radioactive beams available in
3Present status (1)
219Rn extracted from the surface
7.2(6) extraction efficiency
219Rn trapped at the surface
needs confirmation
4Present status (2)
- - Proposed stopping cell dimensions may also be
- reached using a cryogenic gas catcher (T20 K)
- 20 K technically less demanding than lt2 K
- ions do not need to cross the boundary
between - the liquid- and gas-phases
- 23 days of beam time used in 2005
- technical problems in the liquid helium cell
tests - cryogenic helium gas catcher (77 K) tests
gave - promising results
- freezing out of impurities works
- technically easier than ultra-pure at room
- fundamental upper limit
- the measured efficiencies are determined by the
cross sections
5Present status (3)
Recent measurements at JYFL overlayed on a
compilation of other results
Extraction efficiency of helium gas ion catchers
as a function of ionisation rate, as presented by
D.J.Morrissey at the SMI-06 Workshop, Groningen,
the Netherlands, March 27-28, 2006
6Deviation from original workplan
1) Delay Tests done earlier this year at
Jyvaskyla with the cryostat from KVI failed
partly due to a technical problem
(leak) instead measurements with the cryogenic
gas catcher 2) New concept Already stressed in
January meeting, progress since then, tests in
2007, looks very promising
7Outlook on completion
- the study of the superfluid liquid-helium
catcher will be pursued at KVI (off-line
developments aiming at fast and efficient
extraction via second sound waves), feasibility
has to be demonstrated - JYFL
- study of cryogenic gas catcher will be pursued
at JYFL, development of a system for on-line
tests underway (drawings being prepared,
construction starts early 2007) - confirm the off-line results and test the
transport of ions from cryogenic cell to vacuum - proposal accepted, beam time in preparation
- beam time request under preparation
- ? program will be finished within 1 year