Title: Health and WellBeing Strategy Living Better, Living Longer
1Health and Well-Being StrategyLiving Better,
Living Longer
2BwD Ward Life expectancy at birth 1999-2003
England average
3Healthy life expectancy
4All Cause premature mortality 1999-01/2003-05
5CVD premature mortality trend 1995-07 / 2003-05
6All cancer premature mortality 1999-01/2003-05
7Health outcome alcohol attributed deaths
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938 of young females and 18 of young males in
Blackburn appear to be exceeding the recommended
number of units per week for an adult.
In a typical week, how many units do you
drink? Comparisons by area 2007
29 School A
18 of young males in Blackburn claimed to drink
more than the recommended 21 units per week for
men over 18
38 of young females in Blackburn claimed to
drink more than the recommended 14 units per week
for women over 18
Base for 2007 See legend Balance Never drink /
Not stated. Not asked in 2005
10Demographics - ethnicity
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12Determinants of health Dahlgren Whitehead model
13Health and Well-Being StrategyLiving Better,
Living Longer
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19Pledges / proposed outcomes of the strategic
- Improved health for everyone in the Borough
- Improved mental and emotional wellbeing
- Reduce the gap between the most deprived and the
rest of the Borough - People have greater choice over health and care
services which they need
20Thank You
- www.healthandwellbeing.bwdpct.nhs.uk
- healthandwellbeing_at_bwdpct.nhs.uk