Title: Welcome to
1Welcome to Charles B. Aycock High
School Freshman Open House Class of 2013
2The Registration Process
- Monday, March 23rd CBA counselors met with 8th
grade teachers - Mon., March 30th/Tues., March 31st NMS students
visited/ toured CBA - Thursday, April 2nd CBA open house
- Mon, April 6th/ Tues., April 7th CBA counselors
will register 8th grade students - Monday, April 20th Final registration sheets
sent home to be signed by a parent - Tuesday, June 30th Deadline for all requests for
course selection changes. - August 2008 Students can pick up schedules at
open house in the fall. - More information
- www.cbafalcons.com
3Transition Issues
- Who is my childs counselor?
- Student last names beginning A-G Renee Dilda
- Student last names beginning H-O Yvonne Mills
- Student last names beginning P-Z Gladys Diggs
- Individual group counseling
- Class presentations
- Peer mediation
- Aycock Ambassadors
- 4-year planning workshops (fall spring)
- Parent Workshops
- Additional Student Services
- (Nurse, Social Worker, Psychologist, AIG
- Given at the end of each semester (Jan./June)
- 25 of Final Course Average
- Three Types
- End of Course (EOC)
- Teacher Made Exams
- Vocational Assessments (VOCATS)
Algebra I English I
Biology US History
Civics Economics
- Must make a Level 3 or Level 4
- to receive credit for the course
- and be eligible for graduation!
6Additional Requirements
- N.C. Online Test of Computer Skills
- 10th Grade Writing Test
- National Assessments and Field Tests
- Graduation Project
7Graduation Requirements
824 Credits
You must achieve 24 credits in specified courses
of study (pathways) to be eligible to graduate.
These credits are required in addition to other
testing and attendance mandates.
9Future-Ready Core
- ENGLISH - 4 ( I, II, III, IV)
- MATH 4 (Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II 1
More) - 4th Math will be aligned with students
plans after graduation. - SCIENCE 3 (Earth/Environ, a physical science,
Biology) - SOCIAL STUDIES 3 (World History, Civics/Econ,
US History) - HEALTH/PE 1
- ELECTIVES 6 (2 from CTE, the Arts, Second
Language - Any combination) - (4 recommended from CTE -or- JROTC -or-
Arts Ed. -or- any academic area) - SECOND LANG. (2 credits required for application
to all NC public universities and most
independent/private colleges) - ELECTIVES 3 (Additional electives from any
10School Nurse
- Health Issues
- Medical Conditions
- Care Plans
- Forms
- Procedures
11Promotion Requirements
- 6 credits to be promoted to 10th
- 13 credits to be promoted to 11th and pass the NC
Writing Test with Level III or IV - 20 credits to be promoted to 12th
12- A curriculum that is challenging and motivating-
- - Preparing students for 21st century careers.
13Project Lead the Way
- is a national non-profit organization
established to help schools give students the
knowledge they need to excel in high-tech fields.
Studies of PLTW's curriculum have proven that
PLTW students become the kind of prepared,
competent, high-tech employees the U.S. industry
needs to stay competitive in the global market.
14The Academy of EngineeringTechnologies at CBA
- is comprised of five challenging PLTW courses.
The curriculum uses project-based, hands-on
experience to teach students the key elements and
skills needed for engineering and
technology-based careers.
15The PLTW courses
- Classes offered at CBA now
- Introduction to Engineering Design (IED)
- Principles of Engineering (POE)
- Digital Electronics (DE)
- Future courses to be taught
- Civil Engineering Architecture (CEA)
- Engineering Design Development (EDD)
16CBA Business Academy
- Taking Business Education to the next level!!
17CBA Business AcademyGoals
- To provide students with more enhanced learning
opportunities in the field of business - Integration of Curriculum with Wayne Community
College during High School years
18CBA Business Academy Activities
CBA Homecoming
WCC Business Fair
Digital Photography Workshop
19CBA School-to-Work Academy
- The CBS School-to-Work Academy is a school
developed, school controlled, collaboration among
education, business, and the community. It is
designed to better prepare participating students
to make informed educational and career
decisions. School-to-Work brings business people
into the classroom and transforms the workplace
into learning opportunities for both students and
20CBA School-to-Work Academy
- The School-to-Work Academy has a Career-Technical
Concentration, which includes, but is not
limited to - Carpentry
- Automotive Technology
- Culinary Arts
- Business Technology
- Health Occupations
21CBA School-to-Work Academy
- Academy Students will be enrolled in classes
which will help them attain, keep, and advance in
their chosen career field. - During their 11th and 12th grade years students
will able to be placed in a Co-op type position,
at a business, or begin taking college level
classes towards there degree or certificate.
22Attendance/ Discipline
- 4x4 Block (90 minutes/ 90 days for each class
each semester) - Discipline (grades 9 and 12)
- Lawful Absences
- Illness or injury
- Quarantine
- Death in the immediate family
- Medical/ Dental appointments
- Religious observance
- Education opportunity (prior approval required)
- CBA Handbook available online at
23Buses/ Drivers Ed
- Bus assignments
- Drivers Education
- Driver Eligibility
- Discipline (grades 10th 12th)
24Closing Remarks
- Last names A-M visit booths in new gym first
- Last names N-Z visit booths in old gym first
- Ambassadors
Thank You For Coming!!!