Title: Measurement of the Heavy Quark cross-sections at CDF
1Measurement of the Heavy Quark cross-sections at
- Alberto Annovi - INFN Frascati
- for the CDF collaboration
- annovi_at_fnal.gov
HEP2007 July 19-25th Manchester, UK
- Single b cross section
- Sensitive high order QCD effects
- Correlated bb cross section
- Dominated by LO diagrams
3Single b production
- Tev Run I b-quark production higher then
expected from NLO - Big theoretical effort to understand
discrepancies - FONLL PDF Frag. Fun. ?s -gt New prediction
for Tevatr. in 2002 1 - Theory and measurement are now compatible
- Predictions affected by large uncertainties on
renormalization and factorization (40) - Tevatron Run II huge production of b quarks
- First measurement of B-quark production using
inclusive J/y?2 - Good agreement with FONLL
- Precise measurement of the cross section in
different modes - Confirm agreement with FONLL?
1 M.Cacciari and P.Nason, PRL 89, 122003
(2002) 2 D. Acosta et al., PRD71 032001 (2005)
4?B using Hb???m-D0X, D0 ???K-p
- Clean mode low uncertainties
- SVT trigger lepton displaced track
- Kinematical cuts
- pT(?D0) gt 9 GeV/c ?(?D0) lt 0.6
- Calculate acceptance with MC
- pT-y spectrum from CDF meas. NLO calc.
- Measure efficiencies with data
- Remove resonant bkg12.0 3.2
- Unfolding pT(?D0) --gt pT(Hb) with MC input
- Result
345794 D0
PRD coming soon
sub sample
5?B using B???J/yK, J/y???mm-
8197239 B
PRD75, 012010 (2007)
- Fully reconstructed mode
- Reduce systematics
- No Lxy cut systematics
- Kinematical cuts
- pT(B) gt 6 GeV/c y lt 1
- pT(?) gt 2 GeV/c ?(?) lt 0.8
- pT(K) gt 1.25 GeV/c ?(K) lt 1.3
- Acc. times eff. from MC
- Correct efficiencies with data
- Dominant sys. 6 from lumi
6Single b production CDF Run II
- 3 separate measurements
- improved precision down to 10
- allow a reliable test of theory
- consistent with FONLL 2
- no need, but still room for new physics 3
- 3 Berger et. al., PRL 86 (2001)
7 bb correlations review 4
- Run I bb xsection increasing with of muons?
Ratio to HVQJET
lt R2b gt ?(data)/?(NLO)
4 F. Happacher et. al., PRD73, 014026 (2006)
8?bb using inclusive ?? events
2D data
- Select ?? events
- pT 3 GeV/c ? 0.7 5 lt m??lt 80 GeV/c2
- Dimuon events are produced by
- Decays of heavy flavor quark pairs (bb, cc)
- Prompt Drell Yan processes
- Charmonium, bottomonium, K and ? decays
- Misidentification of K and ? mesons
- Sample composition --gt fit 2D impact parameter
- templates from Data (Prompt)
- templates from tuned
- Herwig simulation
1D templates
PRD coming soon
2D template
9Fit projection
BB 54583-678
10sb?m,b ?m? sc?m,c ?m
Dimuon purity bb 0.96-0.04 cc 0.81-0.09
Remove fake muons Measure acceptance efficiency
- sb?m,b ?m?? 1549-133 pb
- sc?m,c ?m? 624-115 pb
See also D0D xsec measurement presented at
11Data vs NLO
NLO MNR MRST98 Peterson EvtGen
sb?m,b ?m?? sc?m,c ?m?
Data 1549-133 pb 624-104 pb
NLO Peterson 1293-55 pb ?0.006 230-16 pb ?0.06
NLO Peterson 1543 pb ?0.002 383 pb ?0.02
NLO 15 uncertainty
- R1 data/NLO - experimental and BR uncertainties
only - R1b?m, b?m???0.006???? 1.20-0.11
12 bb correlations
- High di-muon cross-section NOT observed in Run II
Ratio to HVQJET
lt R2b gt ?(data)/?(NLO)
- Single b quark xsec. in Run I --gt higher than
theory - Theoretical prediction went up
- Run II improved precision
- 3 measurements agree within 10
- and compatible with FONLL
- Run I correlated bb xsec increases w/ of
leptons ? - Run II ?bb(pp--gt??X) compatible with NLO
- Indicates no issues with bb xsec
- We now have a clear picture of b cross sections!
15Data (sPlots6) vs MC (herwig)
6 M. Pivk and F. R. Le Diberder, NIM A555, 356
16? in prompt
Prompt sPlots
All data
17Data (sPlots) vs MC (herwig)
18?B using BJ/yK, J/ymm-
Acc. times eff. from MC Correct efficiencies w/
data Dominant sys. 6 from lumi
19?B using Hbm-D0X, D0 K-p
- Data used whenever possible to measure the
efficiency of the trigger and detectors. - 9 independent e measurements.
- 8 using data, COT efficiency from MC
- Unfolding pT(?D0) --gt pT(B) with MC input
20Acceptance and Efficiencies
- calculate acceptances efficiency from MC
- determine efficiency scale factors from DATA
- for relevant acceptance efficiencies
21Account for fake muons
- Measure fake probability with D0-gtK?
- herwig sim. to estimate of
- ?-K, ?-??pairs within acceptance
- --gt Predict number of fakes
- CMUP with loose/tight ??CMU
- --gt extract number of fakes
- with a 2 unknowns system
360000 D0-gtK?
K fakes CMUP
With fakes removal
mean - maximum RMS bb 0.96-0.04 cc
22Data vs NLO
NLO MNR MRST98 Peterson EvtGen
sb?m,b ?m?? sc?m,c ?m?
Data 1549-133 pb 624-104 pb
NLO Peterson 1293-55 pb ?0.006 230-16 pb ?0.06
NLO Peterson 1543 pb ?0.002 383 pb ?0.02
- R1 data/NLO - experimental and BR uncertainties
only - R1b?m, b?m???0.006???? 1.20-0.11
- R1c?m, c?m ??0.06???? 2.71-0.49
23Heavy Flavor Production at pp
Leading Order Diagrams Dominate bb correlated
Next to Leading Order Diagrams Essential for
single b prod.
O (as2) flavor creation
sb is inferred from the measurement of the
production rate as a function of pT of the B
hadrons or some of their decay products
Evt Gen
p structure
parton level calculation (NLO, FNLLO)
24Error summary
Source BB CC
Stat. 1.2 6.4
Fit likelihood 2.9 8
Fake removal 4.2 11.6
Acceptance 3.2 3.9
Luminosity 6 6
Total 8.9 16.7