Title: World Strides Splash Into Science
1World StridesSplash Into Science
- Everglades National Park, Florida Keys, More!
- May 26-30, 2008
2What is the Splash Into Science Program?
- Offered by WorldStrides which is an educational
travel company. (http//www.worldstrides.com) - They are accredited
- Offer experiences in science outside of the
classroom through educational and exciting
destinations in Florida .
3Learn about Unique EcoSystems
Group arrives in Miami, FL and is met by
a WorldStrides representative. Orientation Student
s are welcomed by their Course Leader and
participate in an activity that introduces
the program and education topics Waves and
Water Energy and Ecosystems Atmospheric
Cycles Marine Life Environmental Interactions Mari
ne Careers Beach Snorkel Undersea Orientation Get
acquainted with snorkeling in the ocean
at Pennekamp State Park, the first undersea park
in the United States. Lunch Dolphin
Experience Dolphin Diversity Get into the water
with these playful mammals and study their
anatomy and physiology and marine animal
behavior patterns. Practice classification
principles and discover how internal structures
serve to help animals survive and adapt in
different conditions or environments. Nature
Hike Mangroves and Wild Tamarinds Navigate trails
and boardwalks through the mangrove swamps
at Pennekamp State park. Students may even
have close encounters with herons, egrets,
and cormorants. Dinner Island Dolphin Care The
Turtle Hospital Coral Reef Fish
Identification Garden Cove Kayak Trip Mangrove
Mystery Students kayak through four different
Floridian habitats as they study different
ways in which organisms interact and depend on
one another through food chains within these
different ecosystems.
- Garden Cove Kayak Trip
- Mangrove Mystery Students kayak through four
different Floridian habitats as they study
different ways in which organisms interact and
depend on one another through food chains within
these different ecosystems.
4Curry Hammock State Park
- Seagrass Exploration
- Students become field scientists as they collect
organisms and water samples to understand various
threats to the seagrass beds in this group of
5Species Identification
- Identify plants and animals in these unique
6Lifetime Experiences!
- Dolphin Experience -
- Island Dolphin Care Center
- Turtle Hospital
- Pennekamp State Park (underwater park)
- Reef Snorkel Trip
8How much will it cost?
- Splash Into Science program price 1,898 (quad
occupancy) - Includes the non-refundable 79 registration fee.
9What does the price include?
- Round-trip airfare
- Sightseeing transportation
- Hotel accommodations
- All Meals
- All admissions fees
- Tips
- Course Leader
- Field Journals
- On-line educational resources
- Accident health insurance
- Night chaperones in hotel
10How are we ever going to pay for this????
- A large bank account ?
- Visa Payment plans WorldStrides
- ECA tax credit (Ms. Alexander will explain)
- Other fund-raising opportunities through
11Where do we stay?
- Key Largo Florida City
12What are the meal arrangements?
- Meals are provided
- students are given meal vouchers
13What if someone needs medical attention?
- Always within 10 miles of hospital.
- Students will be asked to provide insurance
information on registration form. Any students
on medication will be responsible for taking it
on their own.
14Who supervises the students on program?
- They are with responsible adults 24/7!
- (teachers, course leaders, program leaders,
security guards)
15Ready to ship em off?
- Students will be notified if they have been
chosen to participate - Turn in 400 deposit to the bookstore with the
white ECA sheets. (money will not be taken
without the white ECA form (8161) or a parent
letter opting out of the ECA tax credit)
16Who Can Participate?
- Students who do not display good behavior
throughout the year will be eliminated from
participation. (suspensions, ALC placement, etc.) - If removed from the program (Student will receive
a refund except for 79 non-refundable plus other
WorldStrides fees if in the FRP)
17When is the balance of the money due?
- All remaining balances must be paid to
WorldStrides by March 12, 2009.
18What if my child cannot go after paying the
- WorldStrides Full Refund Program
- WorldStrides Standard Cancellation Policy
- Any money contributed as ECA money will not be
refunded at anytime. (no double dipping!)
19No late deposits will be taken. If you miss this
deadline, you will not be permitted to attend.
20Program Coordinator
- Got Questions?
- 480-472-8377
- Kimberly Franklin
21May 2009 Florida SCIENCE TRIP
Dont Miss It!
22Any questions we can answer now?