Title: Everything your parents never told you about antennas
1Everything your parents never told you about
- Johan Führi
- Design Engineer
- Poynting Antennas, South Africa
- MUM, Poland 2008
2Poynting Antennas
- Antenna and enclosure design and manufacture
- Company size 180 people, 2600m2 factory
- 20 RD staff (3xPh.D, M.Scs, B.Scs, Techs)
- Turnover USD 7.5 million p/a.
- About 40,000 units per month output.
- Export to Europe, Australia, Malaysia, Singapore,
Israel and United States. - Various low cost, high performance fabrication
technologies developed in-house. - Cutting edge outdoor enclosure portfolio with
proven applications globally.
- What is an antenna?
- How does it work?
- What antennas cannot do
- Antennas in practice
- New technologies in antenna/enclosure systems
4What is an Antenna?
- The wireless telegraph is not difficult to
understand. The ordinary telegraph is like a
very long cat. You pull the tail in New York and
it meows in Los Angeles. The wireless is the
same, only without the cat. Albert Einstein. - Mechanical device that converts an electrical
signal into an electromagnetic wave and
vice-versa - It is not an AERIAL
5How does antennas work?
- Antenna focuses outgoing and incoming signals
- In a particular direction
- With a particular pattern
- More gain more focusing in the firing
direction - In TX, less signal sent in other directions
- In RX, antenna is deafer in other directions
- More signal in the firing direction
- Lower interference
- More signal higher range/data rates
6How does antennas work?
- More gain larger size
- Panel/dish antennas gain proportional to area
- Limited by physics
- Size/gain trade-off
- Must keep losses down
7What antennas cannot do
- Antenna bandwidth
- Cant work over arbitrarily wide number of
channels - Frequency limited
8How does antennas work?
- In summary
- Antennas focus energy to increase signal
- High gain means less signal in other directions
- Gain depends on antenna size
- Cannot cheat physics must reduce loss
- Antennas can work differently in different
9Antennas in practice
- Connecting to the Electronics
- Choosing the right antenna
- Distribution
- High site
- Point-to-Point
- Indoor
10Connecting to the Electronics
- Keep the radio close to the antenna
- RF cable kept short
- Negligible losses best possible signal
- Lower susceptibility to lightning impulse
11Mounting Electronics Outdoor
12Choosing the right antenna
- Omni-directional antennas The Ultimate Solution?
13Choosing the right antenna
- Sector Antennas
- Cover only the areas that you need to cover
- Multiple sector antennas per enclosure
- One antenna per radio
14Choosing the right antenna
- Client Premises Equipment CPE
- What is important?
- Easy installation
- Aesthetics
- Good performance
- Low cost
19Choosing the right antenna
- Point-to-Point
- High gain dish/panels with heavy duty enclosures
(long range) - Fully integrated medium gain solution (medium
20Choosing the right antenna
- High gain antennas
- Narrow beamwidth
- Cutting out noise
- High gain
- Improved signal strength
- Higher data rates
- Grid Antennas
- Lower wind resistance
21Choosing the right antenna
- Indoor Antennas
- Main problem is Multipath Interference
- Space diversity
- Polarisation diversity
- Relatively low gain antenna wide beamwidth
- Going through walls unreliable signal
22Choosing the right antenna - Diversity
WLAN-A0030 Integrated quad diversity (spatial
pol) 2.4 GHz 8dBi Patch antennas Indoor MIMO AP
WLAN-A0032 Dual integrated 2.4 GHz 14dBi Panel
antennas Indoor AP Enclosure Outdoor
diversity/2 channel link
WLAN-A0033 Dual diversity 2.4 GHz 8dBi
Omnis Integrated 5GHz 20dBi panel Local Access
WLAN-A0031 Integrated diversity 2.4 GHz 7dBi
Omnis Outdoor AP Enclosure
23To the future
- High performance antenna technology
- Optimisation-based design
- Wide band
- Low loss
- Low sidelobes
24To the future
- Integrated Multi-sector enclosures
- Compact integrated outdoor enclosure for 5GHz
- Quad-reconfiguarable sector array
- 4x 90 degrees
- 2x180 degrees
- 1x360 degrees
4x 90 degrees
2x 180 degrees
1x 360 degrees
25To the future
- Antenna sharing for Nstreme 2
- Only one pair of antennas to run Nstreme 2
- Minimise installation costs and mounting space
- Need wideband antenna, diplexer
26To the future
- Dual polarised antenna enclosure
- Two antennas in one enclosure, HP and VP
- Single Nstreme 2 enclosure
27Thank you