Title: Key points from tables
1Key points from tables
- Topic Popularity of vocations
- mobilise support of parents and teachers,
- connecting sport to education
- mobilise media to promote WorldSkills
- strong PR at WorldSkills necessary
2Key points from tables
Topic Skills Gap Why is there a gap? -gt Image
is not as is should be historic, cultural
reasons. If the reasons are not recognised, you
cannot fix. WSC should get more emphasis more
marketing, with industry and schools. Training
must be valuable and responsive. Quality
programs, training progams flexible, graduates
employable on completion. Make use of larger
companies to lead smaller ones. Govt assistance
necessary. Leaders in industry should work with
education. Apprenticeship is a good system
3Key points from tables
Topic No big Answer! Long-term approach on
several parallel strategies. Broad communication
with young people and parents. Career advice.
Lead times production cycle of education
system linked to industry. Exchange programs,
cooperation on technology, Innovation and
creativity into trades and training programs Need
to bring stakeholders together to plan the
4Key points from tables
Topic Low status of trades as career
choice Schools and parents dissuading young
people from trades snobbery! Higher aspirations
particularly among minority ethic groups. In
schools little hands-on experience of technology
Marketing campaign necessary. Trades as a career
with dignity start much ealier with young
people. Designing and making in schools. Govt
must face up to responsibilities and offer
5Key points from tables
Topic Discussed very different matters! Many
speakers stressed the need for adaptability to
change. We discussed what competence supports
the ability to tackle change. 5 senses must
support this ability. Balance between head and
hands and heart. Go back to Reality. (not
VR) Adaptability to change for old and young,
male and female, different countries. Solutions
will be different.
6Key points from tables
- Topic Do we have a gap?
- Young people leaving school too old to learn a
vocation5 5 points - More information about trades and qualifications
in schools - Tax relief for trainees, etc
- Look for talents in schools language and IT
- All doors should be open for apprentices
- Life-long learning should be open to all
- Companies must offer a job future
7Key points from tables
Topic 3 points Work and knowledge Schools and
enterprises Role of the vocational
teacher Learning in the process is important
what effect does that have on the methods, the
teachers skills and courseware? This is much more
a challenge for the trainers than for the
apprentices. They want to do it the same way as
in the past In manufacturing industry training
cell focus on teamwork, integrated into
production process. Teachers become moderators or
coaches.Identify needs and define paths Immediate
integration in the work process on completion
8Key points from tables
- Topic Different types of gaps
- 3 types
- Inter-country skills gaps developed v
developing countries. Solution more exchange
programs for teachers and apprentices - Status gap between vocational education and
higher education. Solution improve perceptions
start with parents. - Levels of skills within industry more
9Key points from tables
Topic Perception of hand skills Vocational,
skill trade are being replaced by
professional. Think about the status issue very
important for the future. Mentoring use the
expertise of those who have succeeded both in
industry and in WorldSkills competitions. Role
model issue important to encourage parents.
Vocation the voice from within (from the
Latin) We cannot go back but we can influence
the future!