Title: Cattle Situation and Outlook NDSU NCI Feedlot School
1Cattle Situation and OutlookNDSU NCI Feedlot
- Tim Petry
- Livestock Economist
- NDSU Extension Service
2Web Address
- www.ag.ndsu.nodak.edu/aginfo/lsmkt/livestock.htm
- Click on NDSU NCI Feedlot School
3Livestock Marketing Information Center Data
4 Livestock Marketing Information Center
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TO JANUARY 1, 2003(1000 Head)
8 Livestock Marketing Information Center
9- The highest cattle prices usually occur during
the accumulation (rebuilding) phase of the
inventory cycle. - When that occurs will depend on weather, but
should be in the next several years.
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25 Livestock Marketing Information Center
26SF_LS763 Sioux Falls, SD Wed Sep 10, 2003
USDA-SD Ag Market News
Kist Livestock Auction - Mandan, ND
This week 3069 Last week 1175 Year
ago 699 Market not well tested due to light
run last week. Strong undertone noted. Demand
excellent. 86 percent of the run were feeder
cattle14 percent slaughter cows and bulls. 65
percent feeder steers 35 percent heifers. 74
percent of feeder cattle were over 600 lbs.
Feeder Steer Medium and Large 1
Head Wt Range Avg Wt Price Range
Avg Price 12 309-334 322
126.00-129.00 127.56 61 350-393
364 112.00-122.00 118.64
22 405-416 410 108.00-113.00
110.64 45 469-499 486
105.50-108.50 107.26 28 508-536
519 100.00-107.50 104.25
32 580-595 589 103.50-109.50
106.53 60 617-642 639
104.50-109.00 108.51 136 651-686
678 105.00-109.75 108.75
16 713 713 107.50
107.50 217 755-794 778
96.50-101.80 100.37 303 809-846
815 96.75-99.80 98.93
57 923 923 92.25
92.25 7 980 980
87.00 87.00
27LM_CT100St Joseph, MO Fri Sep 12, 2003
NEGOTIATEDTexas/Oklahoma Kansas Nebraska
Colorado Iowa/Minnesota feedlotsRecap for
Thursday 9/11/2003 Head Count 10,584
Week Ago 35,301 Last Year 17,398Week to
Date 269,119 Week Ago 250,563 Last Year
216,379 LIVE FOB
BASIS - Beef Breeds Head
Weight Price Avg Avg
Count Range Range
Weight Price STEERS Over 80 Choice
1,104 1,178-1,425 86.00-90.00 1,229
87.75 65 - 80 Choice 725 1,200-1,325
87.60-90.00 1,275 89.35 35 - 65 Choice
2,826 1,100-1,325 85.00-90.50 1,257
88.82 0 - 35 Choice -
- Total all grades 4,655
1,100-1,425 85.00-90.50 1,253
88.65HEIFERS Over 80 Choice 275
1,200-1,200 90.00-90.00 1,200 90.00 65
- 80 Choice 899 1,100-1,215
90.00-92.00 1,181 90.68 35 - 65 Choice
532 1,050-1,225 86.75-91.00 1,167
89.58 0 - 35 Choice -
- Total all grades 1,706
1,050-1,225 86.75-92.00 1,180 90.23
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