Title: Module 4 Sourcing Candidates
1Module 4 - Sourcing Candidates
- Automated Email
- My Candidates
- Resume Database
2Accessing the Resume Search
- After logging in to your account, click the
Resume Search link on the left-hand navigation
menu - This will bring you to the Resume Search page
3Overview - Resume Folders
- Select to search the public resume database, your
private my candidates pool or select a specific
4Creating and Updating Resume Folders
You should now see the Manage Your Resume Folders
- Type the name of the new folder in the text box.
- Uncheck the box under Public if you want your
folder kept private from other users in the
system. - To make another folder public, check the box next
to the folder under the Public column. - To delete a folder, check the box next to the
folder under the Delete column. - Click the Update Folders button when you are
5Storing Results in a Resume Folder
After conducting a search, you can store the
results in a resume folder.
- Check the boxes next to the names of the users
you wish to store - Select the destination folder from the drop-down
6Viewing the Contents of a Resume Folder
From the Resume Search page, you can view the
contents of a folder.
- Select the folder you would like
- to view from the bottom right drop
- down menu.
7Working with Search Results
- Once your query has returned matching users, you
can - View a users resume by clicking on the
Position-Field next to the users name. - Store your search results in a resume folder.
8Accessing Candidates in a Resume Folder
From the Resume Search page, you can view the
candidates info.
- Access candidate info
- Place Notes
- Apply Candidates to position openings
9Inserting Resume Notes
From the Resume Search page, you can view the
candidates preferences and any notes created in
the resume database.
- You can view notes and work preferences provided
by the candidate.
From the Resume Search page, you can Pass
candidates to other users.
- Pass the resume to other hiring managers or
11Passing a Resume to Another User
From the Resume Search page, you can Pass
candidates to other users.
- Right a note to your colleague about the
12Download a Hard Copy of the Resume
From the Resume Search page, you can view the
candidates preferences and any notes created in
the resume database.
- Download Any Document that has been uploaded.
13Apply Candidates to New Jobs
From the Resume Search page, you can apply
candidates to any open or pending job posting in
your system.
- Apply a candidate to a job openings.
14Candidates Enter AppTrack
From the Resume Search page, you can view the
candidates preferences and any notes created in
the resume database.
- Candidates are sent an invitation to be
considered for your opening, if they accept or
decline the AppTrack System monitors the progress
of these candidates.
15Applying Candidates to Openings
- Candidates are sent an invitation to be
considered for your opening, if they accept or
decline the AppTrack System monitors the progress
of these candidates. - You can also directly apply a candidate to a
position and bypass the invitation.
16Module 5 - Reporting
- Canned Reports
- Compliance Reports
- Custom Reports
17New Report Manager
- Standard Reports
- Advanced Reports
- Enterprise Reports
- EEOC Reports
- Custom Reports
- Report Builder Module
18Sample Reports
Generate a report regarding your own positions by
19Overview Report Builder
- Reports allow you to store and organize position
reports. - You can view pre-built reports or custom reports
- To create a report, select Position Module from
the report builder section.
20Step 1- Creating Fields
You should now see the Custom Reports Builder Page
- Step 1. Select data fieldsUse the buttons below
to select the data you would like to produce in
the report. Use the ORDER buttons to change the
left-to-right order. When you are ready to
proceed to the next step click the "Next gt"
21Step 2- Filter Reports
You should now see the Custom Reports Builder Page
- Step 2. Choose your criteriaUse the form below
to specify the criteria for your report. Criteria
act as a filter, so you only return the data that
matches your specifications.
22Step 3- Sort the Report Data
You should now see the Custom Reports Builder Page
- Step 3. Determine how your data will be
sortedSet the order for the display of the data
using the form below. This order refers to the
way in which you want the data sorted.
23Step 4- Review Your Report
You should now see the Custom Reports Builder Page
- Verify that any criteria you selected in step two
match the output. - Make sure the columns are listed left-to-right in
the proper sequence. That is handled by the order
buttons in step one. - Check that the sort order(s) from step three are
done. - If you need to start over, use the Start Over
button on the left. - If your report is satisfactory, click the Save
Report button on the right of the report.
24Application Report Builder
Select information Collecting by applicants And
generate your own custom application reports
25Step 5 - Save Your Report
You should now see the Custom Reports Builder Page
- Fill out all required information (in red) and
click the Save button to save the report. NOTE
The report will be run able by the account you
choose from the drop down.
26Retrieve Reports
- Click the Report Link under Standard or Custom
Reports to retrieve a current report!
27Viewing Report Results
28Saving Reports
After conducting a search, you can store the
results in a resume folder.
- Select File from the Top Menu and choose Save As
from the Choice List - Then save the file to your desktop or a folder
you create. When you save the file, create a name
for the file and add .xls or.doc (Example
29Exporting Reports
By saving your file with .xls or .doc extension
the file is saved in word or excel file format.