Title: Is ILCWR meeting its outcome objectives
1Is ILCWR meeting its outcome objectives?
- Report on Sub-Ends Survey
2Survey Design
- Consumers were broken into 4 groups
- Outreach Consumers (70)
- Supportive Housing Consumers (37)
- Those who access only our CSS programs (18)
- Those who have been with us 2 years or less (22)
3How did we approach them?
- Our new consumers were sent an introductory
letter and then contacted by phone to complete an
anonymous survey - All other consumers were mailed the same survey
and received a follow-up reminder call one week
4The response?
- 54 of Outreach consumers responded
- 51 of Supportive Housing Consumers
- 73 of New Consumers Responded
- 17 of CSS Consumers Responded
- The Overall Response Rate Was 52
5The CSS response
- While only 17 of the people who ONLY access our
CSS programs responded to the survey, over 47 of
our Attendant Service Consumers have or do access
the Community Support Services Team. - The next time we survey well look for better
ways to capture their information.
6Facilitating Growth Towards Greater Independence
- Are consumers MORE CONFIDENT in participating in
activities since receiving services? - 75 of new consumers said YES
- 68 of SHU consumers agreed
- 53 of Outreach consumers said YES
7Facilitating Growth Towards Greater Independence
- Types of involvements
- Volunteering
- Teaching
- Involvement in the Co-op
- Church Activities
- Run a small business
- Work
- Family and Friends
8Facilitating Growth Towards Greater Independence
- Do consumers get out MORE OFTEN since accessing
services? - 56 of new consumers said YES
- 79 of SHU consumers agreed
- 68 of Outreach consumers said agreed
9Facilitating Growth Towards Greater Independence
- Are consumers developing NEW SKILLS since
receiving services? - 63 of new consumers said YES
- 68 of SHU consumers agreed
- 40 of Outreach consumers agreed
10Facilitating Growth Towards Greater Independence
- Types New Skills Acquired
- Directing Care
- Advocating on Own Behalf
- Coordinating and Training Attendants
- Speaking Up!
- More confident dealing with issue resolution
- Improvising!
- Cooking
11Facilitating Growth Towards Greater Independence
- Are consumers SATISFIED with the services they
receive? - 88 of new consumers are very / somewhat
satisfied - 89 of SHU consumers are very / somewhat
satisfied - 100 of Outreach consumers are very / somewhat
12Facilitating Growth Towards Greater Independence
13Facilitating Growth Towards Greater Independence
- 92 of our consumers report that they are getting
the services they thought they would when they
signed the service plan! - Supervisors report that 91 of our consumers
fully participate or are mostly independent in
developing their service plan.
14Facilitating Growth Towards Greater Independence
- Have ILCWR services allowed our consumers to
remain living in their homes? - 100 of new consumers said YES
- 74 of SHU consumers agreed
- 92 of Outreach consumers said agreed
15Create Opportunities to Make Informed Choices
- 79 of our consumers report that their
to information. - ILCWR uses newsletter, mailings, a web site,
forums and events to disseminate information.
16Create Opportunities to Make Informed Choices
- 73 say that they are making MORE INFORMED
CHOICES as a result of the information they
receive from ILCWR.