- Ade Adetosoye, Divisional Director Social Care
- and
- Sonia Burke, Assistant Director of Adult Mental
- Health Services
2Mental Health Protocol
- A new Joint Adults and Children Services Protocol
- but WHY? - Strategic Aims - Policy Framework in Lambeth
- What do we know about mental health key
messages from research and the impact on children - LSCB response
3Mental Health Protocol
- Every Child really does Matter in Lambeth the
outcomes we seek for every child are - - Be healthy
- Stay safe
- Enjoy and achieve
- Make a positive contribution
- Achieve economic well being
- Safeguarding is everybody's responsibility
- Section 11 Children Act 2004
4Mental Health Protocol
- What we know about adult mental health
- Scale of mental health problems
- 16 adults will develop a significant mental
health problem at some point in life (ONS) - Over 200,000 adults live in Lambeth (1 6
34,000) - 16 of parents develop psychiatric morbidity
- 4361 adults in Lambeth currently receive support
from Adult Mental Health services - 3,606 referrals were received by Adult Mental
Health Services in the last 12 months - 30- 50 of these adults are estimated to have
dependent children - 25 of new referrals to social care involve
concerns about parental mental health about
1000 children - 25 of the children on a child protection plan in
Lambeth live with a parent who has mental health
problems - Research strongly indicates that children are
effected by enduring mental - health problems in their parents.
5Mental Health Protocol
- Effects of adult mental health on children
- Potential Significant Harm
- A small number of children are killed in Britain
by their parents as a result of parental mental
illness every year. - Studies vary but estimate that mental health is
an issue in 33 - 55 of parents who murder their
children (Falkov, Reder Duncan, DCSF RR023) - Studies repeatedly say that adult and childrens
services didnt work - effectively together in these tragedies. (Ofsted,
Falkov, Reder Duncan, DCSF RR023)
6Mental Health Protocol
- Other effects of parental mental health on
children what is it like to be a child when
their parent is mentally unwell? Children report
- Feeling ignored by agencies and parents
- Insecurity, false maturity, pressure to be good
- Fear of family breakdown
- Personal sense of shame and blame for their
parents illness - Confusion, lack of explanation or understanding
of illness - Withdrawal, stigma, isolation
- Disruption of education
- Young Carer responsibilities (and often not
recognized by agencies) - Being left to manage their parents illness
- Carrying responsibility for adults, but being
left out of discussions - Mental health problems of their own
7Mental Health Protocol
- Emotional/Psychological Effects identified by DoH
research - Child Development e.g. regression, language
development, shorter attention span - Education young carer, interruptions of
schooling, poor focus - Emotional wellbeing insecure attachments,
guilt, worry - Social isolation, stigma, bullying
- Cognitive motor skills, difficulty with
concentration - Other Effects
- Poverty social exclusion, ill health, poor
housing - Discrimination racism, family isolation and
community stigma - Falcov 1998, Alridge and Stuart 1998, Mackereth
1999, Weir 1999
8Mental Health Protocol
- Conclusions
- To reach the five ECM outcomes, these children
need joined up multi agency support at an early
stage in the crises - Support needs to be multi agency and holistic. It
must address the needs of both parents and the
children - Good quality joint work between adults and
children services work is essential to protecting
children who are at risk from adult mental
illness -
9Mental Health Protocol
- The Lambeth Mental Health Protocol addresses
these needs. For the first time Lambeth has a
Protocol that - Triggers the early identification and referral of
children at risk of significant harm and whose
families have complex need - Identifies children with additional needs to get
early multi agency holistic support and
intervention to children and their parents before
things escalate. - Incorporates the Common Assessment Framework and
Team Around the Child into referral pathways.
10Mental Health Protocol
- Mental health is a key priority area in the LSCB
Strategic Plan 2008 - 2011. The LSCB has taken the following action
since 2008 - The Divisional Director of Adult Social Services
and the Director of Mental Health Services attend
the LSCB - A strategic Adult and Children Services
Sub-committee addresses joint work - Safeguarding champions are now in every adult
mental health team - Every family in adult services is screened for
child protection risk - New specialist joint training has been
commissioned for 2009 for adult and social care
workers - Lambeth has begun to roll out the CAF and TAC in
Adult Services, with completion date December
2009 - A new joint children and adults post has been
11Mental Health Protocol
- In Lambeth every
- child matters
- Thank you
12A Protocol between Adult Services and Children
and Young Peoples Services
Safeguarding Children Where parents, carers or
other adults have mental health problems
13Aims of the protocol are
- To ensure that professionals working in Lambeth
are clearly aware of their duty to work together
to safeguard and promote the welfare of children
and young people - To improve the identification of children who may
be affected by adult mental health problems and
ensure good quality and early support and
intervention for them and their families - To improve communication and joint working
between services responsible for supporting
children, and the services responsible for
supporting adults with mental health problems
14Why have a protocol?
- We all have a legal duty to carry out our
functions with a view to safeguarding and
promoting the welfare of children and young
people Children Act 2004 Sect 11 - A number of serious case reviews and statutory
guidance has brought about further requirements
for all services who come into contact with a
child or young person to consider their specific
needs within a whole family context - This protocol brings together current tools and
best practice from both adult and childrens
services to ensure we safeguard all our children,
young people and adults
15Identifying the Needs
- Every Child really does Matter in Lambeth the
outcomes we seek for every child are - - Be healthy
- Stay safe
- Enjoy and achieve
- Make a positive contribution
- Achieve economic well being
- Safeguarding is everybody's responsibility
- Section 11 Children Act 2004
16Identifying the Needs
- Any professional working in Lambeth who comes
into contact with an adult or pregnant woman who
appears to have a mental health problem must
consider - How their mental health is impacting on the
safety or welfare of any children in their care,
or who have significant contact with them, if at
all - Whether they have access to relevant support
services - Whether the child or young person is a young
17Identifying the Needs
- Staff in adult and older adult services must use
the new - child need risk screen contained within the risk
section of the - Electronic Patient Journey System (EPJS) to
identify need or - risk
- Appendix 2 on page 15 of the Protocol has
18Identifying the Needs
- If there are concerns for the child verify
whether the child - is at risk of significant harm or whether in need
of - additional support from services
- Complete the pre-assessment checklist (appendix
1) - Consult the significant harm checklist (section
19 Referral Routes
- There are two referral routes
- 1) Child is considered at risk of significant
harm refer immediately to Social Care by
telephone and follow up with written CAF referral
form. (tel. Referral and Assessment 020 7926
6508. Out of hours ( 5pm-9am) 0207 926 1000. If
you think a child is in immediate danger contact
the police on 999 - 2) Child has additional needs
- Seek parent/carers consent to share information
on a CAF - Complete a CAF and engage identified services
20Common Assessment Framework
- Pre assessment checklist
- A tool to allow professionals to decide whether a
CAF is necessary, utilising the five Every Child
Matters Outcomes - CAF Form
- Undertake a Common Assessment with consent from
the parent/carer and/or young person, when it
will assist the child to achieve one or more of
the five ECM outcomes
Designed for when - There are concerns about
progress - Needs are unclear - The support of
more than one agency may be needed
- Need not be done when
- - Progress is good
- - Needs are identified and being met
21CAF Assessment Headings
22The CAF as part of a continuum
Targeted Meeting Specific needs when required
Acute Serious Chronic and complex needs
Universal Every day needs
23Who to Contact
- Lambeth Children and Families Social Care
- 020 7926 7856
- Team around the Child
- South East 020 7926 5723
- South West 020 7926 5724
- North 020 7926 5710
- Adult Mental Health Teams
- North Sector 020 3228 7200
- South East Sector 020 3228 5600
- South West Sector 020 3228 8100
- Police Child Abuse Investigation Team
- 020 7230 3700
24Mental Health Protocol
- Going Forward
- CAF Training is being rolled out across adult
social care and mental health services in 2009. - Email caf_at_lambeth.gov.uk for training dates and
to apply - Joint training for mental health and childrens
workers is - planned for the autumn 2009
- See LSCB website for more details about joint
training -
- http//lambethscb.org.uk/
25Mental Health Protocol
- In Lambeth every
- child matters
- Thank you