Title: Seven Years of Leadership
1Seven Years of Leadership
- Building the Pro-Israel/Pro-Peace Grassroots
2- On April 29, 2002, while the Second Intifada
raged and the official peace process withered,
Jewish grassroots activists founded a new
national organization dedicated to bringing
together the voices and power of ordinary
American Jews.
3- We knew there had to be a different way and that
only by coming together could we break the
communal silence and bring back U.S. leadership
for peace. - As one of our activists said, we knew there is
more than one way to be pro-Israel.
4The first conference was planned from the secret
location of Aliza Beckers living room
(Security Officer)
5April 27-29, 2002, 175 activists attended Brit
Tzedeks founding conference in Washington, DC.
6and we founded Brit Tzedek vShalom together
Founding VP Cherie Brown takes the vote.
7Former MK Marcia Freedman was elected founding
8Aliza Becker was our founding director
Executive and Deputy DirectorJune 2002
December 2009
9We hired our second staffer, Jessica Rosenblum
Assistant DirectorJune 2003 January 2007
10Our first campaign
11And we held a second conference
Boston, October 31 - November 2, 2003Stephen P.
Cohen, Marcia Freedman, Naomi Chazan, Aliza Becker
12Avram Mitzna, Israeli MK
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14Rep. Barney Frank
15Naomi Chazan, Former Speaker of Knesset
16Newly elected board officers Elliot Figman,
Diane Balser, Marcia Freedman, Barry Joseph
17Our third conference in New YorkFebruary 19-21,
Rebecca HartmanMadison-WI Chapter Chair
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21Singer Debbie Friedman
22Western Regional Conference
Marcia Freedman, Stephen Zunes, Omar Dajani, and
Menachem Klein
23Carinne Luck and Molly Freeman
24Amjad Attalah, Aliza Becker and Omar Dajani
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26- We began to educate and mobilize
- We reached into synagogue, JCCs and campuses
- We grew from 175 to 50,000 in seven years.
27- Weve hosted so many Israeli and Palestinian
speakers who inspired us
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29Daniel Levy Washington DC 2008
30Yossi BeilinWashington DC 2008
31Naomi ChazanNew York City 2008
32Gershon Baskin and Hanna Senora
33 34Bernard Avishai
35Maya Sabatello, BTselemNew York City 2007
36Gershon Baskin and Hanna SenoraNew York City 2007
37Jeff Albert on The Role of Water Resources in
the Arab-Israeli ConflictPortland, OR
38 39Combatants for Peace January - February
2007 Sulaiman Al Hamri and Shimon Katz
40Breaking the Silence ExhibitPhiladelphia 2008
41Dr. Izzedin Abuleish
42Weve held some really boring meetings
43(Face it, gang, a few really boring meetings)
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45Most importantly, weve brought hundreds of
pro-peace voices to Congress.
46Some greeted us enthusiastically!
Peace peace peace peace peace peace peace
47And some just humored us
(This is awkward. Hes never gonna agree.)
Hes important. Just keep talking.
48They heard us. Theyre hearing us. More and more.
49Rep. Steven Lynch (D-MA)
50Rep. Tsongas (D-MA)
51Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
52Senator Barack Obama (D-IL)
53Rep. Ed Townes (D-NY)
54Rep. Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
55Rep. Maurice Hinchey (D-NY)
56Rep. David Price (D-NC)
57Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)
58Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN)
59Senator Olympia Snowe (R-ME)
60Like those pictures?
61We have a few more where those came from
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77It takes hundreds of dedicated volunteers working
all over the country to do this work.
78Harvard HillelPresidential Candidates Forum
79Boston Chapter Steering Committee Meeting
80Steve Masters and Ghaith Al-OmariChicago 2008
81Members at Obama Victory RallyChicago 2008
82Rep. David Price Chapel Hill, North Carolina
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87Board Meeting
88Jewish Music FestivalNew York City 2005
89Galia Golan and Sue Swartz
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92Weve mobilized more than 1,000 rabbis, cantors
and clerical students
Rabbis John Friedman and Julie Saxe-TallerRabbini
c Cabinet Chair and Co-Chair
93Weve built up our credibility our numbers our
reputation our pro-peace power
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98It takes a lot of us.
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115And it takes leaders like you. Activists who
121good looks
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136selfless service
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138visionary leadership
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140We are women and men
141We are rabbis and cantors
142lay leaders
143secular and religious
144Some of us are new to this work
145Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf (1924-2008)
Allan Abrams (1939-2009)
And some of us fought our entire lives.
146Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf (1924-2008)
Allan Abrams (1939-2009)
(We miss you.)
147Rabbi Arnold Jacob Wolf (1924-2008)
Allan Abrams (1939-2009)
(So much.)
148Weve made some new friends too
Jeremy Ben-Ami, Founder of J StreetGrassroots
Training Institute 2009
149- Tonight is about you.
- And this conference is about the movement weve
150- Weve come so far, with plenty left to do.
- As we stand at the crossroads of history, we know
we couldnt have done it without each other.
151- Mazel tov, gang.
- Weve come a long way.
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