Title: TV Antenna Services In Adelaide - ANTENNAS NEAR ME
1TV Antenna Services In Adelaide
ANTENNAS NEAR ME offer an affordable and
professional cable technician service. We
install, repair antennas and TV mounts all across
Adelaide and the Yorke Peninsula.
2Antennasnearmes expert technicians will monitor
your antennas condition and conduct a signal
test at you property. A complete system
assessment will give an idea of whether the
antenna is working fine, or if it needs to be
replace with the latest antenna that was built-in
4G infiltration. The process of antenna repair
also includes checking the cable splitters,
amplifiers and the connectors to ensure its power
alignment and functioning.
About Us
3Our technicians are available 24/7 to reach your
home and ensure all the points are installed
professionally and precisely where you want them.
Whether you need an extra point, telephone
cabling, cable modem, or want to move an existing
point to a different location, we will make sure
the job is completed with expertise the first
time. The correct installation of the computer
unit and internet connection is of supreme
importance if you are planning for a home office
setup. At Antennasnearme, we even offer computer
data cabling services to make sure your PC setup
is at your desired location.
TV wall Mounts A trained technician can put your
mind at ease and mount your TV correctly and
Antennas, Cables We can install and repair
antennas and cables through your house and on
your roof.
TV point installations
Antenna Repairs
6Address Antennasnearme, Adelaide SAPhone 61
488 735 555E-mail info_at_antennasnearme.comWebsi
te www.antennasnearme.com
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