Title: Repeated Records
1Lecture 18
Repeated Records
2 ?2P ?2G ?2E
3 ?2P ?2G ?2E ?2G ?2BV ?2DOM ?2EPI
4 ?2P ?2G ?2E ?2G ?2BV ?2DOM ?2EPI h2B
?2G / ?2P
5 ?2P ?2G ?2E ?2G ?2BV ?2DOM ?2EPI h2B
?2G / ?2P h2 ?2BV / ?2P
6 ?2P ?2G ?2E ?2G ?2BV ?2DOM ?2EPI h2B
?2G / ?2P h2 ?2BV / ?2P ?2E ?2PE
?2TE PE permanent environment TE
temporary environment
7Repeatability (r)
8Repeatability (r)
- the degree of association between repeated
records on the same animal
9Repeatability (r)
- the degree of association between repeated
records on the same animal - correlation between repeated measures
10Repeatability (r)
- the degree of association between repeated
records on the same animal - correlation between repeated measures
r ?2G ?2PE ?2P
11 ?2P ?2G ?2E ?2G ?2BV ?2DOM ?2EPI h2B
?2G / ?2P h2 ?2BV / ?2P 0 lt h2 lt h2B lt r lt
1 r ?2G ?2PE ?2P
120 lt h2 lt h2B lt r lt 1
Find ?2PE
130 lt h2 lt h2B lt r lt 1
Find ?2PE
?2PE (r - h2B) ?2P because
140 lt h2 lt h2B lt r lt 1
Find ?2PE
?2PE (r - h2B) ?2P because ?2G ?2PE
?2G ?2P ?2P ?2P
15Repeatability of N Records
Situation have want P1 P2 P1
P2 P3 P1 P2 PN PN1
16Repeatability of N Records
Situation have want P1 P2 P1
P2 P3 P1 P2 PN PN1 Repeatability of n
previous measured records and the n 1 record
17Repeatability of N Records
Situation have want P1 P2 P1
P2 P3 P1 P2 PN PN1 Repeatability of n
previous measured records and the n 1 record
rn n r 1 (n - 1) r
18Repeatability of N Records
Example r .4 n rn
19Repeatability of N Records
Example r .4 n rn 1 .40
20Repeatability of N Records
Example r .4 n rn 1 .40 2 .57
21Repeatability of N Records
Example r .4 n rn 1 .40 2 .57 3 .66
22Repeatability of N Records
Example r .4 n rn 1 .40 2 .57 3 .66
4 .73
23Repeatability of N Records
Example r .4 n rn 1 .40 2 .57 3 .66
4 .73
Reduced value from adding more records.
24Repeatability of N Records
.8 .6 .4 .2
0 1 2 3 4
25Predicting Next Record
Example predicting the n 1 record from
performance in n previous records
26Predicting Next Record
Example predicting the n 1 record from
performance in n previous records
Formula Pi,n1 ?n1 rn ? (Pij -
?j) n
j 1
27Predicting Next Record
Dairy lactation, r .5
28Predicting Next Record
Dairy lactation, r .5 Lactation ? Animal
i 1 15000 15600 2 17000 16900 3 17500
P3 ?
29Predicting Next Record
r2 (2) r 2 1 (2 -1) r 3
30Predicting Next Record
r2 (2) r 2 1 (2 -1) r 3 Pi,3
?3 r2 (Pi,1 - ?1) (Pi,2 -?2) 2
31Predicting Next Record
r2 (2) r 2 1 (2 -1) r 3 Pi,3
?3 r2 (Pi,1 - ?1) (Pi,2 -?2)
2 17500 2 (15600 - 15000)(16900 - 17000)
3 2 17500 (2/3) 250 17667 lbs
32Breeding Programs
Requirements Goals and objectives Information
on traits Pedigrees
33Breeding Captive Populations
What are the objectives and how are they achieve?
Domestic Animal Breeding
Problem want to improve milk yield through
selection of male, how can this be done?
Human Population
How much inbreeding is too much (by law)?
34Breeding Captive Populations
Objective Maintaining genetic diversity
35Breeding Captive Populations
Objective Maintaining genetic diversity
Process Sample wild population (founders)
36Breeding Captive Populations
Objective Maintaining genetic diversity
Process Sample wild population (founders)
Breed each generation to maintain as much of the
original diversity sampled as possible.
Matings based on Mean Kinship
Matings based on Mean Kinship Genome Uniqueness
Matings based on Mean Kinship Genome
Uniqueness Inbreeding Avoidance
All these strategies are based on calculations of
the degree of relatedness of individuals in the
41Domestic Animal Breeding
Male selection for a sex limited trait.
Utilize information from female relatives to
evaluate the potential of a male as a parent.
42Domestic Animal Breeding
Male selection for a sex limited trait.
Utilize information from female relatives to
evaluate the potential of a male as a parent.
Works because of sharing genes in common and
accuracy depends on how closely related the male
is to the females with records.
How much inbreeding is too much?
How much inbreeding is too much?
Laws against marriages between first cousins and
second cousins in 30 states.
How much inbreeding is too much?
Laws against marriages between first cousins and
second cousins in 30 states. We can quantify
these laws by understanding the degree of
relatedness between prospective spouses describe
in the law.