Title: Wireless Technology Beyond 3G In Japan
1Wireless Technology Beyond 3G In Japan
2Technology Evolution
3Datarate is the Goal
- Requirement
- 100Mb/s
- Wide area
- By 2010
- How?
- Europe convergence
- Japan new air interface
4What are key technologies?
- Telecommunications Council Report 2001
- New air interface
- Software Defined Radio
- Adaptive Array Antennas
- High level modulation schemes
- Dynamic link adaptation
5What are the key technologies?
- Telecommunications Council Report 2001
- New air interface
- Software Defined Radio
- Adaptive Array Antennas
- High level modulation schemes
- Dynamic link adaptation
- Direct Conversion receivers
6Access Scheme
- 4-5 GHz
- NTT DoCoMO defined access scheme
- (referenced 4 year study)
7Current Multiple Access Technologies
For Seamless Area Coverage, Multi-cell
Structure is necessary. CDMA can achieve the
best spectrum efficiency. For High
Throughput, Single-cell Structure is suitable
because it can avoid inter-cell
interference. OFDM can achieve the best
spectrum efficiency.
But ????? - Each scheme is not best in the other
cell structure. - For the flexible area coverage
and service deployment with lower cost, both
Multi-cell and Single-cell environments should be
supported with maximum throughput.
Look for New Wireless Access Scheme that covers
both environments.
And the winner is ..
OFCDMA is MC CDMA. If the spreading factor 1,
9Smart antennas
- Considered Indispensable
- All labs have active programmes
- Trial antenna at KDDI
- Status
- Probably lag Europe e.g. NTTDoCoMo array RLS
- Multi-element array antenna at both ends of link.
- Space-time coding
- Highly computationally intensive
- Status
- All Japanese RD labs have a programme
- No obvious advance over European knowledge
- USA well ahead of rest of the world
11Will this achieve 100Mb/s?
- No calculation to confirm this yet.
- Real transmit power issues
- Battery technology
- Testbed under construction
- Summer 2002
- 200m range LoS
- 100 Mb/s Downlink, 40 Mb/s uplink
- Note BLAST work in USA
- spectral efficiency of 20-40bit/s,
- But real life?
- 3G is here
- NTTDoCoMo FOMA W-CDMA terminals from NEC and
Matsushita - KDDI CDMA 2000 multiple suppliers
13FOMA -Terminals
Standard (i-mode)
Data Card
FOMA P2401
FOMA N2001/2002
FOMA P2101V /D2101V
384k Packet, 64k Data,
Voice, 384k Packet/ i-mode, 64k Data, Multi
64k Real-time Video, Voice, 384k Packet/ i-mode
154G terminal concepts
- Voice recognition
- Wearable communicators/computers
- Status
- Early days
164G terminal concepts
- Voice recognition
- Wearable communicators/computers
- Status
- Early days
17Direct conversion
- Quoted as necessary for 4G by NTT, KDDI, Fujitsu
and Matsushita - Single chip solution
- Reduced cost
18Software Defined Radio
- IEICE SDR study group
- Considered key
- Unclear strategy for terminals or basestations
- 100 Mb/s is a target for 4G research
- Need new air interface to achieve it.
- Not in tune with Europe or USA
- If right, Japanese research programme will
provide a technical and market lead in next 10
years - If wrong .
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