Title: Training 2003 2006
1Training 2003 - 2006
July 20, 2004 San Antonio, TX
Workforce Innovations 2004
2Training Vision
Through Learning and Performance, R World
works better!
Guest Best trained,most Guest-oriented
service providers
Associates Right training at right time
in careers - Know more
- Can do more
- Will
do more Leadership Strategy to drive skills,
values, messages to change our business
Stockholders Most efficient use
of training investment
4In 18 Months
- Changed skill mix of staff
- Completed needs analysis for all US businesses
- Defined Learning Paths
- Vetted
- Approved
- Placed dedicated computers in US stores
- Designed and rolled out 70 hours of training
- Trained 1000 store managers for roll out
- Launched R University
5Learning Paths
6Blended Learning
- Emphasis on e-learning
- Learning at point-of-need in stores
- Reduce training time, improve retention
- Consistency in content
- Easier and faster to update and maintain
- Coaching
- Coach verification
- Corporate university at leadership level
- Training is measured and evaluated for
- Quality User
feedback - Accountability Verification
of learning - Relevance Change in
performance -
- Impact on our business TRU, Inc. results
8Ultimately, business leaders will make our
training programs the venture capital for the
21st century workforce.
Elaine Chao U.S. Secretary of Labor