Title: Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink
1Water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink
- Talk by Ron Oxburgh
- Hong Kong 11January 2002
- Material derived from many sources but
particularly from Postel et al., Science,1996
2Water Cycle annual fluxes
RAIN 110
RAIN 390
- only 2.5 of the Earths water is fresh
- 2/3 of fresh water (1.73) exists as ice
- remainder 0.77 10,665 km3 (rivers, lakes,
swamps atmosphere) - all human extraction is from runoff
- much is inaccessible
- uncertainty in estimates
4The Present
5Inaccessible Water
Global Runoff global popln. Amazon
15 0.4 Zaire/Congo 3.5 1.3 Tundra rivers
5 0.2 21 of Global Runoff is not
61990 Global water use and consumption
7Different Water Withdrawals
Min. flow
8The past
9Global water withdrawals over time, per cap.
10Population, water withdrawals irrigation
- driven by food needs
- much of Earths surface too steep, too cold or
too dry for cultivation - irrigation allows cultivation in some dry areas
enhances yield in others - BUT irrigation water is CONSUMED
- at present is 80 of consumption
- significant energy for pumping
12Increase in irrigated land area
13 World land use 1700 - 2000
14Rice yields in Japan 600 - 2000
15Irrigated Area Vs World Population 1950 2000
16The Future
17World Population(middle estimate)
18Population Growth and Water Needs
19What next?
- Water not where needed - population growth in
wrong places - Climate change
- Novel resources ?
- desalination - expensive in energy
- Ice
- Pipe-lines -water expensive to transport
20Santa Barbara story
- 1970s drought
- Water only 0.47/m3 - severe W shortage!
- Desalination plant and pipe line built
- 1996 Water now expensive - 1.55/m3
- demand drops to 61 of pre-drought level
- desal. plant unnecessary (now only as back-up)
- not enough water overall there will be problems
- so solutions have to be more or less local
- New technology
- Litigation
- War?