Title: We At Wildern School
1We At Wildern School Decided To Design A Website
For The Company SETA
2First of all we met up with Claire Sutton from
SETA to talk about what she would like to have in
the site.
We managed to come up with a colour scheme for
the site and a background. From this we started
making the site.
3In one of the meetings that we held every
Tuesday and Thursday lunchtime we assigned
Different jobs and pages for each member of
the group to complete.
A few people in the group worked on the graphics,
e.g. The background and Flash buttons, whilst the
others worked on the content for the pages.
4To make the website accessible to everyone we
made a flash and non-flash version. This is
because some people dont have the software to
view the flash images etc.
5We integrated the colour and theme of SETA into
the logo. We wanted to make it simple but
6We then decided on which pages we were each going
to modify. We gathered and modified each page. We
then came together to put it onto one site.
We chose the pages welcome screen, home, about
us, contacts, give and get an apprentice, links
and where to find us.
7Here are some examples of the pages that we have
Welcome Screen
Home Page