Title: David Ward
1Data/MC comparisons
- David Ward
- Have previously reported on comparison of Feb05
DESY data with Geant4 Monte Carlos. - Issues with upstream material and tracking
cutoffs in G4. - Here give an update using latest modifications in
Geant4 and Mokka.
2Recent changes to codes
- Geant4.8.0 changes to e/m processes to reduce
dependence on tracking cutoffs. Find there is no
sensitivity to cutoffs in terms of performance
and little effect on speed. - Bertini model for Kaons implemented. Need to set
G4BERTINI_KAON before comiliation of Geant4
(needed for LCPhys physics list). - Mokka 5.4 is NOT compatible with GEANT4.8.0.
Recently received from Paulo a test version
Mokka_G4.8.0 which is. Mokka 5.5 released last
night not yet tested. - Mokka now contains a realistic representation of
upstream detectors (scintillators, drift
chambers) thanks to Fabrizio Salvatore (10X0 of
3Hit energy /MIPS
All plots 1 GeV electron data / MC
Clearly better, but not perfect
4Hit energy - tail
5Total ECAL energy
Still 2-3 discrepancy, but much better
6No. hits (0.6 MIP threshold)
3 low
7Energy vs plane
Showering a bit late? Upstream material?
8Energy in first layer /MIP
10 X0
15 X0
9Shower barycentre x /mm
Start 1 GeV beam _at_ z-10m as a pencil beam. Beam
width generated by multiple scattering. Almost
However, for 2, 3 GeV beam, need 5mm spread _at_
-10m to generate observed width.
10Shower barycentre y /mm
11Effect on 10 GeV p- showers?
- Random angles (isotropic)
- Reconstruct clusters using Alex Rasperezas
TrackwiseClustering (MAGIC gives similar
trends). Energy scaled by truth. - Compare LHEP (G4/Mokka default) with LCPhys
(favoured?) hadronic physics list - Geant 4.8.0 has the improved electromagnetic
tracking favoured by CALICE data. - Typically see effects of 15-25 varying
Mokka Geant Model Etot Rms E Eecal Ehcal Nclu
4.1 4.7.0? LCPhys 0.959 0.220 0.40 0.56 1.55
5.4 4.7.1_p01 LHEP 0.902 0.196 0.42 0.48 1.39
G4.8.0 4.8.0 LHEP 0.973 0.216 0.45 0.53 1.43
G4.8.0 4.8.0 LCPhys 1.022 0.238 0.42 0.60 1.61