Title: Electronic Data Submissions
1Electronic Data Submissions
- Washington, DC
- June 10, 2004
- Presenter Ujjval Shukla
- U.S. EPA
2 Session Overview
- Summary of the Electronic Data Reporting (EDR)
Process - Data Reporting Process Basics, EPA
Software/User Registration, Submission and
Compliance Periods - Emissions Tracking System (ETS) and EDR Data
Checking - ETS Feedback Reports and Status Codes
- Relationship between your EDR and EPAs Annual
3Summary Data Reporting Process
Source installs and maintains monitoring systems
Source electronically submits hourly
emissions data (NOx tons) to EPA each quarter
EPA provides feedback to source
EPA receives, processes, quality assures, and
publishes data
4Data Reporting ProcessBasics
- The data needs to be reported in the EDR format
- EDR Instructions and format http//www.epa.gov/air
markets/reporting/edr21/index.html - Sources can be quarterly reporters or ozone
season reporters. - EPA identifies reports that were not submitted by
the appropriate reporting deadline - Use the EPA-provided software to submit your EDR
5ETS-FTP v2.0
- EPA-provided software that allows submittal of
the EDR files to the EPAs mainframe Emissions
Tracking System (ETS) - Sources will receive instant feedback reports
- SecuRemote
- EPA-provided software that ensures secure
transmission of data to EPAs mainframe - Must be used in conjunction with ETS-FTP
6ETS-FTP/SecuRemote User Registration
- Register to receive User ID and passwords for
ETS-FTP/SecuRemote - Follow user registration instructions on web site
at www.epa.gov/airmarkets/reporting/process.htmlu
serreg - Download ETS-FTP software and instructions
- www.epa.gov/airmarkets/reporting/etsftp/index.html
- Authorized Account Representatives (AARs) can
register their staff persons as authorized users
to receive their own User ID and passwords - EPA Security Policy NO sharing of User ID and
7Data Reporting Process Submission Periods
- EDR are required to be submitted during the 30
days following last day of the calendar quarter - Quarter Submission
Period - 1st Quarter April 1 - April 30
- 2nd Quarter July 1 - July 30
- 3rd Quarter October 1 - October 30
- 4th Quarter January 1 -
January 30 - includes Ozone Season
8Data Reporting Process 2004 Compliance Periods
- Compliance Period for sources in States that were
part of the OTC NOx Budget Trading Program - May 1 - September 30
- Compliance Period for NOx Budget Trading Program
units located in Alabama, Kentucky, North
Carolina, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio,
South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, and West
Virginia (States that were not part of the OTC
NOx Budget Trading Program) - May 31 - September 30
9Data Reporting Process 2004 Compliance Periods
- Beginning in 2005, all units will have the same
compliance period - May 1 - September 30
- It is important to note that regardless of the
compliance periods, the hourly and cumulative
emissions in the EDR files must be reported for
the complete Ozone Season (May 1 - September 30).
10ETS and EDRData Checking
- When you submit EDR to EPA, ETS applies automated
data checks to your data. - Examples of ETSs basic checks
- Does the quarterly report and each data record
have the correct format and structure? - Are the Facility code (ORISPL) and
Unit/Stack/Pipe IDs correct? - Are the required record types present?
11ETS and EDR Data Checking (contd)
- Examples of ETSs hourly/cumulative checks
- Does the sum of hourly data equal the reported
cumulative values? - Does each recalculated hourly emissions value
equal the reported value? - ETS also compares hourly data against the
reported monitoring plan information
12ETS and EDR Data Checking Feedback Reports
- After checking the EDR, ETS generates a feedback
report. - The Feedback Report contains EPA letter
w/receipt, the Report Status Code, the error
descriptions, and most importantly the
EPA-accepted emissions values. - You may resubmit an EDR to correct identified
errors or other deficiencies, and receive an
updated feedback report.
13ETS Status Code Summary for EDR
- Acceptable Status Codes
- Status Code 10 ETS detected no reporting errors
future action may be required - Status Code 9 Quarterly Report contains
informational errors - Status Code 7 Report indicates non-operational
unit/stack - Critical rejection Status Codes
- Status Code 6 Quarterly Report Rejected
- Status Code 5 Critical Error Rejection
14Guidance for Correcting and Resubmitting EDR files
- Status Codes 5 and 6 (Critical Errors found)
- Correct the critical and rejection errors
identified in your feedback report - Resubmission is required
- Status Code 9 (Informational Errors found)
- Resubmission encouraged but not required
- EPA may reclassify informational errors as
critical errors in the future
15ETS Additional Data Checking
- After all EDR files are received, EPA performs
additional off-line Quality Assurance checks - Additional checks that are not currently built
into ETS (these may become future automated ETS
checks) - Audit reviews performed by the Emissions
Monitoring Branch (EMB) - EPA may require resubmission based on results
16The EDR and Annual Reconciliation
- The EPA-accepted emissions values in your EDR
feedback report are used for compliance - Your allowance holdings are compared to the
EPA-accepted emissions values in the EDR to
determine if your units are in compliance
17Feedback Report Example of Typical EPA-Accepted
18Feedback Report Example of 2004-only
EPA-Accepted Emissions
----------------------------- 3/2004
VALUE ORISPL 0000001 Plant
Name Some Plant
Unit/Stack/Pipe ID CT1 --------------------------
- Alternate 2004 Cumulative Ozone Season NOx
Mass Emissions (tons) 75.1
----------------------------- NOTE The value
displayed above is the EPA-Accepted NOx Mass
value for the 2004 Ozone Season. The
Alternate Cumulative 2004 Ozone Season NOx Mass
value displayed above is calculated from the
hourly NOx Mass Emissions values reported in RT
328 or RT 360 from May 31, 2004 through
September 30, 2004. This table is only displayed
for sources located in the following States
AL, IL, IN, KY, MI, NC, OH, SC, TN , VA and WV.
These States are using an alternate Ozone Season
Compliance period for 2004.
19Quality of EDR is Important
- Accurate emissions values are critical because
they are used for compliance purposes - Hourly emissions data are used by EPA for
compliance so every hour must be correct - Incorrect hourly emissions can cost you
- Be sure to check your EDR files and correct
problems before submitting them to EPA
20Where is The Data Available?
- Program data is available on the Clean Air
Markets web site by using Data and Maps page at - http//cfpub.epa.gov/gdm
- Generate reports or downloaded annual, ozone
season, quarterly, monthly, daily, and hourly
emissions data - Download as reported emission files (Raw
Emissions Data) and compliance reports - For specific data inquiries contact Ketan Patel
- at (202) 343-9144
21ETS User Bulletins
- ETS User Bulletins provide information regarding
all new and upgraded quality assurance checks - Bulletins provide updates on reporting issues and
compliance - Available at
- www.epa.gov/airmarkets/reporting/bulletins/index.h
- Use ETS-FTP/SecuRemote to submit your EDR files
and receive instant ETS feedback reports.
Monitoring Data Checking (MDC) must not be used
for EDR submittals. - ETS feedback report is not same as the MDC
feedback report. - Your ETS feedback report identifies errors and
displays the EPA-accepted emissions values - Quality of emissions data is important because
EPA uses the data to determine compliance - For further information on ETS and EDR reporting
23Questions !!!