Title: Multiplying Decimals
1Multiplying Decimals
2Take a piece of paper and cut it in half.
3Take a piece of paper and cut it in half.
4Take a piece of paper and cut it in half.
5Now take what is left and cut it in half.
6Now take what is left and cut it in half.
7You should end up with ¼ of a piece of paper.
8You just did the following multiplication problem
.50 x .50 .25
9Notice that when you multiply two fractions
together, the answer gets smaller instead of
.50 x .50 .25
10Notice that when cut the paper in half and then
in half again, your paper got smaller.
.50 x .50 .25
11Using the word of can help you make sense of
multiplication problems that involve fractions.
of means times
12Using the word of can help you make sense of
multiplication problems.
4 x 3 means 4 of 3
4 x 3 12
13Using the word of can help you make sense of
multiplication problems, especially when
fractions are involved.
½ x ½ means ½ of ½
14Using the word of can help you make sense of
multiplication problems, especially when
fractions are involved.
½ x 4 means ½ of 4
15Using the word of can help you make sense of
multiplication problems, especially when
fractions are involved.
½ x 4 means ½ of 4
16Using the word of can help you make sense of
multiplication problems, especially when
fractions are involved.
½ x 4 means ½ of 4
17Using the word of can help you make sense of
multiplication problems, especially when
fractions are involved.
½ x 4 means ½ of 4
18Using the word of can help you make sense of
multiplication problems, especially when
fractions are involved.
½ x 4 means ½ of 4
19Using the word of can help you make sense of
multiplication problems, especially when
fractions are involved.
½ x 4 means ½ of 4
20Using the word of can help you make sense of
multiplication problems, especially when
fractions are involved.
½ x 4 means ½ of 4
21Lets take a look at some more multiplication
problems through the use of pictures.
22Here is our problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.4 x .5
23Here is our problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.4 x .5
.5 5 10
.4 4 10
24The overlap of the grids is the product.
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.4 x .5
.4 x .5 .20
25Here is our problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.6 x .3
26Here is our problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.6 x .3
27The overlap of the grids is the product.
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.6 x .3
.6 x .3 .18
28Here is our problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.9 x .6
29Here is our problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.9 x .6
30The overlap of the grids is the product.
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.9 x .6
.9 x .6 .54
31Practice Time!
32DIRECTIONSWrite the equation that is shown by
each picture. Use both decimals and
fractions.EXAMPLE.2 x .3 .06and
.6 x .2 .12
.4 x .3 .12
.8 x .5 .40
.2 x .2 .04
.9 x .1 .09
.3 x .7 .21
.1 x .1 .01
.5 x .3 .15
49You will need to use your 10 by 10 grids for the
next 4 problems. You will also need 2 colored
pencils of different colors.
Color the grid to represent the following problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.4 x .4 .16
Color the grid to represent the following problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.4 x .4 .16
Color the grid to represent the following problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.2 x .7 .14
Color the grid to represent the following problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.2 x .7 .14
Color the grid to represent the following problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.5 x .8 .40
Color the grid to represent the following problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.5 x .8 .40
Color the grid to represent the following problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.8 x .3 .24
Color the grid to represent the following problem
Fractional Form
Decimal Form.8 x .3 .24
58The End!