MAX experience with capacity planning - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MAX experience with capacity planning


... least balance or you won't be around long, unless you're a funded research project. ... networks out into the real world of production where things have ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: MAX experience with capacity planning

MAX experience with capacity planning
  • Dan Magorian, MAX
  • Director of Engineering and Operations

Planning?? You expect us to be able to plan in
this environment?!!
No, seriously
  • Actually, I wanted to capture a conversation I
    had with Tim Lance (Nysernet) yesterday,
    following his presentation on construction of
    their 32 AoA NYC pop, and following Thurs
    business model panel.
  • Most RONs and XPs are run as businesses. However
    much were part of higher ed, however much of a
    mission we have to facilitate research, in the
    long term our growth and sustainability come down
    to making good business decisions.
  • We have income from our participants, and
    expenditures building and running our networks.
    Those better at least balance or you wont be
    around long, unless youre a funded research
  • Whether youre trying to decide whether to build
    out a new pop, or set service pricing, are both
    fundamentally business decisions.

So what is a business decision?
  • A fancy term for an educated gamble.
  • You try to figure what you need to do, then you
    go for it (or not) and make it happen. At the
    end of the day, you see whether you were right or
    wrong. During the day, therere sometimes
    options to change or bail, and sometimes not.
    But theres always exposure.
  • For example, 3 years ago we pulled the trigger on
    a new suite at Level3 in Mclean. We were in a
    dilemma because only a tiny suite was left on the
    first floor, and the second floor didnt have dc
    power. We decided to go for it, which in 20/20
    hindsight was the wrong decision, because we
    rapidly outgrew it and now are facing a complex
    migration to an expansion space. Also, we
    decided to place a T640 in Mclean, which some
    people opposed because where NewNet would be was
    unknown at the time, but which turned out to have
    been a right guess. Lose some, win some.

The point about planning is
  • Its the process of educating yourself about the
    business decisions (gambles) youre going to
    take, so that you win more than you lose
  • Whether its 500k for a router or 12M for a new
    pop, you have financial exposure upfront before
    you know whether you guessed right or wrong.
    This is the part most of us dont like very much.
    While people in higher ed arent usually fired
    for white elephants, in companies execs making
    wrong 1B merger decisions are.
  • So whatever the amount, you sometimes find
    yourself betting the farm. Gambling a lot of
    your organizations cash on a business decision
    that looks good to the best of your planning
    ability, but which may not turn out to be right,
    often for reasons not under your control. Build
    it, and hope that you guessed right that theyll

So what does this philosophy about business
decisions have to do with optical capacity
  • A lot, actually.
  • MAX runs a regional optical network in the
    Washington/ Baltimore/Northern VA area with 7
    pop locations and 400 fiber miles in 4
    production and 5 research overlapping rings, lit
    by 4 different dwdm systems. Weve done this
    since 2000. 
  • We cover a small footprint, but we're very
  • RE nets are not a traditional layer 1 capacity
    planning environment, where transport engineers
    provision based on requirements thrown over the
    wall by data engineers whose network traffic
    doubles every 18 months. 
  • These are the revenue-based networking folks
    who come to NANOG (revenue-based and cost-based
    are Dave Farmers terms).

So is R E cost-based networking or
politics-based networking?
  • Our RE environment often needs massive
    overprovisioning to accommodate big flows with
    good performance.
  • That needs to be accomplished despite
    understaffing and often chronic underfunding.
    Were not telcos trying to gouge customers for
    every Mb, with staffs of thousands to push
  • So often capacity planning is more about
    horsetrading fiber and other resources to get to
    where youre guessing you need to be next year,
    as much for politics as for actual capacity
  • This leads to far more interesting heterogeneity
    and complexity than would be the case for a
    revenue-based network able to spend 500M to
    build out a shiny new homogeneous optical
    network, who knows what their customers need and
    builds based on traffic.

Enough philosophy, how about some methodology?
  • Max sells ip, mpls, and lambda transport services
    over 4 production dwdm rings. Since we have
    rings, we try to provision lambdas with optical
    protection where possible. Fiber cuts happen.
  • Recently weve had high growth in 10G lambda
    demand. Due to dropping 10G xponder costs, we
    now only provision 10G lambdas, and will serve
    gige lambdas via muxponders (8 giges to a 10G).
    This works because people rarely want OC48 2.5Gs,
    usually giges
  • Due to Movaz low 10G chassis density (2 10Gs
    with protect per 4U RayExpress), we are using
    add-in dwdm from Ekinops, a French startup.
    These are muxed into the Movaz as protected
    external waves (aliens). Still in test because
    their software is early, and unclear still
    whether space savings trades against complexity.

Dwdm system cost tradeoffs
  • Interesting comparison of "system" vs "component"
    dwdm costs. A pair of 10G dwdm xponders is
    currently 6k-10k/pr bought as components (or as
    parts of unknown-brand dwdm systems )
  • But we're currently paying 24k/pr for
    system-integrated xponders from Movaz and
    Zhone/Luxn. This says that there's a "systems
    integration tax" of 250-400 that you pay for
    stuff like Movaz developing all their software
    inc GMPLS, which is paid for by their hardware
  • Nothing new there Cisco, Juniper etc all do
    that, it's how the industry works.

More dwdm system cost tradeoffs
  • But there are also "bare bones" dwdm systems that
    have very little integration or software, eg MRV
    and JDSU. These are basically all sfps and xfps,
    that have a lower markup over the component
    costs, and offer fewer bells and whistles like
    variable attenuation etc.
  • More data would be interesting to characterize
    vendors on this scale from components on one end
    to "economy" like JDSU MRV to "midrange" like
    Movaz to "Cadillacs" like Cisco 454s and Ciena
  • Personally I'm a fan of DIY optical systems, but
    on production nets it's hard to get away with
    anything ad hoc. Your price of failure is so
    high that it dwarfs any difference in xponder
    costs. In the R E world, people are more
    concerned with the diff between what the optical
    systems guys are charging, which are considered
    cheap, vs the router guys who are still trying to
    get 75k for one 10G int.

So where are we going? 
  • With emerging next-gen ROADMs signalling to
    tunable lasers for capacity on demand, the
    research picture for dynamic resources looks
    good. Heard talks about DRAGON, GLIF, and
  • Getting this technology migrated from DRAGON and
    HOPI test networks out into the real world of
    production where things have to work well, is
    our next major challenge.
  • Make no mistake transitioning from the current
    world of statically provisioned net resources to
    dynamic is a major sea change.
  • But the world is changing, and we have to
    position ourselves in that emerging world. All
    while betting the farm on business decisions that
    will hopefully work out right and create growth.
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