Title: Biology 315' Chapter 12' Nervous Tissue
1Biology 315. Chapter 12. Nervous Tissue
2Parts of the Nervous System
- 1. Central Nervous System CNS
- Brain
- Spinal Cord
- 2. Peripheral Nervous System PNS
- Afferent brings information from the periphery
TO the CNS - Efferent sends information from CNS out to
- Afferent Sensory
- Efferent Motor
- Somatic Nervous System generic motor nerves,
voluntary control of muscles - Autonomic Nervous System, Involuntary
- Parasympathetic vegetative functions
- Sympathetic fight or flight
- Enteric Nervous System the brain of the gut
4True Blue Words and Terms
- Nerve
- Tract
- Gray Matter
- White Matter
- Nucleus
- Ganglion
- Plexus
- Stimulus
- Action Potential
5Functions of the Nervous System
- I watch the tennis ball being served visual info
carried to brain from retina - Information about the angle, the speed, etc., of
the serve is integrated in cerebrum and a
response is formed - Motor outputs through cerebrum and cerebellum
stimulate muscles to move I return the ball
- Sensory
- Light shines in your eye impulse carried to
brain from retina - Integrative
- Vision processing area integrates all information
and formulates a response - Motor
- Pupillary constriction
6Cell types in the Nervous System
- Neurons the only cells that can carry the
impulse - Glial cells supportive
- PNS Glial cells Schwann cell (makes myelin)
- Satellite cells in ganglia
- CNS Glial cells oligodendrocytes
- astrocytes
- microglia
- ependymal
7Neurons vs. glial cells
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Neurons or Glial Cells?
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13Types of Neurons
- Structure
- Multipolar
- Bipolar
- Pseudounipolar / unipolar
- Function
- Sensory afferent
- Association/ interneurons integrative
- Motor efferent
14Nerve fibers axons and dendrites
- Myelinated
- Myelin insulates axon increases speed of AP
conduction - Composed of plasma membranes of Schwann cells
(PNS) or oligodendrocytes (CNS) - Gaps nodes of Ranvier. These allow saltatory
conduction - Unmyelinated
- Slower conduction
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19Olfactory Nerve carries sensation of smell to
the brain
- Sensory or motor?
- Axons or dendrites?
20Ulnar Nerve Axons or dendrites?
- Carries sensory information from some fingers and
hand - Carries motor information to muscles of the hands
21Electrical Signals in Neurons..It all starts
with the plasma membrane
22The plasma membrane is composed primarily of
- Non-polarized substances can get through the
lipid bilayer. - Oil and water do not mix well. So
- How do polarized substances like Na K
Ca 2 get across this lipid bilayer ? - Answer
- Special ion channels in the plasma membrane
23- These ion channels allow for diffusion of small
ions. - Therefore, one would expect that the
- Nainside the cell Na outside the
cell - Kinside the cell K outside the cell
- This would mean that the charge across the
membrane would be 0.
24Resting Membrane Potential
25BUTNO !!!!
26Electrical gradient different charge on either
side of the membrane
- Chemical gradient different concentrations of
Na and K on either side of the membrane - Hence, the Electrochemical gradient, via the Na
K pump
27The Na/ K pump and the membrane potential
3 sodiums pumped out for every 2 K pumped in
28If this balance is disturbedi.e., when the
voltage changes, current flows
The membrane is said to be POLARIZED.
29What can upset the resting membrane?
- Activity or stimulus at the synapse
- When neurotransmitter binds to its receptor, the
membrane potential changes
30Types of Electrical Signals I Graded Potentials
- Graded Potential a small deviation from the
membrane potential caused by a stimulus. - If it makes the membrane de-polarize a little ?
- the membrane is more EXCITABLE
- If it makes the membrane more polarized
(hyperpolarization) ? the membrane is less
excitable ( INHIBITED. ) - Action Potential
31Graded Potentials
- Are LOCAL.just a short distance on the plasma
membrane - Are GRADED.the potential varies dependent on the
strength of the stimulus. They are not
All-or-None - Can be added together SUMMATION
- Can occur in dendrites/cell bodies
Post-synaptic potential (PSP) - Often occur in sensory receptors
32Types of Electrical Signals II Action Potentials
- AP Nerve Impulse
- AP a series of changes in the potential
(voltage) of the membrane - Depolarization membrane gets more
- Repolarization membrane goes back to -
- Refractory period another AP cannot fire for a
while - ALL or NONE It either fires or it doesnt.
No in-between.
33What happens during Depolarization
- Na rushes in..the flood gates have been
opened. - K rushes out..
- The membrane potential rises towards 0 and even
gets positive.
34What happens during Repolarization
- The Na /K pump kicks in again.
- Na is pumped out of the axon
- K is pumped into the axon.
- But not at equal rates..
- 3 Na out for each 2 K in
35Propagation of the action potential
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- Na rushes in..the flood gates have been
opened. - K rushes out..
- The membrane potential rises towards 0 and above
(gets positive.) - Eventually it gets so positive inside that
further influx of positive ions is repelled.
38What happens during Repolarization
- The Na /K pump kicks in again.
- Na is pumped out of the axon
- K is pumped into the axon.
- The membrane potential is restored..
- A hyperpolarization phase may occur in which the
membrane overshoots the membrane potential.
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40The Refractory Period
- 1) Absolute no stimulus can provoke another AP.
(Na channels inactivated resting) - 2) Relative an AP can be initiated only by a
greater than normal stimulus. - (note the larger the diameter of the axon, the
shorter the absolute refractory period)
41The Action Potential Propagates, beginning at
the trigger zone, the axon hillock
- A nerve impulse is self-propagating. At the
leading edge of an action potential, sodium gates
open, allowing sodium ions to flow into the cell.
This flow of ions triggers more sodium gates to
open, causing the action potential to move. - At the trailing edge of an action potential,
potassium gates open, allowing positive ions to
flow out, and restoring the resting potential of
the neuron.
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43Questions to consider..
- Why does the impulse only propagate down the
axon in one direction? - Why does the impulse only get transmitted one-way
at the synapse?
44Continuous conduction
- Relatively slow
- Step-by-step depolarization and repolarization
- Found in unmyelinated fibers
45Saltatory conduction
- Impulse jumps from node to node
- Faster
- Takes less energy because fewer regions of the
membrane undergo depol/repol and Na pump doesnt
have to work so hard. - In myelinated nerves
46What affects the speed of propagation?
- Presence of myelin
- Diameter of axon
- Temperature
- (put ice on an injury)
47The ABCs of nerve fiber classification
- Papa Bear A largest shortest refractory
period myelinated large sensory and motor
fibers - Mama Bear B middle diameter longer refractory
period myelinated sensory from skin and viscera
to CNS motor to some autonomics - Baby Bear C smallest longest refractory
period unmyelinated heat, cold, pain, plus some
48Signal Transmission at the Synapse
49Signal Transmission
- Usually axon of first neuron to dendrite of
second neuron AXODENDRITIC - Some axon-axon, and some axon/cell body synapse.
- Two types
50The Electrical Synapse
- Impulse conducted directly between cells via gap
junctions (no NT involved) - Faster than chemical synapse (no synaptic delay)
- Better synchronization.e.g., all the muscle
fibers in the ventricles of the heart must
contract at once in order for the heart to work
as a pump
51The Chemical Synapse(remember the NMJ )
- Neurons are separated by synaptic cleft
- Presynaptic neuron releases NT which diffuses
across the - Synaptic cleft and binds to the receptor on the
- Postsynaptic neuron, which produces some
postsynaptic potential
52Transmission of the Impulse
- Nerve impulse arrives at presynaptic terminal
- The depolarization of the presynaptic axon opens
voltage-gated Ca2 channels, and - Ca2 ions flow into the cell
- (under resting conditions, Ca2outside of cell
gt Ca2 inside the cell)
53And Then.in True Blue fashion
- Ca2 intracellular triggers exocytosis of
- synaptic vesicles, which release
- Neurotransmitters, which
- Diffuse across synaptic cleft and
- Bind to receptors on post-synaptic membrane
54- NT/receptor complex opens ion channels, and
- Ions flow in
- If Na channels are opened,
- Na rushes in? Depolarization
- If Cl- channels are opened,
- Cl- rushes in ? Hyperpolarization
55Will an Action Potential be triggered? Enquiring
minds want to know
- If the sum of the postsynaptic potentials reaches
threshhold.. - YES!!!!!
56If the sum of the postsynaptic potentials does
not reach threshhold.. No
- But the membrane may be excited/more likely to
fire (slightly depolarized) EPSP - Or the membrane may be inhibited/ less likely
to fire (hyperpolarized) IPSP
57How does the Synapse turn off?Remove that NT!
- NT diffuses away from the synaptic cleft
- NT is degraded by enzymes
- NT is taken up by presynaptic site.
58Our friend, the Neurotransmitter
- Most are small molecules
- ACh
- excitatory or inhibitory
- NMJ some other PNS and CNS synapses
- inactivated by acetylcholinesterase
59More NTs
- Amino acids
- Glutamate excitatory inactivated by reuptake
- Aspartate
- Glycine - inhibitory
- GABA gamma amino butyric acid also inhib.
- VERY important in the brain
- Valium enhances the action of GAB
- (probably other amino acids as well)
61More on the biogenic amines
- NE
- E the catecholamines
- Dopamine Inactivated by catechol-O-
methyl transferases, such as MAO - Serotonin 5-OH-tryptamine
62More small molecules ATP and other
purinese.g., adenosine excitatory in CNS and
- Nitric Oxide NO
- Synthesized as needed
- Lipid soluble
- Immediate action
- Highly reactive but short acting
- Relaxes vascular smooth muscle
63And the last of the NTs
- Neuropeptides chains of amino acids
- Endorphins
- endogenous morphine / opioids
- Enkephalins
- Substance P
64Neural Circuits
- Diverging from one neuron to many neurons
- Converging from many to one
- Reverberating a series of coordinated
impulses - Parallel after-discharge more complicated
65Regeneration/Repair of Nerve Tissue
- If cell body remains intact, the peripheral
nerves may repair - Research CNS
- EGF stimulates the brain cells of the adult mouse
to proliferate into neurons and glial cells - Some new neurons in the hippocampus
- Problems with scar tissue after injury
interfere with repair
66Repair of fibers in the PNS
- 24-48 hours post-injury Nissl bodies break up
chromatolysis - 3-5 days post-injury distal to the injury axon
swells, breaks into fragments, myelin
deteriorates Wallerian degeneration - Leftovers are phagocytized by
- If Schwann cell tube is present, the
regenerating axon will sprout
67- Multiple Sclerosis
- Epilepsy
- Guillain-Barre
- Neuropathy
- Neuroblastoma
- Rabies